[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Did you not get any messages about it? When Darkstalix tried the one he had for her he got a message that the e-mail no longer existed. :frowning_face: I’ve also PM’d her here and heard nothing.

Relax my guy. Everyone is grateful for her work, that is why there is still so much traffic here, and obviously she can do whatever she pleases. My point was, I am passionate about a project, I put work into it, I get bored of it, I pass it on to others that are still passionate about it instead of just abandon it. Does she HAVE to do that? NO. Would everyone be happy about it? YES.
And yes, it does feel like we are punished “just in case”.

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It’s still her choice and knowing what I know of her she didn’t do any of her decisions “just in case”. She was always very firm in her choices and sure of herself. Just like when she specifically stated she was not interested in donations at all or open-sourcing her work on GI etc.

Anyway, I would say pray that she is Ok. If memory serves shes from somewhere like Indonesia or somewhere in that area and I recall awhile back she mentioned some health problems. Hopefully her dropping off like this isn’t to do with that. But it’s always a possibility that she is really no longer able to return.

It’s also equally possible that she is just done with the tool and GD… As she said quite awhile ago she hasn’t been playing GD anymore for quite a bit.

So if you want to feel punished then feel punished. Seems to be all the rage these days. Personally, I think that’s a selfish new gen outlook that reeks of entitlement but what do I know anyway?

I installed it on the gog version and it crashes. Is there a way to solve it?
Thanks for the info,

Need to do this.

Ok my guy. You can’t comprehend words. Move on.

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Apparently, you can use gog galaxy to downgrade to version 9.7

Yes, or if you don’t use Galaxy you should be able to use the manual installers to install an older version of the game iirc.

Personally, I do not see how since manual installers are already updated to the version of the game.

You don’t see any older versions listed?

On steam go to grim dawn and click property than go to beta. You will see a box with none inside it, click it and change to

Not going to help them on GOG though.

i haven’t checked if (older) manual installers are available, if not, then use Galaxy to “update” your game to 9.7

*might also want to “double” backup the 9.7 x64 exe just incase too if this backwards update method becomes unavailable later

Here is the list for offline installers

As you can see there are patches for version to but if you want to download the whole game there are only in version

I already used galaxy to downgraded to as I stated in my previous post. You can check the screen screenshot, higher in this post, showing what installers are available.

I normally do not use galaxy. When it comes to gog i always download everything manually.

Anybody know why when I launch GI my game loads a black screen for a second then crashes and shows a crash prompt that says Grim Dawn has crashes, playing on steam

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because GI is not updated/not being updated anymore as the author is missing, and Grim Dawn is updated to 9.8 now so it’s incompatible unless you use the 9.7 overwrite trick
scrolling up through couple posts will show this

Works fine using the 1.9.7 64 bit exe still get all the benefits of 1.9.8 and GI confirmed with GOG version and it still syncs

I’m might be a little late to the party, but some things from GI that I would like to see in the main game are:

  1. image
    The increased range make gameplay way smoother

  2. image
    These are way more visible than the skillbar

  3. image
    This makes sorting and picking up items way more streamlined and leads to my next suggestion which is not related to GI

  4. Add Rainbow Filter (Full rainbow) to the base game and allow us to filter out MI items with no rare affix, unless you don’t have the transmog.


Cant anyone continue the project and update it?

We all hope to see the most important functions embedded into the basegame on one of the next updates fingerscrossed for lua log xD. In the meantime someone should ask ChatGPT ;D