⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

Thanks for the explanation. I do enjoy it but I’m still leveling it and I was worried if there is like let’s say some patch thing that made for example some synergy not work anymore and it fell appart or something so I’m glad that is not the case. (especially when it’s using easy to farm set gear and I have all the BiS stuff already in stash waiting for me to level it up).

And even though the CT druid alternative from current list looks like a funny gimmick it looks way too braindead. And I already have a pet build for that where I can start 160-170 naked crucible wave and go eat and then come back for loot. So yeah…

I was actually in the minority of testers, who were putting Trozan in prior top 20 list to the dismay of certain someone. TSS Druid it’s still pretty powerful caster, it’s just this archetype wasn’t that much represented in the top tier list and there are few better CDR casters.

If you like it, you should definitely play it. It’s perfectly fine end game build and it’s quite versatile, actually. You can take few different approaches to gear and devotions and still have a solid build.


for the deathmark dervish - is oathkeeper that much stronger than arcanist support?
did you test it guys?

Don’t forget that Oathkeeper has nice RR and Arcanist doesn’t, that’s likely the dealbreaker

We didn’t test it because there is no point. Oathkeeper offers fully cold Righteous Fervor with fully cold Smite while wearing a Conduit (huge defensive buff to have because of the all res and easy res overcaps) and passive RR. What can Spellbreaker offer there? It doesn’t even really have good source of flat (just frostburn and some drops of cold flat from IEE), forget about lacking an auto-attack replacer or wps or RR.

That said Deathmarked Spellbreaker would still work somewhat well. Just not at the level of the top20 builds. Which doesn’t mean it’s gonna be bad. Don’t forget, that besides top20 builds there are like probably couple of hundreds of viable strong builds give or take, so when we say “not a top20” build we are not calling it bad necessarily


I hope the question is relevant enough. But is there some easier way to just test and trial some of these builds to know if I will even like the playstyle before I actually start leveling it? I guess just save file import? Or is there some custom game possibility? And is it possible to try somewhere a char from grimtoools without having a saved file?

[Tool] GD save file editor can create builds from grimtools links
*keep in mind it will give you random rolled items, and grimtools displays stats with avg stat rolls
but yes, simpler way is to just download/use the saves posted in build entries to test things out if you wanna sample stuff


Thanks a lot. This helps.

hey, tnx for the list, is Acid RtA Sentinel strong in 1.2.1? any big changes? if its good i should start leveling one, new player here

Let me know which of the updated builds you want to trial and I will pm you the save files.

Hey, we haven’t gotten to updating it, but I imagine it’s mostly gonna remain the same except weapon/shield components/augments. For weapon I would swap for Seal of Shadows for more casting speed and conversion of our direct retaliation damage and for shield I would swap for Mark of Myrmidon because it’s really good now.

EDIT: something like this Sentinel, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

But will test later with more realistic weapon as well.


from the updated builds korba trickster and ludrigan druid please.

done (10 characters)

Thanks. Much appreciated. I really appreciate the work you guys do for the community.


Can I have them too? Thanks guyz, you are great.

hey, tnx for the reply and all u guys do for the community

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_Korba.zip (1.4 MB)
_Ludrigan (s) (3).zip (1.4 MB)

Both saves have a lot of clutter in the inventories as they have both lived many lives as different builds at some point. Gear is GDstashed and mostly has higher than average rolls, so keep that in mind when trying to replicate it in the legit play.

I got millions of saves btw as I test and try out different specs all the time, so if you see one you wanna try (like from my YT), let me know and I can send you the save.


Would you mind sharing your updated version of the lightning retal archon?

I guess I should upload saves into my comments with all the updates.

But for now here it is
_AegisArchonRTA2 (2.3 MB)


So I tried the chars I wanted to try thanks again so much to Lee for sharing the saved files and to Gnomish for the GD editor, it trully does wonders. You guys are legends.

Just another question though so I have something clarified. The Acid RtA Sentinel was tested with the fever rage even against some harder bosses such as celestials and sr85+ or it was used only in sr75? Because after trying it myself against the Voidsoul Sentinel the Voidsoul one felt better yet according to the spreadsheet the acid one should have more sustain. Which feels weird as the fever rage makes it feel squishier.

Fevered Rage transmuter is super dangerous if u cast it on very powerful foes… I think the penalty for using it got “buffed”… and by buffed I mean enemies hit you so quickly u have barely time to re-act unless you run around like a headless chicken.

In short: I am not a fan of that transmuter… good for hordes of small enemies tho.