⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

It was a general statement, not aimed at you.

I guess I’ve spent too much time talking to MMO players recently. As you were! :slight_smile:

Hi, haven’t played this game in a long time, thinking of trying the #5 Acid RtA Sentinal, how do I go about the leveling/gearing process? Is there a step by step guide?

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Look here

Hey everyone,
long time lurker first time poster. Thanks for all the hard work, both on this list and the previous thread!

I wanted to ask a couple questions about Avenger Warder:

  1. Why does it use Gollus Rings and not Judicator’s set like the Archon variant?

  2. Why don’t we use Markovian Advantage’s? Is it because we don’t have enough points for it or is there a another reason?

Thanks for any help!

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For few reasons:

  • Points in Mogdrogen’s Pact and Menhir’s Bulwark that give both flat damage and regen
  • No need for damage reduction and flat resist reduction from Judicators because it’s provided (in superior values) by War Cry
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I missed the points on Gollus, I thought you chose them for the defensive stats :stuck_out_tongue:
If I don’t have any decent (Gollus) rings atm, would you suggest something else, like Black Matriarch?

Thanks for the help!

You can use black matriarch and well rolled Gargabol ring, but I suggest just getting to Gollus farm straight away. It’s one of the easier monsters to farm: just learn the spawns from the wiki and take a character with extra teleport from mastery.

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I know the farming route, went there for Dermapteran Slicer but skipped Gollus most of the time. Maybe I will get a Tyrant’s on my Slicer after all this time :stuck_out_tongue:


are these builds also working for super boss like Callagadra?
I tested most of builds fighting against Callagadra but most of them failed.

I don’t think so. I think some melee nightblades builds here can only kill Callagadra when fighting her under cluster and then kiting before next cluster. But most builds should be fine if you are dodging her sunder and using pharma plus cluster.

Post videos with builds you struggled with to kill her and maybe I can help further.

P.S. Callagadra is a gimmicky boss so builds we do are never min-maxed with her gimmicky damage profile in mind.

oh, that is why. Thanks for letting me know.
I tested without any pharma and cluster.

could you recommend 3 builds that has the most sustainability among the 20 builds above?

They are all very sustainable against all of the farmable content, hard to say which one is more sustainable. Callagadra is just gimmicky with here over the top physical damage and fumbles that make it super hard for melees.

Or do you need specifically Callagadra killers? Then try Avenger Warder, Ludrigan Druid and Blitz Warlord.

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So, turns out you can do a vitality based Oppressor version of the Chaos Voidsoul AoM build in this list, passes SR80-81 with ease too.

Need to do some moar testing obs, but it’s going to rank outside of the top 20 simply on basis of gear, since it needs high freeze resist rolls on the helm, amulet and pants to not need Hoarfrost. Which is going to be bloody expensive and time consuming. Never mind that vitality is much more resisted by super bosses, despite me packing in the vit -RR% sources, bar the relic, as I’m addicted to Serenity and have no shame in using it :stuck_out_tongue:

Also my Tester+ file comes with a Serenity with 4% for all attributes :upside_down_face:

I am afraid it won’t even come close to be considered for top20 testing even. And not because of gear. It doesn’t have good enough damage/tankiness ratio and even with better min-maxing it still wouldn’t come close.

If you feel like your build is worthy of top20 testing I would ask you to kindly play top20 builds first to see where it’s actually at.

Callagadra link for Voidsoul is incorrect.

[SR75-76 run by banana](https://youtu.be/0QUeo-yfQXI)
[Overview by @RektbyProtoss](https://youtu.be/WJNuNJIcBt4?si=Ck6fBhlR5qxaAfKV)

Except it can run through SR85-86 without pots and due to it’s higher OA it regularly hits much harder than the sheet dps would suggest. But yeah, it looses 200K sheet dps compared to the Chaos version simply due to all the chaos damage that remains unconverted. And vitality usually has higher enemy resists too.

The other issue otherwise is that at only 20/22 for Reprisal it doesn’t get 25% chance for cooldown, which does lower effective dps in boss shards if you don’t have one that spawns minions. But 150k vit decay ticks help with that.

Fails SR90 of course, as more PR and sustain is needed even with pots due to the lack of a heal on demand skill. But yeah, I think you’re underestimated it’s tankiness and effectiveness.

Not at all, I think it should be pretty tanky in its own right, there are literally like a hundred+ more builds that are really really strong just not top20. So when I say “it’s not close to top20” it only means that it’s not close to the level of the builds presented here but it does not mean it’s bad. It can still be pretty good. So don’t take it the wrong way.

That said, to see and feel how far or how close it is to the builds in top20 (or even the builds we had in the testing) you should simply try them yourself.


Well, the Chaos Aegis version is much faster due to it’s higher DPS, but it still suffers from a lack of investment in Reprisal, made up for by Doom Bolt. So compared to mine it’s a bit faster in 85-86 standard shards and in Boss shards, with BoD giving some useful breathing room and synergising nicely with Abominable Might

Anyhow, I’m not saying my Vit version is the same as it, or even tankier, but having given the Chaos one a spin in SR85-86 vs my runs with my Vit version I’d say you’re underestimating my build’s capabilities. Anyhow, now that I’ve added the missing waystones to that save, it’s time to throw the Chaos version against SR90-91.

It’s going to be painful lawl.

[edit] Huh - it survived SR90-91 with no pots what so ever, no wonder it’s so highly ranked. Guess the extra dps from that medal makes it better than the basilisk one, as the extra damage negates the need for the adcth the basilisk one has. Still, it’s less tanky than I’d like it to be, as had to constantly reposition away from the Shattered Outcast, and the lack of Bloodthirster meant I had to gtfo if BoD was on cooldown. But yeah, shows just how powerful BoD + Possession are for making a build more tanky.


If I were you I wouldn’t expect to have any build of yours acknowledged like that - based on your written description of how it feels in SR 85-86 or SR 90-91. You will only be disappointed. If it’s your goal to have one in this Top 20, I’d try to present extraordinary results in all endgame activities shown in the OP, especially speedrunning ones, make a lot of videos. (Btw don’t worry about superbosses in case of your Oppressor because Sentinel has 0 Chaos RR so is actually at disadvantage in comparison).

Maybe even make a build guide. After having these extraordinary results documented, convince some to play it. You have to sell it really well. Probably worth trying only when you come across sth really amazing not just similar at best. Before all of that, it really doesn’t matter if mad_lee underestimates your build or not.


I have plans to do posts, but my ADHD is so fluffing bad at the moment it’s hard to get around to try everything outside of SR. Because I either forget, or get side tracked by a new build idea, youtube stuff etc etc. Or hit sleep fun and thus can’t play competently enough.

Also I burn out way too easily now. Though loot burnout is staying at bay now that I ruthlessly cull loot drops and ignore most stuff that drops in SR. Unlike Destiny 2, which I’m so burnt out I can’t even get excited for the new expansion…