⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds in Grim Dawn (An Opinion)

The problem some are running into when challenging the authors of this “Top 20” list is that they are using logic in what really is a circle jerk thread for that Discord server. Most of them have lathered up their hands, reached to their Discord buddy to the left, and are stroking vigorously while whispering in one another’s ear about how 75-76 clear time is where it’s at and how DR’s aren’t hard to find when it’s for “you.” C’mon, everyone knows what’s important, for experienced players especially, is getting that 23rd Sharpshooter’s Pouch or 18th Warborn Mace, other common drops over and over. I mean, why does the Death’s Waystone even exist, right? Why are there even levels above 76?

I’m gonna go start a top 20 list for all of GD where my buddies and I get all the top spots now, create criteria to do that and call it science. :smiley: I’m gonna leave this topic now, before I get anyone’s DNA on me from that server, let these guys keep awarding themselves.

The experts have spoken for all of GD, the top 35 builds, not a single pet class… amazing.


Here you are. I only changed Maul binding from VM to Smite (as it is GT) because I hate proccing with VM as much as Grey hates pets and retals. Drank a few pots mostly to counter Energy Leech. Learnt to spare Health Pot for the Eye in 2nd phase. Decided not to use Movement skills in the middle of the fight fearing of too long animation.

[edit] I may have also swapped Guardians / Manticore bindings to have more chances for Sands OA debuff

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most players don’t bother going above 75
just like most players don’t even reach 75
most players just want to clear the content and celestial,
most players especially don’t wanna do something without rewards
again, for the average player, or even for avg endgame content and avg endgame performance, any points or metrics above sr 75 is largely useless, unless it confers a safety, speed or difficulty decrease to clearing that regular content

and do i need to mention, again, that this list is not a metric of the “best” subjective build, it’s a list based on a specific set of metrics, for which these builds are the best in
people that don’t enjoy forcewave builds or melee aa builds, might not like many builds on this list
just like people that don’t like GD pet builds, might not like pet builds’ passive playstyle
it’s a set of performance metrics, with criteria etc listed, people can then evaluate if it would fit or apply to their subjective preference
if people really really enjoy pet builds, because they look awesome with an army, or feel awesome because passive play nature, or because they are safe as hell, then naturally they will enjoy pet builds a lot - that doesn’t change pet builds are slower farmers for endgame, and these particular builds is technically more efficient on avg
nor does it change if a person prefers a super active mega melee or shooting or kiting caster playstyle, that pet builds wouldn’t fit for them, and then this list potentially applies even more to their subjective best build
pet builds still do and play the same regardless of the metrics used for or builds on this list, and people that enjoy pet builds can and will still enjoy pet builds even if it’s not the most efficient alround farmer, - these builds being a more efficient farmer, doesn’t mean they will be more enjoyable to level, build, play, for an army enjoyer


With 10k hours in the game, and a dozen builds designed around ‘wow, look at what dropped’ I am going to step out now. I do not wish to fighti.


Thank you. I shouldn’t have tried that fight without consumables :laughing:

Maybe it would work with different Ravager that doesn’t leech Energy but some Health Regen pots might have helped me as well. Hopefully Maul is permanent with these bindings but I didn’t check.

[edit] Actually I should have bound it to Upheaval instead of Smite because it has 100% - 29% - 30% = 41% devo proc attempts which is more than 30% Smite has according to https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/upheaval-devo-proccing-test-results/

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Pets are objectively bad as determined by the experts here. I’ve read the entire thread. I understand. I also am not blind to the title or how this thread is clearly being represented despite the disclaimers. I’m not interested in fighting, I see what this topic clearly is about (circle jerk) and have said my piece. Not going to argue with anyone anymore, gonna let the stroking continue unabated.

Someone is salty his builds are not gonna get nerfed by devs because they don’t really care about meaningless SR 120 and that the devs care more about actual content with real rewards!! Maybe if the game had Paragons and infinite scaling SR 120 would matter, but this is not D3 afterall.

Well, I sort of expected some parts of the community to never change and boi was I right.


After I posted my Deep SR conjurer it was literally nerfed in the next patch. Try again.

Congrats on your 75-76 loot, I’m sure you’re getting lots of unique and interesting items. I’ve already stated, getting that 15th Warborne mace is where it’s at, what’s important.

I don’t have to try again, singular nerf versus a community that keeps having their builds adjusted/nerfed/buffed over the course of several years/patches. I think I know who the winner is.

see, this is the sht i don’t get
i’m a casual player, yet it sorta feels like i’m “defending” the elitist players, aka “toxic crucible gang”
when most of the circle jerk remarks, slights, seem perceived from something unfounded
and i don’t think it’s hard to either understand, nor “objectively” acknowledge and come to terms with, regardless if it’s the MIs disapproval, or the “lack” of pet builds on a “best” list
pet builds perform, and play in a very specific way, making them attractive to specific people, this doesn’t change how their general performance is, or that for avg performance, it’s not “top” when then compared to other builds’ avg performance
i see this in the Discord, to such degree pet builds are almost “love it or hate” type thing for GD, because the way they play caters to something specific
and specific does not mean avg/most or “best”
so “on avg”, for the avg player, for the avg metric and performance, there is no circle jerk, “clickbait” representation, if anything it’s probably one of the more rationale and down to earth rankings we’ve had, which is gonna be way more useful to most/the avg player than some of the other lists that’s been highlighted
If a player is then looking for a specific HC SSF build, that factors in levelling time ease and item acquisition, the list might look different, but that’s not what this list does, because it’s a top 20 ranking of alround endgame performance for endgame builds, and most don’t play HC either so probably not out of reason to have the list based on SC performance
again, deep SR pushing is, on avg, gonna be a largely useless metric for build performance and build evaluation for the avg player, so it doesn’t matter pet builds rule that, when most people wont play deep sr to have to factor that criteria in, the people that do that, will factor it in, and will know if SR 90-100 is enough for them, or if they desire a deeper pushing build for which pets might be it
for everyone else, it wont matter, and then this list is both useful and accurate for the presentation laid out


I don’t test my builds in shards higher than SR75 - 76 specifically for that reason - no loot. Give loot and I will immediately start attempting higher shards.

That’s pitiful. Just like @Gnomish_Inquisition I’m a casual player who doesn’t have the skill of the builders and testers from the OP yet I always try to better myself with the work of others instead of putting it down.

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Yeah, cause fishing for mutators and suitable boss rooms in SR 120+ is more important!!

Funny how you say that to someone that used to run deep SR with retal builds, but I quickly realised that balancing the game around that is beyond horrible as an idea and I’m glad devs aren’t doing that.

I remember the budget guide where I in the end used a double rare MI weapon (twice) - just because the intented single rare did not dropped / could be power shopped (but had two / three double rares)…


hands out lotion

I have never seen a group of people so set on self gratification… This lotion is for you!

‘No No grab the one on the left, lets all go!’

Some will never understand, I think, the plight of the SSF, but this is no longer my fight :slight_smile:

Mic (and account after what I said to Zantai intentionally) drop.


If you want SSF go look up beginner and budget builds. This is clearly not a list for that.


thousands of hours played, then when making Ghol i found out, that despite having 10-20 duplicate of most legends and epics, i didn’t have a single fn Blightshard necklace… (even made a post asking if the drop was bugged to make sure it existed :joy:)
seeing people tear their hairs out on discord over trying to obtain random drop RNG bis Epics or Legends (skipping straight to end build instead of starting with budget), vs how quickly they get comfortable with MI replacements if the slots permit it, or how annoying it is when the slot doesn’t
getting 2x single rare derma slicers, with fitting affixes, before getting your first belgo slicer would not be that far fetched to have happen if you don’t have duplicates to transmute or the blueprint
and that’s a weapon that can’t be shopped…
non set RNG legends or Epics can be really really annoying to obtain if you’re SSF or relative new beginner with a lesser stocked stash

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I don’t think you’re as casual of a player as you think you are, you spend a lot of time here, you’ve written a lot here to make sure your opinion is heard, etc. I’ve said my piece on why this is a circle jerk thread, as it is. I’m done fighting here, though (as I’ve mentioned several times). Carry on guys, keep stroking.

Thought you were done 3 comments ago, seems like you’re still salty though.

I’m less salty comparatively to how tired your arms are from all this circle jerking. Look, now it’s four.