⬆ How to level top 20 (an onion) builds in Grim Dawn []


Top 20 builds thread :star: Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion) - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum is on the forum after extensive testing to determine top builds in GD. The topic provides save files, but if you don’t want to do it, or you want to try building it from scratch, this thread should provide some information and useful links. Basically, doing the same thing I did last time, honouring the traditions.

Top 20 builds

1. Korba Trickster

The end game build uses full Korba set and Alkamos rings, but you can make a decent Trickster with budget-friendly gear, and you havea number of suitable weapons for levelling, like Chillstrife and Malkadarr blade. You can check my beginner’s guide for cold Trickster, it’s old, but should still provide some useful tips.

[] Beginners/budget DW cold melee Trickster - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

2. Evoker Saboteur

Another great cold DW melee, you also have a number of weapon options. On top of that, Namadea helm is a crucial item, and you can target farm it. There are also a few other target farmable greens, and craftable blue rings, which make this build suitable for those, who wants to dabble in cold DW melee. You can check my beginner’s guide for this class.

[] Beginner’s Cold Dual Wield Melee Saboteur - the journey! - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

3. Avenger Archon

End game build around Avenger set (which includes a weapon), but you can level up with Troll Bronecrusher weapon, farmed from these big trolls. You can’t miss them, they are big, after all. You can check the wonderful guide by the Coyote [ -] Budget Physical Two-Handed Melee Savagery Archon - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

4. Chaos Saboteur

Just level it as cold, chaos have very little support for levelling a Saboteur, you will lack RR and your attack won’t do much damage.

5. Acid RtA Sentinel

For end game Sentinel, you need to craft a conduit, which removes the cooldown from Aegis skill. So you can level with Aegis on CD as acid damage or acid retal. You can farmr Ravna’s Claw weapon, Ronaprix’s sting amulet and Basilisk Fang medal. You can also check levelling guides, first is my super old acid Sentinel with shield and second is tqFan’s acid DEE.

[] [caster] Beginner’s/budget acid Sentinel - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

[] SSF Dreeg’s Evil Eye Sentinel - leveling and beginner build - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

6. Fire N&O Saboteur

Build is using Nex And Ortus and Ember sets. For levelling, you can try dual wielding Moltenclaw Slicers, since they support fire Sabo from earlier levels. I still would suggest cold, since it’s Sabo.

7. Blitz Warlord

One of the top options, if you want self-found build, which can take you afar. You have a number of target farmable greens in the end game char, Bargoll’s Root weapon is a great weapon. Milton’s helm and Warden’s shield can be farmed in act 1 of the game as well. And ofc Wendgio Glare medal and Bloodbriar amulet. You can check Ceno’s guide for shield blitz Warlord and Coyote’s Witchblade using the combo Blitz+Cadence.

Blitz Krieg - A SSF, HC-Viable, New-Player-Friendly Warlord - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

[] Budget Physical Cadence-Blitz S&B Witchblade - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

8. Avenger Warder

Avenger set, but this time as Warder. You can build it similarly to the Archon’s levelling guide, or use Voldrak’s weapon + Cadence and this guide by Ulvar.

[] Budget Physical Cadence-Blitz S&B Witchblade - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

9. Venomblade Dervish

Build using Venomblade’s set, which also have 2x weapons. The good thing is, you have a good few options for weapons during levelling, especially Gannar’vakkar’s Sting. Without further ado, link for the Stupid Dragon’s guide.

[DW melee] Beginner’s Virulent Dervish - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

10. Deathmarked Dervish

Another cold DW melee, starting to see a trend. Build is using full Deathmarked set and conduit, which provides damage, but also conversion to Righteous Fervour. But even without them, you have a strong base, consisting of RF+Nightbalde’s weapon pool skills (WPS). Any guide for DW melee should do the trick, since there are a number of similarities between all these cold DW melee builds.

11. Markovian Warlord

Build, using the full Markovian set, and it’s slightly different, compared to eco-friendly green Blitz, but that’s only for end game setup. Levelling is same.

12. Belgothian Infiltrator

Belgo Bladmeaster is an eternal classic in Grim Dawn, but this is Infiltrator, ugh. You can still check the Stupid_Dragon’s guide for BM and make some minor adjustments. You don’t have Soldier’s WPS skills, but you gain resistance reduction (RR) from Pain, OA/physical resistance from Conviction and some extra racial damage. So, Infiltrator is an option. The main problem for levelling/budget setup is lack of dedicated auto-attack without Belgo set or Soldier’s Cadence. You need to use Beronath’s Strike from component, and you will have troubles to convert it. I suggest levelling pierce DW Infiltrator only as last resort or personal challenge.

13. Lightning Retaliation Archon

Ah shit, here we go again. End game only build requiring Conduit of Divine Whispers, removing the cooldown from Aegis. And also Skybreach shield, Scion of Burning Vengeance pistol and Dawnshard’s helmet. For leveling, it’s hard to recommend lightning retal, you can do fire with Colossal Defender, but that’s a different build.

14. Voidsoul Sentinel

Another build using Aegis conduit (such a strong item). For levelling, you can still go chaos with Lagoth’s Voidbinding medal, but you will lack RR. I suggest levelling with CD Aegis, using fire, acid or even physical damage. There are few green MI items for each damage type and also Sentinel class supports them.

15. Lightning CT Druid

One of my favourite builds in the game. It’s not great idea to level with it, since you won’t have access to Stormseer’s Sapphire amulet (level 94 craftable, recipe is random drop) and lightning CT has almost no +skills from early/mid-levels. Still Kymon’s badge medal+2H weapon, and it’s at least possible to create something similar.

16. Cold N&O Saboteur

Slightly different, compared to Evoker Sabo, but that’s only the end game setup. Levelling, check the same guide.

17. Light’s Defender Purifier

Number of good target farmable items for lightning SJ Purifier, like Ulraprax’s amulet (life steal to SJ is yummy) and Overseer’s off-hand for extra damage. One issue is lack of conversion mod, outside ot Light Defender set, but damage should still be good enough without it, especially in normal/veteran and elite. Check this guide by teppieteptep

[] Beginner Storm Box + Stun Jacks Purifier from scratch - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

18. Ludrigan Druid

Cool caster using Ludrigan end game setup. For levllig you can try adjusting my Vindicator guide. Use Totems+Devils combo and Star Pact as exclusive skill. Devotions, focus on defensive ones and maybe good for hard health regen numbers.

[] Beginner’s Lightning Vindicator caster - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

19. Vitality RE Oppressor

You can level it as RE build using Bonespike weapon (drop like candies) and Magi Celestial Helm and have a good time. You can check my old guide for RE Oppressor (before the introduction of magi’s item) as well.

[] Beginner’s vitality Ravenous Earth Oppressor with leveling guide - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

20. Pyran Shieldbreaker

Fire Mortat Trap caster, utilizing health regen for survival. Use fire gear + Gollus MI rings and Dreeg’s pants for regen. You can also check this SSF topic for fire Mortars by Dabuwa87 [showcase] ssf shieldbreaker mortar trap blackwater cocktail build to start the grind - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

Or better, check the new guide written by modal: [] Beginner Mortar Trap Shieldbreaker - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

Additional resources

And remember, unlike onion, your build shouldn’t be made out of glass. :onion:


No real onions. Didn’t make me cry. 0/10


Seeing all these Saboteurs didn’t make you cry? Heartless!

I logged in just to say that I hate to know the fact sabo is the top tier class and not infiltrator anymore.

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Story checks out. :rofl:

Still, could be worse… Like Spellbinder.

Teh real builder mvp!

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Leveling sabo is truly an eye-watering endeavor.


Damn. Some of those levelling guides are older than I am. Maybe someone should update them :smiley:

They are still better than nothing. I might update some of them in next patch or so.


This is great

Thank you for the work @Nery

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I’ve tooled sth modern for Korba on DIscord because I didn’t want them to level Cold NB with Primal Strike :laughing: and new players really like up-to-date (1.2) builds.

Trickster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
(maybe it should be 2 Spectrals + Fettan + Galeslice for simplicity but I wanted that 22 NJE in 100 level setup)

Some of my messages:

  • since you’re already level 30 or so, get 2 Spectral Longswords from Spined Cove (beginning of Act 2) more details / farming route at my Beginner Cold Infiltrator build on the forum

  • I’d use 2 Spectral Longswords till level 100

  • I have 1 Loxmere Blade but that’s after you’re 100, get this helmet (with the help of 2 kinds of Epic Transmutations) and are close to 22 in Nidalla’s Justifiable ENd.

  • Also Galeslice Mark medal + 180 Pierce damage to Shadow Strike, prolly worth using for the most of leveling before you’re trying to 22 Nidalla’s Justifiable Ends


could mine build be considered? For unknown reasons grimtools crawler doesn’t pull over my threads

It’s for leveling / budget builds

Dammit has some quality requirements, the crawler might not consider it worthy enough as you have only a few links and 2 sentences there. But wait for the response because sometimes it’s about some minor things like title.

Well i want a reason to work for. So if it’s the reason of not linking me where i can read about it

you just have to wait for Dammit’s response

Not enough saboteurs in top, i woul say. More looks like saboteur-ish. My rate for this rating is 4/20 saboteurs :joy::joy::joy:

Have you thought about going the pure cold dw savagery route instead of investing into shadow strike? Something like this

naked: Trickster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

with affixes: Trickster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
(invested more in spirit than I would just to have over 30k damage in grimtools :crazy_face: - and edit: please ignore the point accidently invested in Might of the Bear)

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@Nery I’m new to the game and you’re a saint for this.