[Tool] Rainbow Filter (Item Highlighting)

I have the same issue. Did you find a fix for it?

Does this work with cloud saves turned on?

How do you uninstall this?


Delete the files or use the remove button inside the tool, depending which way you choose to install it.

Files updated for Grim Dawn v1.1.5.2

You can find all downloads in the First Post or on GitHub.

Tool doesn’t need an update, only updating the files because of the new item fixes that came with Rainbow Tool v0.4.0.


@WareBare you’re doing god’s work. Thank you! :bowing_man:

thanks man!

Fast update. Rockin’ it!

Quick update, thank you sir!!

Does it work for Portuguese language?

The tool should work with any language, let me know if it is having trouble with Portuguese.

I made a quick test and nothing wrong with it as far as I can tell.

I’m not really familiar with coding of any sort, and I find the tool to be a bit confusing.

I’m wondering if anyone has customized a version of the Diablo / PoE version that doesn’t rainbow the stuff, but just uses the “traditional” colors. I like the affixes being rainbowed, but not the names.

So what I’m looking for, is Epics being fully purple, Legendaries being fully orange, etc, whilst the affixes are all color coded when I mouse over the loot. I’m willing to do it myself if I knew how to. Sorry if this isn’t the place to post this.

Not entirely sure what you’re asking, but I feel like it isn’t possible.

All this does, is change how a text is shown to the player. Texts are defined by tag (variable), just like in maths you would have something like
x = 6
the same way it works here
tagFireModifer = x% increased Fire Damage
that tag is used anywhere that modifier is used and it can only have that one color assigned to it, the same goes for item/affix names. The game also formats texts using the assigned color from the previous tag if it doesn’t have one assigned, so in the case of a full item name
(Red) Prefix (Clear) Item (Blue) Suffix
The item name itself is still going to show up as red and only the suffix is blue as long as it has the prefix otherwise it will use the color set by the game, because it has no “color override” from the tag files (suffix is still blue). This is also the reason every affix has its own rarity and color assigned or Suffixes for MI would have the color of the MI, but the Prefix is still in the color used by the game.

So if you’re asking

  • if you can differentiate properties/modifiers for affixes by coloring them - no
  • if properties/modifiers for epics can be purple and orange for legendaries - no
  • changing the color for rarities so the entire name is the same color - no, this would require modding

Hi! First of all great job with the mod so far, love it :smile:

I’ve just recently downloaded the tool and followed linked instructions for creating a localisation-specific highlight, namely Polish, and I’ve encountered a problem. I’ve seen somebody mention similar issue with the Polish localisation and it was allegedly patched, but it still seems to be present in the latest version of the tool.

In case of most items there’s no capital letters in the prefixes and suffixes/titles have the “$” before them (as well as the capital letter missing):

There are some exceptions though. All of the blue ones in my inventory seem fine.

Could you please take a look at that?

Thanks for the report.

The “$” will be fixed with the next update.
Can’t make any promises for the Prefix. Regular Localizations don’t seem to require the “$” to capitalize the Prefix in-game. Have to figure out a way to fix those without breaking anything else.

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Rainbow Tool updated to v0.4.1

Tool updates itself, if you don’t have the tool yet, you can find the link in the First Post or on GitHub.

Just here to confirm that the issue is indeed resolved. :smile:

Thank you very much for the swift intervention.

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Well mostly resolved. I’ve just dropped an item with a broken name. But it’s a first case in about 40 min of gameplay so it’s not that frequent.

Fixed with the next update.

I’ll upload it tonight or tomorrow (morning). For now going to wait and see if further issues come up.

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Please fix next items in Library Special Highlighting that do not respond to Tag Filter Settings.

tagQuestItemBrothersAmulet=Sister’s Amulet of Lifegiving
tagQuestItemSlithRing=Slith Primal Ring

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Rainbow Tool updated to v0.4.2

Tool updates itself, if you don’t have the tool yet, you can find the link in the First Post or on GitHub.