Trading or Selling Relics

Is there any way to create an option to trade or sell relics that we acquire but do not want? I play in the “pacifist” mode most of the time, and in my current game I picked up two military-themed relics that I had no use for. Even if trading a relic would only cover half the price of a different one with the merchants, it would be an improvement, in my opinion. Thoughts, anyone?

Merchants had to get them from somewhere. I only use 5 or 6, and what idiot uses the bandit raiding enhancements?

People who think even Vanquisher difficulty is too easy. :laughing:

I do, I am the idiot :wink: It can be fun in late game. Still a valid question on how to make the bouying of relicts mechanic more funt.

Suggestion: Excravated Relicts are way more potent than bought one. You can sell you excravated ones for more than the purchased ones.

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