Telling your psychiatrist that you want the Wendigo Totem build
Short intro
Being advertised as a vit decay build somewhere, the case is a bit more complicated. The build was born on a coincidence of many things. Firstly, I was playing with some old concept of mine, namely Abomination and Ch’ton offhand on a vit build (my affidavit is that it had a certain allure in it for me since adding vit % damage to Abom). Secondly, I was brimful of enthusiasm to make Dark One great again. And the last but not the least, the fact that vit damage got some new toys to play with, such as cheap RR component, buffed bottom left devotion path and so on.
Credits to @grey-maybe for his advice concerning weapon augment and relic. He also suggested using Scorpion devotion, But I’m a little bad at piloting, so chose extra sustain in a form of Guardian’s Gaze and Bat.
- Core of the build is Dark One (wow, no way) and Orb of Ch’ton. We use acid->vitality conversion for Abomination, GG and Ravenous Earth.
- Relic fits nicely there, however, feel free to use any +necro relic, should work good aswell.
- Medal and scepter are to boost Wendigo Totem/
- Pants is merely to boost res, the phys one especially.
- Not an obvious choice Halakora appears to be, but it has oa, cc res, cdr, and it is quite a boost to Storm Totem.
- Everyhting else is the golden standard of vit builds.
As the majority vit builds this one is a pay-attention-to-nothing tank. However, wendigo totems have a very limited radius, and it might take some time to get used to it. Otherwise, there aren’t many pieces of advice to give concerning the way to play this finest Ritualist.
Ravager kill. As far as I’m concerned @grey-maybe managed 1:15 kill, tho I don’t know what kind of magic it is
SR30-31 run. Regular content feels pretty smooth with this build. Nothing to admit except paying attention so shotguns, it’s always dangerous without flat absorption.
Calla kill. It was a bit tight, until I got used to Wendigo’s radius