[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)


Just started using this tool for the auto pickup function which is so so nice. Is it possible though to adjust the item pickup to be Blue+? or maybe Blue+ and Monster Infrequents? that’d be awesome.

Many thanks for the fantastic tool!

The x64 version is in a separate folder, so Grim Internals does not conflict with it.
Besides, Grim Internals will not work with the x64 version anyway.

The screenshot on death is bugged on my machine, how it works tho?

Could you test it with v1.66 again?
I’ll release a testversion shortly.

That is actually not possible; perhaps I’ll add such a feature after the release of “Forgotten Gods”.

Unfortunately I have to say that I’m not adding any new features to Grim Internals before the release of the new expansion next year.

You’re welcome!
I’m not a friend of the idea to auto-pickup epic+ items,
but on my to-do list is a function where the user can select a
prefix and/or a suffix of an item, and if this item with these selected prefix/suffix drops,
the user gets an notification.

Update v1.66 Testversion

  • Damage meters are back again.
    [li]Auto-PickUp is enabled for MP with non-instanced mode (as requested).[/li](But I reserve the right to change this behavior in the future.)
    [li]Decimal separators: For the english/american version I’m using the ‘,’ for all other languages I’m using the ‘.’; I hope this is ok. [/li](I don’t use any windows locale functions anymore to get the language related separator; I got too many unexpected errors.)
  • Removed the checkbox Show Duration for Debuffs; the durations now are always shown.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “dropped legendary item sfx” to play 2x sometimes.
  • … and some other changes I forgot due brain leak … :eek:

I’m again off for a few days; please feel free to test this version and report any bugs. Thank you!

awww it hurts that on 64 bit it wont work :frowning: i might stop using it inf the game goes better due to memory limitation :frowning: No chance ever to make it work i suppose?
Ill check the 1.66 bro and will inform you

Edit : The screenshot still causes problem on me, maybe its my gfx?


I have to withdraw my previous statement.
After a fresh windows 10 installation I get now the same memory leak as I described here in the bug-report thread.

I can’t believe that I’m the only one who encountered such a behavior. :frowning:

Im sure this is the reason why most peeps crash after a while. There are so many reports around crashes freezes. The last time that this happened to me and i reported to you i thought it was the dps meter but no, everything was disabled
For some reason now i stopped crashing. I have the memory check always on to but it never now goes more than 1.5k
Tried checking your ramsticks? Memtest86

Making a new version for x64 would do a lot of work.
But I do not want to rule out that there will be one at some point.

Do you use the / d3d9 switch? Can you test if the screenshot works without this switch?

So I have no problems with the screenshots, I’m sorry!

Im sure 95%of the ppl playing the game will witch to 64 bit in time cause after its the “future” I undestand that you have to keep releasing both versions in the end and it will be too much to bother with :frowning:
Do what you can with it bro

That was the problem with the screenshot, i dont use dx9 anymore.
On dx9 works perfectly.

Edit :
Also i wanted to remind you in the next version to add the possibility to separate the names to show between common+ champions+ etc
My mistake :o you actually fixed that! yay

Thanks for the updates man


I have to ask something in this context:

how to write the command

/d3d9 correct? I came across different information …

With spaces: /_d3d9 or

Without spaces: /d3d9

The underscore _ is only for display and should show the space.


Since i use the tool on steam with the an extra shortcut i add it in the launch options. No idea how to do it on GoG or when its not added on steam :s

i also use steam. But I do not know what exactly is written in this line in the startup options? Can you explain it in more detail?

Does this pic help? Im a bit confused from your question
Just press OK there and you are set to go.

You dont must be confused :wink:

I’m a german and I translate these website with google if I dont understand. My english is good, but not the best.

And the translation set this “Free space” between / and d3d9, so that I dont know how the term is correctly written.

I dont know why the translateted website shows the free space.

I hope you understand it.

Edit: thanks for the pic, this helps… :wink:

No need to put this “_” underscore, just what i showed in the pic

thanks for the pic, this helps… :wink:

Thanks for the new version that the damage meters can display.
And I love this auto-pickup mode because it makes easier to restore the worn constitution. :smiley:

Hättest Du auch bei “uns” haben können!?

Siehe hier: https://titanquest.4fansites.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=229186#229186

Ja, das Problem kenne ich, die Übersetzungstools machen da oft ein Leerzeichen zu viel wo rein!

Da muss man sich dann halt am Original orientieren … :wink:

Sorry for my German answers, but it’s easier for me. :eek: :wink: