Total Damage Stacking

Long time no post.

I’ve recently been wondering (instead of writing a thesis, which I should be doing) how “total damage modified” skill modifiers stack.
Logic and memory say it should be completely multiplicative, but then this this thread about the old Amarastan Crusher hints at it maybe not being the case.
I’ve been searching for a while now, but I couldn’t find anything definitive. Maybe I just used the wrong keywords.

F.Ex., if I use Firestrike with the 3/3 2h transmuter, and Barthollem’s Warmaul, will I have a 120% or 132% total modifier in the end?
Will two Ugdenbog Venom Launchers grant total damage modified by 24% to deadly aim, or rather a bit more?
And if it’s additive, I assume it is not for general buffs, Like that prismatic rage skill?

Thanks in advance.

Some test I made

1. Base Lightning damage of Callidor: 328

2. Let’s add 45% Total Damage from 4p bonus of Vanquisher:
328 x 1.45 = 475.6 <- ok

3. Let’s add to that 170% Total Damage from transmuter:

1282 is displayed. As it turned out 328 * (1+1.7) * (1+0.45) = 1284

The answer is - These two Total Damage Modifiers are multiplicative
If they were additive, we would get 328 * (1 + 1.7 + 0.45) = 1033.2

This is contrary to what I found on Discord in multiple messages.
Maybe it was simply repeated over the years without testing by


:+1: Much obliged. That fits my expectations. :slight_smile:

Big thanks for testing and confirming how this works. Gives more perspective to a lot of things now :+1:.

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