[Tool] Grim Internals (v1.1.9.8 only)

i must ask if this was a performance enhancement change, because i really don’t like it. i loved how i could see monsters coming up, because it gave me greater combat awareness. can you please turn this into an option?

The main reason for the change was: I do not care about the health of monsters if I do not attack them.
Second reason: less cpu load for every frame.
Third reason: I thought D3 did it that way too :wink:

But you’re right! Making the change optional is a good idea.
I’ll upload a new version within the next hour or so.

Update v1.36a

  • now optional: monsters must be attacked at least once to see their health status (default: off)
  • (can be enabled via Configurator (checkbox: Alt. Mode)

I was wondering how much of a performance hungry is it?
Its really weird cause i get gfx drivers crash with the tool, sometimes in 5 mins ,faster or sometimes just looking around on my things or even when idle
The issue i happening to both Nvidia and Radeon drivers(cause i mostly MP with friends)

Yesterday I played Crucible for testing purpose (yes, I bought it now …) until level 170 without a single crash.

So, no problems here on my side with the computer or the gfx card.
I have no clue why this tool crash on your computer :eek:

Regarding the performance:
Idle (no monster) ~ 0.07 ms (per cycle)

30 monster ~ 0.20 ms (per cycle)

hi glocken, thank you for adding the option to show life on mobs we haven’t hit yet!

just wondering, how much system ram/gfx ram do you have? i’ve got 8gb system ram and 3gb video ram, but i also have crashes occasionally with the tool, where normally i would not have any without it. the crash usually happens when i’ve kept the application open an hour or longer, and i re-enter a portal. i’ve also found that i tend to crash quite often in second floor of post-skeleton key steps of torment.

also, was wondering if you could implement a suggestion i posted earlier in the thread:

thanks again for the wonderful work! much appreciated

i want to have a option for that position of rectangle, like top left or etc.
advices for position of values is that health and name - two lines - top center of char or mobs:p. if you may implement autopickup.


Thanks for the testings man i appreciate it
Ok i was wondering if you are using DX9 or DX11 with the tool?
Nvidia or Radeon GFX?
I use the grimcam that you implemented it running with your tool so ill do more changes to check back and forth using it or no
This is my favorite tool in game and i really want to enjoy it tho man, my friends stopped using it due to the many crashes they had too

Thanks for your work dudio

Thank you, fabulosity, for the detailed infos about the ascii health bar.
Sadly I can’t integrate your suggestion as you wanted because of the fact that the textdraw-routine I use only accepts ascii codes between 32 and 122 decimal.
But I added a similar customizable health bar, that I’ll publish later (I have to do more tests).

Quick Look:

I can’t put the health values and names on top center of the mobs, because the draw routine is a 2D variant. I’ll possible change this in the future to a 3D version, if it cost not too much cpu load.
The autopickup idea sounds good. I’ve put it on my todo-list. Thanks!

I’m not using the /d3d9 command switch, so I play GD with dx11, I guess.
My gfx card is a NVIDIA Gtx 1080 ti.

It’s a pity that your friends (and you) not using this tool anymore because of crashes.
If no one can play it without crashes, I’ll consider not to publish this tool anymore.
But I’ll definitely develop it further for my own pleasure.

Hmm i had dx9 from what i saw, ill check further again with dx11 and will inform you back.Thanks for the support

I’ll try the /d3d9 switch to see if it crash the tool on my computer.

Oh, now I got a crash after 10 minutes of play, interesting!
Now I can debug it, I hope!

ok i wasnt crazy then xD!
just freeze right? like gfx drivers crash?

yes, just a freeze with a cycling mouse cursor.
But that happened only once; I just played 2 hours error free with dx9 enabled.

Update v1.37

  • optional: ASCII health bar (length: 10 chars) for better visualization of monster health
  • (you can toggle between ASCII healthbar and numerical values via the Configurator (checkbox: Num. Health Values)

To exchange the default ascii codes for the health bars, add following lines (*) to the file “GrimInternals.ini” under [Settings]
and change it for your needs ( use only valid ascii chars within the range from dec. 33-122
invalid codes will be shown as █)


nice ill check it out :]

Edit: wow loved the new ASCII so many combinations xD
I was wondering can you separate Player from Mplayer and monsters values?

Lets say i want Ascii character on my hero but numbers on monsters or Mplayers numbers
Any chance to separate between these?

Update v1.37a

updated for GD v1.0.5.1

If the ASCII health bar is active, you can force to display numerical health values by changing the ascii code to SPACE (dec. 32).
MonsterHealthAscii=" "