[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

ich kann es ja zu Englisch zurückübersetzen zum üben :wink:

ja ich hab das hier halt beim durchlesen, weil ich bei Grim Internals zZ eigentlich jeden Tag mitlese, weil da viel los ist, gesehen und da kam mir gleich der Gedanke mit der korrekten Schreibweise.

Mir ist das schon paarmal aufgefallen, nicht nur mit d3d9 und hab dann gemerkt, dass das an dem Übersetzer liegt wahrscheinlich.

Deshalb hatte ich den Parameter auch korrekt in der Startoptionenzeile die ganze Zeit schon drin und es gab ja auch keine Fehlermeldungen. Wollte da nur sicher gehen.

Auf dieser Seite werden ja auch viele Parameter mit Bindestrich angegeben und das war mir dann zuviel Durcheinander.



OMG, DX11 is the problem for scrap screenshots! :rolleyes:

Thanks for this info … :eek: :wink:

Na klar, wäre auch für mich nicht schlecht … :wink:

Schon ok, ist mir halt nur aufgefallen, beim Mitlesen.

Aha …

Wobei es hier aber ein anderes Game ist und man nie Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen sollte!

Anderes Game, andere Parameter (inkl. anderer Schreibweise mitunter) …

That would be just awesome. :cool:

Your tool is actually making the game much more fun. That autopickup is just to nice. Great work!

Is it possible to use this mod with the GOG version and /d3d9?
I tried to use it and the mod works fine, but it deactivate the /d3d9 so the game’s performance is worse while playing using this mod.

I have no idea how to play with this mode while using the /d3d9 setting.

Cant help you on that bro :confused: i dont have it on GoG but i do have it on steam. On steam i dont have problems at all.
Also to make it the ./d3d9 option to work on steam you have to add it on both shortcuts if you add it as a non steam game. Maybe you ahve to do the same thing with GoG? :s

Hey you actually DID help. I thought that making a shortcut from GrimInternals.exe and using /d3d9 on it wouldn’t do anything, but after reading your comment i did just that and it worked no problem =].

I don’t know if that’s what you meant when you said “to work on steam you have to add it on both shortcuts”, but it helped nonetheless.


I meant this is the way I make it to work on steam ;p enjoy

Why have I only just found this? What a massive QOL util this is. TYVM for this util. Makes my farming runs so much bearable.

I want to change a message, “rare item rooted” and “R.I.P.” to korean translation.
Could you upload v1.65 localization text file?

Did you find a way to use a controller with this mod? I’m having the exact same issue with Steam and Big Picture Mode.


When I use version 1.65 (which is the one you linked to in your first post), the legendary fx drop sound is played twice per drop (at least). Very weird, just fyi.

Using version 1.66 now, which works perfectly for me, all is well, even the Nemesis-Alert seems to be working bug - free now.


Edit: Version 1.66 link.

Same here btw.

Regarding the memory leak theory: long before I discovered this amazing tool (meanwhile can’t live without it) GD crashed and nothing helped. I made it a habit of running task manager on the 2nd monitor and well, 3 gb+ was the magic number. Applying 4 gb patch, running dx9, submitting countless bug reports, nothing helped.

I eventually figured that the GPU driver was the culprit. Haven’t updated the drivers in ages, cause it’s the last version that runs some legacy games.

Might be coincidence or not, but I doubt that either GD itself or griminternals is causing the crashes

Hello. Thanks for the mod. I have double sound issue for legendary drop as well just like people above.
Can you make the tool compatible with Grim Damage tool just like you did for GrimCam, please?

If you are getting blac screen and sound only its the GPU drivers,make sure you set FPS to 60 max and keep checking

I dont know the differences with grim damage, but you can use the DPS meter of the internals built in bro

Ok you must be using the 1.65 that he has in first page
Use this one instead

Yea I use 1.65 version. The built in DPS meter just doesn’t work for me, all options are greyed out. Grim Damage has nice convenient interface and stuff but refuses to work along with Internals… Did you post a link? :confused: I can’t see it for some reason.

Ta da: Version 1.66 link.

Use this one, dps meters are enabled.

I think GlockenGerda is on vacation or something …

Thanks a lot, works just fine ^^

Hmm, I have a strange memory leak when my char stands still beneath a cave exit. I can see my memory usage grows rapidly.
I can’t say whether my graphicscard driver is causing this issue or one of the shaders that Grim dawn is using for the cave exit is responsible. Weird!

…“or something” is the answer! :smiley:

Atm I’m playing some other games than Grim Dawn,
but as soon as v1.0.7.0 comes out, I’ll publish an update for Grim Internals!

AFAIK the development of Grim Damage was abandoned.
Also I don’t use it. So I can’t change my tool to work together with Grim Damage.
I’m sorry!