[Tool] Rainbow Filter (Item Highlighting)

Does it work with the latest patch? :smiley:

Yes :slight_smile:

Didn’t spot anything new that would break it in the game files.

Before use:

After use:

Is this the wrong color? GD version:

Yes, it is the wrong color for a Rare Axe, however, there is an Epic Axe with that same name. They also use the same tag, sadly nothing I can do about it, either a Rare will show up as an Epic or the Epic will show as a Rare. :frowning:

File for the Epic: \records\items\gearweapons\axe1h\c016_axe.dbr

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Thanks for your answer, let me know why. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have now created a rainbow file for the mod Reign of Terror. The coloring is different from GD, but the basic idea is exactly the same as your Rainbow Filter.


Link to your post added to the Mod list in the first post, thanks :slight_smile:

@WareBare sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a way to only have tooltip items show in their rarity colour only, as in the original Diablo II? All the mixed colours get a bit much when viewing them off of the floor for me. So I’d want the names when viewing items off the floor to reflect magic items as blue, rares as yellow, sets as green, etc. but keeping the rest of your changes to the item info when viewing it in the inventory. Is that at all possible?

This is my editor settings. And this is what I see in-game.

Why is “Vigorous” showing in green, when the only green I have is for set items? Shouldn’t it only show set items in green? I am expecting “rare” items to be shown in blue, based on rare quality being set to blue. Is that not how it works?

This Tool changes the texts of affixes/items, since they are used in connection with a certain rarity they can be colored that way. However, when the game decides the rarity of an item and makes it rare because of its suffix, the prefix can’t know about it and is still shown as magic due to the colors of this tool overwriting the item’s rarity color of the game. The only way to change the rarity color of a generated item is inside the DBR iirc and that would require hardmodding the game.

Rare items are green the Tool doesn’t change that and by removing the colors from texts it returns to its default. The rest of the name should be in green, too. The program wont remove files, so it doesnt accidentally delete something it wasn’t supposed to on its own. Saving no colors to a file won’t update the file either, you’d have to Remove Colors before saving them if you use any Clear settings. It still wont give you the color you want though.

You either get used to GD’s coloring, hardmod the game or use the rainbow names :smiley: frankly you’d probably want to get more comfortable with the different colors to notice rarities of the two affixes on an item. Not to mention when MIs get thrown into the mix.

Thanks a ton for responding! Hardmodding was indeed the way to go, and with the help of @DenisMashutikov I’ve managed to achieve a consistent Diablo II feel which is what I was going for. I can appreciate the highlighting for various affixes/suffixes, but at this point I just wanted something for nostalgia-sake! Items in order of Unique (Epic), Rare (Rare), and Magic (Magic).

I am able to still get your wonderful tooltip colouring for the rest of the stats, as well as marking skills for different masteries, so honestly it is a win-win!

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@WareBare any chance you’d add the option to specify what closing colour MI items should end off with?

Take for example the MI Incendiary Shoulderplates. It’s a rare MI item. I set them to appear as orange, so the tool changes the tags_item.txt value to {^O}Incendiary Shoulderplates. However, due to the way I have things set up, that means any suffix that comes along with the MI will be in the MI colour as well.

I found a workaround for this, by adding the colour I have my rares in. This way, it ONLY colours the MI item name. So the above would then become {^O}Incendiary Shoulderplates{^Y} for example since {^Y} is the colour of my rares.

So perhaps the UI could have a ending colour or suffix colour for each MI rarity type, and then you simply choose the colour you’d like. The reason I don’t specify it simply taking your base rare/epic/legendary colours is that I hardcoded my colours (RGB values) to have a more Diablo-feel to it than the overly saturated game defaults.

Would this be something you would consider? For now, I will manually find/replace but it would be nice to have for when updates are released and tags need to be regenerated.

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I created a python script that automatically extracts all colors from the rainbow default file and adds it to any localization file (of the same name).
That is, it puts the rainbow default in any language automatically.
But it only extracts colors from the beginning of each word, if rainbow colors adds something in the middle of a sentence or something, then it doesn’t change it.
But for example, if the line is:

English File
Portuguese File

It extracts to a new file only the {^B} and the output result would be:

But if it does:
English File
tagID2=Iron {^Y}Armor
tagID3= {^Y} Any text here

Portuguese File
tagID2=Iron {^Y}Armadura
tagID3= {^Y} Qualquer texto aqui

In this case it will do nothing and leave it as it is!
And also it does not change IDs {%AnyIDHere}

It does this with all tags and does not change existing tags from the game!
Because it only edits something when it finds {} at the beginning of the tag value.
If the extraction value is the same as the target, it does not add multiples and also does not change values in the middle of sentences or words!

If you recommend any function, tell me so I can add it!

I would like to know if I can post here the link to the project!

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No matter what others say, I really want to try your tool. Thank you first.

I found some missing tags in the 1.2 playtest, image below. It cannot find the auto-toggle tag, and when HUD cooldowns are enabled, it throws a ‘Tag not found’ message as well. None of these impact gameplay, as far as I could find. If I come across more, I will let you know :slight_smile:


I also found some missing 1.2 tags.

Added to tagsgdx2_items.txt:

tagGDX2Consumable_04=Yugol's Ichor
tagGDX2Consumable_04_Desc="The black liquid inside emits no scent, yet your senses are appalled by it. It's very presence seems to nullify magic."

Added to tags_ui.txt (due to previous post):

tagAutoToggledSkill=^oToggled Buffs are automatically activated.

Note: Here in the forums, I used " for " and ' for ' to get correct quotation marks rather than “…” and ‘…’. So the quotes can be copied directly to the files without resulting in formatting errors.

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Another fix:


In tagsgdx2_endlessdungeon.txt, replace

tagGDX2EndlessDungeon_Key_06=Death's Waystone
tagGDX2EndlessDungeon_Key_06_Desc=Tainted with the power of death, the Waystone now opens the way forward to unfathomable dangers where no reward awaits but for the glory of conquest. ^n^nIt enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 80th Shard of the Shattered Realm, and beyond. ^n^nThis waystone should not be used by the faint of heart.
tagGDX2EndlessDungeon_Key_06_Blueprint=Blueprint: Death's Waystone


tagGDX2EndlessDungeon_Key_06=Eternal Waystone
tagGDX2EndlessDungeon_Key_06_Desc=A Waystone that tugs upon the strands of reality, bending them around it. It enables Mazaan to open the way to at least the 80th Shard, up to the 90th Shard, of the Shattered Realm. ^n^nThis waystone should not be used by the faint of heart.
tagGDX2EndlessDungeon_Key_06_Blueprint=Blueprint: Eternal Waystone

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Hi! Can you tell me how I can fix “Tag not found” for cooldown indication?

add this to your tags_ui.txt

tagHUD_CooldownMinutes=^R {%d0}:{%d1}
tagHUD_CooldownSeconds=^Y {%d0}
tagHUD_CooldownShort=^G {%d0}

These are not the original colors but my own choice, goes from red (minutes) to yellow (59 - 6 seconds) to green (5 - 1 seconds), you can change them however you like.
Nothing will be displayed below 1 second but Crate will fix that bug in the next playtest version.


To end this fiddling, I looked into WanezGD_Tools as by the main posting and generated the correct files.


Download text_en.7z or text_en.zip and extract into the Settings folder. (release notes)


Download the tool in the first post and follow it. Had the same issue as you and that fixed it.