⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

Well yeah. You can make it even more tanky for the price of clunkiness if you use Oblivion relic:

Also as much as it can facetank it’s still a ranged caster build that can comfortably kite between casts as it doesn’t need to be in point blank range to maximize dps (it does need bigger crowds to do that tho).

but also don’t forget that it was multiple veteran builders each with thousands of hours of experience putting this list together in a span of few months, so it’s very unlikely that we missed any potential candidates


You experience all these things without ADHD as well. You either play for fun or you commit yourself to proving to these players that your build is the best and that’s that. I bet it’s nowhere near the burnout present while working on this ranking anyway.

True. That’s the main reason why I mentioned the need for extraordinary evidence.


True, but this is definitely the ADHD, and it’s now more disabling than my severe depression and the executive functioning issues vis ADHD make me forget everything, not just GD things. Aka there’s a reason why I haven’t been able to grow chilli’s the last 3 years, never mind the other stuff.

And vis the candidates thing - given the shear diversity in GD when it comes to builds, stuff’s going to be missed, not refined or even presented to the wider community. Though I have no doubt the makers of this list went through a mind boggling number of possible builds, at a guess I’d say over 150. Which my very dysfunctional self is bloody impressed with.

Anyhow, I’m not a speed runner, I just go for builds that can survive SR85-86 (or are fun) so my opinions are “non-standard” lawl.

And I can see why the Sentinel vit version of the Chaos Aegis build never turned up, it feels rather bad from my rough draft of it.

Colour me very impressed, because I would have thought it would suffer more for dropping the chaos RR from Ignaffar’s Combustion, even in CR where resistances aren’t pushed as high. As I’ve noticed with Cursed Tinctures, even -10% RR can make a big difference.

I have two builds of mine that are similar (Commando and Shieldbreaker) and those are in honorable mentions.

Do I agree that the list is 100% accurate? Not really, but I do respect the effort that was put into this top 20 onion list. It shows what is possible and not only that but exceeds expectations.

I like to keep the majority of my builds secret-ish because let’s be real… this list is a good way for devs to see what is too OP and what is ok in terms of build power.

The_Mess, titanquestfan gave u a good suggestion to start with not hoping to get your build in the top 20 instantly but make your own guide and page with your build, I am sure people will like it. You only need like a few pictures a small description and maybe 1 video of how the gameplay is… with grimtools link ofc and then u are set! :smiley:

I remember the days when we argued in the original top 20 what was what and devs had to intervene. I simply suggest not taking things too seriously and going with the flow.


Classy… how have you guys not learned yet after 8 years that this is a great way to get your favorites nerfed more than necessary.


So what are about all the spellbinders then? Don‘t see any of them being top any more…

They’re still bloody strong, but they’re not stronk enough to get into the T20 these days, assuming they were tested, which given the strength of most of them they were probably all tested.

Well we have tested the strongest spellbinders: Aether CT Spellbinder (you can find it in the sheet) and then Diviner. Both are strong but not strong enough. Aether was not good in that patch, wcyd.

Coming back to Gutsmasher EoR Warlord: what do you think may (or should be) added to the weapon and/or physical side of Eye of Reckoning to make it more competetive? More % weapon damage to Gutsmasher or more flat damage? I don’t quite get the bleed bonuses on Gutsmasher, looks like wasted opportunity here (considering Mythicon Scion of Crimson Wake exists). Problem is low damage (and low survivability as the result)? Or something else?

nothing, it doesn’t need to be more competitive
i think it’s very important for people to sorta come to terms with the top20 not being the “competitive” list, but the outlier list of builds, ie builds aren’t going to be nor should be balanced to reach the same state as these. The top20 isn’t the baseline performance build list, it’s the “nerf” list


Idk, it has all right performance currently, like it works, just not super strong. You wanna find some DA on it but it’s kinda limited in terms of what gear you can use on it (like you need three piece warborn and glad belt and scales etc.).

hey, don’t say that out loud :imp:


i didn’t


My bleeding Beastcaller Conjurer was killing Ravager in like 2 and a half minutes without pharma in, it is perfectly fine for me, for example, though of course it cannot hold a handle to properly min-maxed specs of other pet builders, but as long as it kills Ravager, Callagadra and Crate - it works for me. So i wonder if Gutsmasher Warlord may still kill Ravager/Callagadra/Crate in current patch? Crucible/SR speed runs notwithstanding.

That’s like the only content that it will struggle with. But not because it was nerfed or not buffed enough but because of the nature of EoR. In theory you can probably tune it for Callagadra (although it would be scrappy fight with kiting) but then it would be slow against SR and Crucible (and still sketchy against Celestials).


18 posts were split to a new topic: Meta Build Devotion Discussion

Want to start with the thanks for the awesome compilation, most likely gonna change my dervish to the cold build once i get the set rolling, and followed the blitz warlord one for an alt with tremendous success. Would like to know though, is there plan to do one for 1.2.1 at the moment :slight_smile: ?

They will, as it said on the bottom of first post :hugs:


blademaster belgo looks/is better than infiltrator belgo and you’re not even using the seal. i know yall tested and put in the work, but i can’t believe that blademaster belgo didn’t make the list.

Flat pierce & phys res on AoC, all the resistances on WoR and most importantly pierce rr is just better than the bit of bulk and OA soldier passives give you, especially because you’re capped on WPS already.

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