[Tool] Grim Internals

Launching GD through Grim Internals like it says. Never really had an issue till now

Hm, weā€™ve had hotfix drop so is GI updated for that?

I have the most recent GI download installed. GD is up to date as well. Could just be a small random bug? Once it stops crashing, it doesnā€™t seem to happen again until I re-launch Steam. Maybe itā€™s conflicting with something Steam related?

Its a weird bug, you made sure you updated your game and Gi files too? try to repair the game through steam
Also you have added the GI executable in your AVā€™s exceptions right?

AV wasnā€™t an issue before, so I doubt its that. Just happened to me again, so its not only after re-launching Steam. What Iā€™ve managed to figure out is if I boot up GD using GI from the start, it has a good chance of crashing. However, I just tried booting GD normally then closing and opening GD with GI and that worked just fine. Might be a missed bug in testing. Iā€™ll see if I can get this to replicate and post my findings.

AVā€™s rules and regulations keep changing non stop
I highly suggest to add GI as an exception

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Iā€™ll say this muchā€¦ even if it isnā€™t the root cause it doesnā€™t hurt to rule it out. AVā€™s like to mess about and quarantine/block programs sometimes. Especially if itā€™s a small-time unknown developers program. Some AVā€™s have a bad habit of also doing so ā€œsilentlyā€ these days, where you might not even realize that it did it.

Iā€™d throw an exception in there just to be sure.

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Is it possible to only see the life bar of pets without their names?

Iā€™m not an expert on GIā€™s intricacies butā€¦ I would suggest taking a look in GIā€™s .ini fileā€¦

Hi, if authors canā€™t afford improve GI, maybe it published on github.com for public development ?

Looking for new features :slight_smile:

  • teleportā€™s hotkeys
  • lua integration (GetBuffTimer, GetDebuffTimer, SendKey, PlaySound, SendMessage, loot functions/switchers & etc.)


Probably very unlikely as @GlockenGerda seems to wish to keep it closed I think as partially an effort to prevent people who have pirated Grim Dawn from easily using her tool, which I find quite commendable and has actually inspired me to likewise do the same for my own tool. Future versions will have some checks in place to prevent, I believe, most people with a pirated copy of the game from being able to use it.


You @GlockenGerda ? You owner of source code GI ? Please donā€™t spam, your tool is your deal ā€¦

I didnā€™t even give you my tools name. Please donā€™t tell me what to do, it wonā€™t work :wink: I am merely highlighting for you Glockenā€™s own stance on it (and my solidarity with her stance) and why it is unlikely that she is going to open source her tool.

In fact you can search this thread yourself to see prior discussions on the topic:


I donā€™t plan to make this tool open source,
because @DarkStalix and me keep a close eye on this tool that its only contains features that are not contrary to the interests of Crate Entertainment.


You can use the Pet Health Bars from the game; they donā€™t show the pet names.

I added the AV exception and it still crashes. Loading GD without GI seems to stop the crashing when I boot up GI first. Verified the game files as well, that didnā€™t seem to fix it.

Youā€™re seriously barking up the wrong tree when you try to call out a veteran user who has actually read all the posts by GlockenGerda about why there wonā€™t open source code. Itā€™s been said numerous times, but if youā€™d bothered actually reading the thread before you got your knickers in a twist you mightā€™ve known that and not asked a redundant question.

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Does it crash immediately? I mean, does it even boot at all?
is it possible to show your crash report?
How do you exactly run GI? only its executable right?

No need to go opensource brother
The work Glocky has done is very exceptional on many levels in here and it even inspired the crate devs to add some features of it
Can you imagine ppl going with her source here and there? it would be a mess and who knows what else. As Pow said its also to prevent piracy :wink:

Couple questions @GlockenGerda, is there any way to increase the number size of damage in game with GI? Also, I donā€™t see beams despite having it set to True. Thanks!