[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

Is there any chance for the tool to crash the game if there are TOO MANY creatures on screen? Like in crucible the later waves are full of monsters and i have the health to be shown for all kinds of monsters. I have to try without it tho to make sure for my pc and the frequent crashes i have.

I’m suspecting this cause some friends that are using the tool crash from time to time the same way i do after the latest fixes with crashes(MP games mostly) and since they stopped using it…the crashes have subsided, oh well… for the most part.

Can you take a look at it?

Also in Coven refuge one of the dragon-like statues shows health values(near the npc)

I do not own Crucible, so I can’t answer your question.
Perhaps some other users here can say something about crashes; I can play the normal campaign without any crashes for hours. So there is nothing I can do atm.

Merry Christmas to all!

Is there any chance to get more control over the text displays for pets?

As is, pets display exactly like enemies, but with 13 pets out, showing pet names is overwhelming, but at the same time, showing pet health is extremely useful since skeleton health isn’t displayed by the default game. On the other hand, being able to see names for Hero+ monsters is also incredibly useful. At the moment, I either have to give up seeing monster info that I want or have pet info I don’t want.

It would be awesome, if at least via the .ini file, more pet display options were available.

You checked with all the pet options from the configuration panel?
As i realized what exactly you need yes there is no option atm.
Glocken said he will work on it again but not now

Thanks and a question.

I’m trying to use SuperHotkey, which is a keyboard/mouse macro tool. It works fine when I launch “Grim Dawn.exe,” but when I launch “GrimInternals.exe,” it doesn’t work. The process name is “Grim Dawn” either way, so I don’t think the problem is the line:

#IfWinActive AHK_class Grim Dawn
;my stuff ...

but I’m far from sure. Any ideas how to get SuperHotkey to work with GrimInternals?

You could try to use the unique windows handle instead of the windows name…

	IfWinActive, % "ahk_id " GetHwnd( "Grim Dawn", "Grim Dawn.exe" )
		Msgbox, % "Grim Dawn is the active window (hWnd: " GetHwnd( "Grim Dawn", "Grim Dawn.exe" ) ")..."
		Msgbox, % "Grim Dawn window not active!`nActive hWnd: " WinExist( "A" ) " | Grim Dawn hWnd: " GetHwnd( "Grim Dawn", "Grim Dawn.exe" )

GetHwnd( process, exename )
	If WinExist( process ) {
		WinGet, WinID, List, %process%
		Loop, %WinID% {
			WinGet, ProcModuleName, ProcessName, % "ahk_id" WinID%A_Index%
			If( ProcModuleName = exename ) {
				If( WinID%A_Index% = WinActive( "A" ) )
					ThisID := WinActive( "A" )
				return WinID%A_Index%
	} else
		return false

any chance you’d be willing to release the code for refinement/customisation? i’m playing a skeleton pet build right now, and i would like to have the hp percentages up for them while i also have the hp percentages up for the enemy mobs. however because the same colour scheme is used for both allies and enemies, it’s very confusing and it sorta defeats the purpose of my using this mod in the first place.

a few potential solutions:

  • [li]using a separate colour scheme for allied units, for example:[/li]enemies: green - yellow - [orange] - red
    allies: blue - navy blue - [indigo] - purple
    (or heck, let us customise each stratum with hex codes)
  • using parenthesis around enemy hp % (as it is right now) but brackets[] around allied hp %

and although the percentage is very easy to read and understand, i want to try something a little more visual. i want to replicate a health bar by using ascii bar characters (ie. alt219 █ and alt221 ▌). each alt219 bar character would represent 25% health, so an alt221 bar is half that.

hp % values would be represented as a function defined by 0.5 * floor( hp% / 12.5 ). so 100% would be four bars, 99% would be three and a half bars, 62% would be two bars, 15% would be a half bar, but anything below 12.5% would be a half bar because showing no bars might be confusing when it’s not actually dead yet.

just my thoughts, hoping you will considering these changes or at least exposing the code so as to allow some minor changes by a fan :slight_smile:

The coven has a shrine in the middle of the village with 3 basilisk statues
One of them shows health values

I can confirm that with the tool you get many crashes on big fights with lots of creatures no matter how what health values are being shown or not

Yes, I stopped trying to use this due to the frequent crashes.

i noticed this behaviour with dermapteran egg clusters too. some of them have a life percentage, some don’t. the reason why this is so for them is because the ones with life percentages spawn some drones after they are killed, whereas the eggs that don’t show life don’t spawn drones on death.

can also confirm that this is buggy af and i crash a lot :frowning: sucks because there isn’t really an alternative option out there!

I was using this in multiplayer and the other player’s overhead hp display bugged out showing -300%. Also, is it possible to get mini health bars instead of numerical displays?

He cant draw healthbars i asked him way back due to limitations if i recall
I never had this bug you mentioned tho

I’m not 100% sure if it is GDI causing the following issue, but when I do multiple farm runs and log out to main screen to rinse/repeat, after about the 5th or 6th run the game locks up.

Tested this without the mod and managed over 10 runs without a lockup, which is what led me to believe it was the mod causing the problem.

You got problems with MP games with it? Especially crucible fights it mostly crashes, just wanted to make sure if im alone on this

I don’t do MP at all, and very rarely do crucible.

Hpefully Glocken might check it again when the new rogue update is introduced

rip 21 feb 2018 kills the exec

I stopped using it since i was crashing with this alot tho but yeh if glocken wont support it on this update expect rip ;p since is far away

Update v1.36
for Grim Dawn v1.0.5.0

  • small change: monsters must be attacked once to see their health status.

I’m sorry to hear that some users encounter crashes when they use my tool.
On my computer (Win 10, x64, i7-8700K CPU 3.70 GHz, 32 GB RAM) I can play for hours (single player, no Crucible) without any crash,
so there is nothing I can do atm to fix this issue.

Nevertheless, have fun with this tool!

BTW, don’t send me a PM if you have suggestions for this tool, write here in this thread, please! Thank you!

Thanks for the Update mate i will check it out and inform if anything is on
Maybe it crashes cause mostly im MPing with friends

Holy damn! 5 mins in game single player on the illusionist with the tool activated and waham! crashed gfx drivers