⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

Is there a ranged build that can take Cala, for example?

A Physical one with a lot of armor would have the easiest time perhaps?
[] THIS WARLORD IS BANANAS! 4:20 Crucible Gladiator 150-170, Celestials, SR 90 easy one button endgame destroyer Physical gunner Warlord

[] DW Ranged Havoc Tactician - SR 90 / Callagadra / Ravager of Minds / Crate of Entertainment / Avatar of Mogdrogen

[] The Guardian of Erulan - Ranged Cadence Gun/Shield Tactician [SR 100] [All Celestials]


Could you share with us the grimtools for your darkblaze pyro?

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are they all HC viable? title says [HC approved section] and I can’t see it. am I blind or what

Maybe Arcane Spark in medal if we wanna kill Ravager of Flesh.

Just those marked as HC viable (with a little medal next to their names), they are like 100% viable, but all of the builds in the top20 are pretty sturdy outside of fights with gimmicky celestials (like Calla and Crate).



I find the pin aesthetically displeasing :frowning: RIP thread. Here’s a simulation how it was before. done in Paint:


also what’s up with these imposter threads? :man_facepalming: :hammer:

[edit] You can block the pin using Ublock Origin :+1:



I thought pin was a personal preference, or was this thread pinned?



Evoker Vindicator can do it.
I know because I did that yesterday (my first Cala kill).

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Thats not an onion.



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Pyran Shieldbreaker Update
Forgot to post this one, was ready a long time ago. Switched 2 seals of might to double flintstone, more damage, same sustain.


Doesnt look like I have any videos recorded, gonna fix that… some time later.


I like the build so I recorded one!


Thanks for your insight (I also love your Youtube videos btw).

Another thing I’m wondering about the Vortex Of Souls Druid build in the honorable mentions: Isn’t there a lot of damage lost from all the conversions to elemental types without much bonus? Aether to lightning damage on the robe for example.

Also, comparing it to the Death Squad Vortex Of Souls Druid, the Death Squad Druid build seems to be more well rounded and offer a lot more DA, armor and regen for slightly less damage. Am I missing something or is the Druid build in the honorable mentions just geared for maximum damage?

VoS druid needs an update. Belt probably needs to be changed while also trying to find a bit more DA without losing damage. Perhaps Star Pact exclusive is needed now to go CDR based defenses like Giant and Ghoul, but it requires some testing.
Regarding conversions, flat dmg doesnt scale that well for PS and the +skills provided better dmg than going Frostdread Cuirass for example.

The lightning version shouldnt be in the same ball park damage wise, it loses ~50% lightning damage to aether from weapon conversion. Its lacking %dmg and +skills to the PS skill line. But it should indeed be tankier (preferably with another 2-3k hp since hp looks a bit low)

Tbh i dont think VoS PS as a platform is versatile enough to go for a well rounded approach and its best played as a pewpew glasscannon which deletes mobs before they can be of any threat. If you start shifting stats to make it tankier it will quickly lose its one strength of deleting crowds and instead be mediocre at everything


Nofika explained it well. If you give up as much damage as the build you linked did suddenly fights become much longer and much more dangerous plus leech dips quite a bit. And then 13k hp is just no bueno.

Also that build is Lightning and it gets its lightning part cut in half while top20 Druid has additional flat to PS from the conduit.

Just out of curiosity: was any Rimetongue build tested, and how well/bad did they fare ?

They were. Dmg was good ofc but survivability couldn’t match peers. All Rimetongues felt like top40-50 kinda builds.


I would add that cold Rimetongue Sabouter I made some time ago kinda fell apart a bit without phys res on that green off-hand and it wasn’t even top50 to begin with.

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I think i over-looked a post. Where do i find some help leveling a Sabo? (specifically the Envoker route for Devo’s also) I think i confused myself by over thinking it to start one messing it up. I know the game is kind of forgiving, but i Thank you.