[Tool] Grim Internals

Last Grim Dawn update was about Jan 5. If you hadn’t played in a while, just means your Grim Internals needs to be updated to the most recent version. You can see the link at the very top of the thread.

I have been playing Grim Dawn every day for the last month, haven’t had any issues with GI until today

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As i posted before i did repair etc. reinstalled tool and game lunched without problem using tool, but now again after 4-5 hours playing and taking break I again have same problem. I want to point out that if i lunch game without using griminternals i have zero problem, crash happens only with using grim internals. Now i also did what you said backup my ini file, deleted one in instalation folder and runned repair in game files and still got instant crash. And i was about to post this but i tried lunching game 10+ times and it finaly worked with griminternals but realy what is going on ? Why using griminternals crash my game on start up ? Also i have zero problem with tool while playing everything work as intended.

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What would be causing the menu to be smooshed together like this. This is the first time I have actually opened the configuration screen so no clue how long it was like this. I have the most recent Grim Internals and am running the Reign of Terror mod not sure if that should have any effect as when i play standard GD it is the same.

Latest GI version is 1.91a

Change it to 1.25

Thank you. That worked.

Fixed the issue, not sure what caused it, but it seemed like my ini file got messed up. After second time removing all files and putting them back, it’s working normally again.

Hey guys,

Are the dps meter still accurate ?
I’m a new user of griminternals, just tried on a pet build and I got strange result :


I can’t figure out where the fire dmg came from… build is focused on skeleton, main dmg should be vitality + some dmg from occultist aura (dreeg, hellfire, storm spirit)

Any idea ?

Well, Hellfire has fire and fire retaliation damage

It’s chaos dmg, not fire.
But yes some fire retaliation but cannot explain 493k dps ?

It’s both fire and chaos; flat chaos damage and % fire, chaos and burn damage and fire retaliation.

Yes I know there is some %fire but without flat (except from storm spirit), can’t explain so much dmg…

and about fire relaliation, there is much more acid retaliation on this build, so acid dmg should be higher than fire dmg.

any chance griminternals doesn’t show the right value ?

Skeleton “mages” can cast a nasty meteor shower, i think most of the fire damage come from them.

I’d love to see a ‘Final’ version of GI. Even with all of Crate’s recent updates I still think it’s a basic necessity for playing the game. IDK what, if anything, Crate has planned for the game’s future, but at least getting the recent new content linked up with GI would be great. Maybe wait until the next major patch, do your tweaks, and pass the torch to the community to keep up with compat issues?

Something is causing GI to display weirdly for me. Guessing it is because I am using a Surface Book as that usually causes problems due to the displays strange ratio. Which means GI doesn’t display properly when the display is 3000x2000 or similar. Possible for me to make GI display properly or is there an update that can be done to fix this? See the image below for what GI looks like for me

See if that works for you.

This looks like 1.5 to me or even more :slight_smile:
It should be equal to the following setting in Windows

My apologies for not reading the FAQ thoroughly :slight_smile:

Edit: Ended up being 1.5 like tqFan thought


hi GlockenGerda, been a while, I just started playing Ram’s RoT mod again, your tool been really helpful as always. But I ran into an issue that I cant seem to resolve. when using skeletons from the C necro, The amount of skeletons that I have summoned is no longer shown. This was possible in earlier builds. when summoning, it shows the CD for using the skill again. then that vanishes.

I would love it to show how many skeletons I have total, so I know when to resummon them.

I also gone though the INI file and can’t see anything there.

I’m I missing something? or this feature been removed? as I would like it back.

thanks in advance