⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)


@Shikishima thank you for this. Also, thanks to @Nery for the original!

14 posts were split to a new topic: Top pet build discussion

I’m working on my topic to clean it up. Please post any questions about my builds there.

I can’t stress how unimportant this is, however I will explain for you this one time. SR90 Very Easy means 7 to 8.5 minutes remaining on the clock after completing a solo SR90. I only compare my builds to my builds and our rating systems are incompatible. Just for your personal one time reference the #1 build here would appear in my 3rd best list.

Was my seriously bad to post builds in this topic. it was my 1st post here and I deleted it so let me off the hook pretty please :smiley:


Thanks for the in-depth explanation. Your VoS Druid build won’t let me go though, such an interesting build. After playing around with a VoS Druid for a little bit, I definitely agree with you. Crazy how complex your guys’ thought process is when it comes to builds. :smiley:

Since I mainly play on Xbox, I tried to adapt that build without rare MIs (and I also don’t have the blueprint for the arcane harmony leggings), but there is definitely room for improvement. Could you please give me some feedback? Here is my current build.

There are a few issues I see in my current build:

  • I picked up 100% aether to cold conversion for the weapon damage, but the returns might be diminishing
  • The damage is a bit lower compared to your build
  • Attack speed could also be higher for a Primal Strike build
  • I’m also not sure, if 100% armor absorption is worth it at that armor rating on an offensive character

Would be great if you could suggest some improvements.

Hi! Its a fun build for sure and it keeps you on your toes!
The biggest issue i see with your build is your res overcaps. Vit, chaos and acid are all really important to overcap by 20-30% atleast. A belt with +1 shaman would definitely be preferred. You’re also missing two points in raging tempest for 2% extra RR. Regarding armor I think you need to use double living armor to cover resists anyway and almost 2k armor is not that bad to go for 100% absorb

This would be my attempt at a budget version. Two-piece Eastern set is really strong, +1 shaman belt and faction shoulders to cover resists. I also changed Turtle devo to Solemn Watcher to improve DA and resists. Changed some augments around. Unfortunately we dont have the luxury to cover freeze res due to the struggle with bleed res. The aether res roll on your conduit is a bit annoying since thats the one res we cover easily from mastery skills :smiley:


That’s as good a moment to ask that question as i’ll get I think : Why ?

I thought with the revamp and the advent of sunder, overcaps were no longer needed because enemies don’t have RR anymore… Could you explain why they are still useful ? (And why especially those 3 damage types?)

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nemesis and bosses don’t carry flat RR anymore, but a few special enemies still has their regular -x% RR debuffs, Zaria, Wraiths(including the ones Reaper spawn), while frozen or trapped by Moosi and Benji

and ofc Ravager howl as usual


Good to know, thank you!

So basically: Ravager, Moosilauk, Benn’Jhar, Zaria and Wraiths… And the worst of those is -30% ?

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i don’t remember all/who else had what if it went to 35 or the highest was just 30, so min aim 30, 35-40 to be totally safe? :man_shrugging:

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No, it can go up very high with unfortunate boss/hero combos.

The main offender is Zantarin with -30% vit and acid because he is nems with aura application. Thne you pair him with Karroz and get -55% both acid and vit. There are other bosses with big debuffs, like Dravis. Zaria, again, has -25% vit, acid and chaos curse.


Thx for the updates! Evoker Sabo looks very strong with the updated build, but I have 2 questions:

  1. Why 19 points in Dual Blades? 3 points over-softcap just adds like 500 damage and 1 phys res for the cost of 3 skill points
  • 1 point could be spent in Nightfall for insta 9 points - is it not good?
  • AND/OR Hellfire Mine for insta 4 points where all its chaos damage gets converted to cold
  • OR put into Elemental Awakening which would result in more damage (but ofc at the cost of 1 phys res)
  1. Why Amarastas Quick Cut instead of Belgo shears? Is Belgo animation too long or something?

I really appreciate what you guys are doing, I want to understand the intentions behind those points to become more familiar with set building


from my own perspective/non minmax stance
dual blades add dmg to all your weapon attacks, which is alot of attacks
Nightfall only adds dmg to SS; we’re not using SS for dmg but for movement, so it’s 1x dmg instance every 3seconds, that wont be scaled very much on top - and 0 dmg when we’re not using it/facetanking a boss (and if the build doesn’t lack trash clear aoe it’s a point saved for hard target dmg)
hellfire mines is meaningless as the dmg doesnt’ stack, so it’s again a 1x instance dmg, ticking fixed at once per second, scaling nothing
elemental wakening is DoT not flat dmg, so it’s scaled less via dot mechanics on this AA build, 5flat >6 burn/sec - and phys res is nice

can’t say if that or any of these parts is what they went by, but when i evaluate a skill/points it’s what i would think


The answer to this is “yes, Belgo’s shears take too damn long” so unfortunately they actually reduce DPS. Not by much, but it’s enough to be noticeable in dummy and Ravager time to kill tests.

Very disappointing, it’s quite similar to a lot of other dw cold melee spec. A pity, was very easy to play and reliant build. Now it’s a “more of the same” :frowning:

Is it because of the ABB addition? Because build is more reliable now than before (better armor, much better DA, better OA for more consistent damage and leech). And it still has the same regen and it’s arguably cheaper now (legendary amulet instead of Kaisan and no more rare “of Winter Storm” suffix)

I think this is more of a general “all DW Nightblades play the same”. I had pierce Blademaster for the longest time, made Nex&Ortus Spellbreaker not long ago, and I’m currently leveling acid Dervish from this list - and I really struggled to differentiate them in some meaningful manner. Was the main reason I skipped cold melee Nightblades as a category.

The fact that so many of them also happen to use some charge-based AA doesn’t help either. Belgo strikes, Savagery, RF, Beronath fury…

Sure, it was the case before too (with Korba), except you had to press Wind Devils and not ABB. Nothing really changed for this build in principle (except we are pressing a different button now), that’s why I asked.

Well all melee come down to left-clicking target till it dies. But I think you can differentiate between cold Nightblades and other Nightblades, like to me they all feel differently: cold Nex and Ortus feels very strong at eviscerating both single targets and packs while having very strong distinctive freezing CC from swords proc that lets you get away with fighting against big big crowds. Cold DM Dervish to me feels like more of a single target damage monster - pretty mediocre at clearing crowds, but 1on1 no targets stand a chance against it and its increased RR and buffed WPS (plus extra mobility from Vire). Korba just feels very tanky because of regen, I can be less focused when I am playing it, plus RoS here is a very powerful tool. And that’s just the difference between cold ones for me.

Extremely strong softcore farmer. Also feels pretty differently from others since you have to mash abb every 1 second or so. And then with added cdr it has probably one of the best mobilities in-game.