[Tool] Grim Internals

Hey, I’m not doing anything currently because there’s now a better program for 1.2 with various features [Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util

Hard to follow all the changes/updates. Is Grim Internals no longer an active app as of v 1.2 of GD ? All I want is the animals on the startup screen and scatter through the game world :slight_smile:

sadly is not updated anymore and the cute animals are gone :pensive:

@RedPriest It’s not like we couldn’t make a hardmod with Grim Internals animals easily :thinking:


Beyond my skill set but maybe someone will give it a go. The full list of animals that could appear though is a secret known only to Glocken, who might be willing to give someone a list, plus the graphics, but no-one has heard from her in a long time now.

I gave it one go but failed so either it’s no so easy as I thought or I did something wrong (I’m not very good at modding).

Here are files related to animals (I rebuilt them for 1.2) if someone wants to try 34.46 MB file on MEGA
My guess is that it misses some Lua code that’s not publicly available to work properly


Thank you for all your work, and blessings to Glock. Ive moved to v.1.2

They can be reproduced in 1.2 through custom Mods. :melting_face:
Download: GI_Animal.7z


oh yeah i think i have something to add to the Architect in a while <3

Is/will there be a version of this for the new build of the game? I get incompatible when running newest tool.

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

No, this tool is no longer being supported. Crate have added some of its features to the game proper.

If you want some of the others it had then see here