Trading Post transfer Gold figures out of kilter

The Gold figures shown in the Trading Post transfer box are often completely wrong.

Your one trading post person is stocking, which in this case includes a planned move for 10,000 gold ingots from wherever they’re currently stored (probably a vault?) to the trading post. The numbers there show what the expected split will be once stocking is completed.

I am not sure what the issue is here. However, I want to remind people that when transferring gold bars, the workers physically move them. So technically, during the transport time window, the display of Gold is indeed “false”.

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No, what you’re missing is that the figures shown in the trading post do not match the total in the top right of the screen. I’ve had this happen before too. Sometimes the figures are back to front, i.e the trading post is shown having the amount in your town, other times it’s a mismatch as shown. Sometimes just not confirming and then clicking to transfer funds again will correct it, but other times I’ve had to leave the trading post and enter it again to get the correct amount to show.

Maybe save and load the game solves it?

As said just not confirming or exiting the trading post fixes it. But it’s an occasional error and doesn’t happen all the time, for me at least. Never needed to exit the game to fix it.

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