[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Due to the clarification of what this version is (I did not know it because I’m not interested in something like that), then it should not be helped here …

I have serious computer problems, so I can’t update or fix my tool atm.
I hope to be back next week with an update. So stay tuned :slight_smile:

There seems to be an issue with the 1.64 version. After roughly 3 hours, the game will freeze while changing zones. It can happen anywhere from 2 hours to 4 hours, but my experience it’s been around 3 hours. Not running the tool I don’t get any crashes until I hit 9 or 10 hours. Let me know if there is any diagnostic files I can get you; yes I’ve validated my files.

Maybe you have the dps meters all opened? The dps meter should actually be used for testing of character dps on a dummy for example, it looks like it uses lots of CPU resources as Glocky reported.

Wanna post here what options you were using?
Yesterday i was like 6-7 hours continuously MP gaming and we didnt crash once.

Grim Dawn crashes here on my computer every 1-2 hours and that without using Grim Internals.
So I assume that on my system are erroneous system files and/or erroneous Visual C++ Redistributables
that were linked together with Grim Internals, which could produce a memory leak on your side. But thats just a guess.

I will backup all important stuff from my harddrive and then reinstall windows and the compiler (and all other tools). That will take a while. :rolleyes:

Anyways if you can use Grim Internals for 3 hours that’s ok; you can then take a break, breathe some fresh air and then restart Grim Internals. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s weird that on some computer Grim Internals didn’t crash, and on some computer very often.
I have to rewrite some unsafe code in the future.

I’ll be offline for a few days to reinstall everything.
Wish me luck! :slight_smile:

I’ll be live in roughly 40 minutes time, and I will turn off the DPS listings. If there is a memory leak it’s not being reported by task mgr, as my grim dawn.exe rarely hits the 2gb limit. Usually stays around 1.3gb to 1.5gb.

PS - Wanted to say thanks for the hot option to turn on/off pickup of rares :slight_smile:

Hi GlockenGerda

This is becoming a very intrigering tool in China. I’d like to assist to have it fully localized from the display panel to all info.

Could you share all related texts?


Check on the first post of his in this thread, if i recall thats where the localization file is

I think what he wants is to translate the configuration panel and all its chips.
Although it is not indispensable for use, I also hope that all items can be translated.

Anyway, now, the Japanese translation is a compatible version of this tool which added necessary items and explained it. Thanks.

Thank you so much for this tool GlockenGerda!

That only covers damage display. I was wondering if we can the whole thing translated. :wink:

So I discovered an interesting bug with this. If I join a game with instanced looting turned off, auto loot works perfectly fine. However, if I host a game with instanced looting off, auto loot will not work at all whatsoever.

Fully localized is not possible atm, because this tool is not in its final state.
That means, some text could be removed/added or changed in the future.
But my plan is to localize all text.

Thanks for your work! It looks great, although I understand not very much…:smiley:

AutoPickup is disabled in MP with non-instanced loot mode selected.
I will check why it is not working when joining a MP game.
Thanks for the bug report.

Update v1.65

  • Monsternames and healtbars are now centered (more or less).
  • Damage meters (dealt-, pets- and taken dps) temporary disabled (I have to investigate some memory-leaks and crashes related to this).
    [li]optional: added a memory monitor (default: off) [/li]If the counter exceeds 3,200 MB of used memory, the color turns red; that indicates that the game could crash soon.
    To avoid the crash you should restart Grim Internals.

I tested this version several hours without getting a crash (only single player mode)
So please report if you encounter any crashes.

It works when joining a MP non instanced loot game, only when hosting one does it not work. Can you change/fix this?

I thought I have mentioned it already, but I only said I’ll check it.
so, Yes, I’ll fix that of course, but it hasn’t make it into v1.65.

I hope you’re playing with friends who are aware you’re using auto-pickup if you’re playing without instanced loot. Otherwise they’re gonna wonder how you’re able to swipe up everything that falls almost before they can even see it.