[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Welcome back bro,hopefully your pc problems sorted out.
Since i MP mostly hopefully if i get any crashes ill inform you for the 1.65 and i noticed some of the lore from the ground are autolooted(instanced loot = true). Ill properly check it and i will tell you.

-Pehwraah proposed if it was possible to add a sound fx of our own for the legendary drop.
-The healthbars wont appear if i set the: Show Monster values to Champions+ or further
-If the: Use only 1 text line is on False then there is a big gap between the name and the healthbars
-The flowing effects like : Bleeding, Poisoned, Trapped etc can be colorcoded ?also bleeding looks like has a bigger font and different color
-Any chance to have a third infobox? For simple infos such as pot cooldowns/memusage.
-Check the Adoomgod’s mod for monsters to have stronger values in MP games, so we dont have to add mod ;p
-Possibility to set the maximum healthbars? To draw even less in case peeps have old setups. If it happens and if possible make sure only it works on the Common type of monsters and not the Champions+
-Possible to make the monster names separate from the values and the % values? For example i want it to show the names from Champions+ and further when looking for particular monsters and not to get clustered with the common monster names.

My eyes are in tears <3 the only thing was missing was to align names and healthbars in the middle of character, i can die in peace now

Gonna skip this version, I think I haven´t had a crash in 3 weeks.
Thanks for all the work!

Bu…but…but the names and healthbars are aligned in the middle aboce the character <3

We each go solo and farm by ourselves.

Thanks Darky! My pc seems fully functional again.

Since i MP mostly hopefully if i get any crashes ill inform you for the 1.65 and i noticed some of the lore from the ground are autolooted(instanced loot = true). Ill properly check it and i will tell you.

That’s a kind of a problem. If you join a MP game the flag for instanced loot/ non instanced loot is always set to non-instanced loot (at least what I saw in the GAME::GameInfo structure); regardless what the host set it to.
So I can’t disable AutoPickUp for MP games with non-instanced loot mode, because I can’t see what loot mode the host have set. At least not for the moment. I’ll figure it out one day.

-Pehwraah proposed if it was possible to add a sound fx of our own for the legendary drop.

I overread his question. Thanks for reminding me.

-The healthbars wont appear if i set the: Show Monster values to Champions+ or further

I can’t reproduce it. I see the healthbars when set to Champions+ or further. Sorry.

-If the: Use only 1 text line is on False then there is a big gap between the name and the healthbars

I’ll check. Thanks!

-The flowing effects like : Bleeding, Poisoned, Trapped etc can be colorcoded ?also bleeding looks like has a bigger font and different color

The floating text effects are using .dbr files
e.g: for the bleeding/poison effect I use the file “records/ui/styles/text/style_floatingtext_combatplayercritical.dbr”
all other effects are using file “records/ui/styles/text/style_floatingtext_combatenemyblock.dbr”

The colors are defined in those files.
I’ll think about it if I could/should add these .dbr strings to the config .ini file, so everyone could change them.

-Any chance to have a third infobox? For simple infos such as pot cooldowns/memusage.

Not yet, but in the future. I’m focused on bug-fixing right now.
Also I want to play other games like Wolcen this week :slight_smile:

-Check the Adoomgod’s mod for monsters to have stronger values in MP games, so we dont have to add mod ;p

Nah, I do not check his mod. I already have plans (for the distant future) to make stronger monsters or to add a new game mode., but I do it my way. I don’t want to steal adoomgod’s work.

-Possibility to set the maximum healthbars? To draw even less in case peeps have old setups. If it happens and if possible make sure only it works on the Common type of monsters and not the Champions+

I’m not sure I understand correctly. Do you mean the amount of healthbars, or the size?

-Possible to make the monster names separate from the values and the % values? For example i want it to show the names from Champions+ and further when looking for particular monsters and not to get clustered with the common monster names.

I could do that, sure!

My eyes are in tears <3 the only thing was missing was to align names and healthbars in the middle of character, i can die in peace now

I’m glad you like that! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome!
May I ask how long such a game session last that you can play without crashes?

Finally again a thank you to me, instead of bug reports!
Thank you! :smiley:

I’m very sorry that I missed your post! :frowning:
You can not change the SFX yet, but I’ll think about adding this feature at some point.

Hm … I guess up to 8 hours, any longer than that, I usually hibernate the computer with the game running.
But I don´t use the item counter, buff/debuff text or dps meter(s), not sure if that makes any difference. I only need the autopickup and plain health bars for monsters.

About the lore autoloot i mentioned forget it, my mistake it wasn’t lore actually. /facepalm
I dont mean about the size of the healthbars but the amount to draw.
To draw less(maybe set amount from ini too?) on the common class only monsters but the Champions+ always to appear.
This could help in crucible fight for old pc setups since most common creatures go down easier.
I play almost daily for like 5-6 hours and not a single crash so far

these above triggers are not working i suppose?

SaveGameLog=False this is also ignored? on false it still creates files

Also wanted to point out that on a vanilla game it uses the half memory than AoM just an observation

See you on bro
Wolcen looks great :smiley: amazing! enjoy your week

It is a pity that “PotionConstitutionMin = 75.000” does not work in 1.65. So I returned the version to 1.64.


RandomLoadingScreens works properly.
When set to True, images are randomly displayed, and if it is set to False, it will not be random display.

In which folder is the SaveGameLog created? I want to see it but I do not know where it is.

Here is the link to the miserable description
But keep in mind, I’ll remove this feature as soon as v1.0.7.0 comes out,
because it is then obsolete; v1.0.7.0 will have random loading pics too :wink:

SaveGameLog=False this is also ignored? on false it still creates files

Grim Dawn creates an empty file by default.

Also wanted to point out that on a vanilla game it uses the half memory than AoM just an observation

See you on bro
Wolcen looks great :smiley: amazing! enjoy your week

Thanks, same to you!

Oops, will be fixed soon.

In which folder is the SaveGameLog created? I want to see it but I do not know where it is.

You can find it under “c:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\log.html”
The tool creates the game log only when you play a custom mod.
I have no intention to enable it for the main campaign. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for reply. I did not notice it because it has very little content. :rolleyes:

Little content? Do you have enabled it? :smiley:
Also keep in mind, the game log will be created after you’ve exit the game.

The will come earlier than the expansion if i recall along with the 64 bit?
Cant remember well Zant said in a stream.
Also keep in mind when this version comes out maybe when you run it the way i do from steam might always start with the 32 bit version? Maybe add a selector in the ini for this? No idea how it works tbh

The screenshot on death is bugged on my machine, how it works tho?

Yup, I was wrong. It was a tremendous amount I could not understand. :eek: :smiley:

Is it actually possible to swap the legendary sound to something … friendlier? The very first time I heard that sound I thought I had a serious Windows Error. -.-

Feature request
The tool warns you on nemesis spawns, but I’d much rather see a warning when the character is tagged with resistance reduction. Dropping resistances from 83+ down below 50% is deadlier than Aleks’ meteor, and the icon the game displays in the bottom right isn’t eye-catching enough.

I’m going to assume that tracking debuffs like Curse of Frailty might not be practical unless you track the resistance stat itself (which also might not be practical if you account for weapon swapping with resists on shields for example), but “reduced target’s resistance” should be simple enough to do.

You can add the debuffs text with as an indication which tbh helps a lot too.

One more notification on screen like the alert one will bloat the whole thing cause the debuffs come and go with small timers.
Now about the 50% you mentioned i kind of liking the idea with an alert.

OOOr even add any value we want it to be shown in the ini (wink wink at Glocky ;p)