Transfer all saved data from "free" called game to freshbought Steam version game.

First - I played on pirated game - I had to try this game before spend almost 70$ - my fault.

Now - i want to buy legal version this game from Steam - this game is awesome and good another choice for Diablo 3 :wink: - but there is quite serious problem…

I have 2 main chars in game: Pet Cabalist 85 lvl, Warder 51 lvl and a lot of useful stuff (collected by Cabalist and waiting for Warder) and want safely transfer both chars to new game with all stuff, achieviements etc.

I want to buy full version this game (basic game, AoM expansion, Crucible Mode DLC and Steama Loyalist upgrade) because of testing game on this version :wink:

I have found where is SAVE folder with my chars in my actual version - but what about transfer stuff from boxes and my achieviements???

Please help me - there is a lot of topics about SAVE folder locations, but nothing about other parts (stuff and achieviements)…

My thread here has all the folder location info and all location info and names 0f the blueprints file, shared stash file etc, etc.

Please note that while there is Steam cloud saving, it’s not always the most reliable, as can be seen from various threads about this.

Achievements are Steam based in your Steam account afaik, they aren’t saved on your pc.

“I had to level up 136 times before deciding whether the game was worth buying”.


Better than not buying at all in my view :wink:

It’s been a looong time since I played, but when did the saves start appearing in the Program Files (x86) folder?

Is this due toe Steam Cloud Saves being enabled? I swear it use to save under C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\save ?

Having it under Program Files is dumb because it means I can’t simply backup the “My Games” folder in Documents.

Yep that’s exactly where they should be said normally. That where mine are. In my case though last I checked it was my games/grimdawn, no steam library folders

Yes, as Steam cloud stores its saves in the Steam install folder, which by default is program files (x86), Local saves are still in My Docs\my games\grim dawn\save\main.

Weird that mine are under the cloud save folder when I have cloud saves disabled for GD. It’s possible that cloud saves were enable at some point and maybe GD looks in both places to load characters?

Anyway, I will try to manually move them to the local folder tonight and see if it finds them there.

It will only look in either local or cloud depending on what you have selected in GD’s settings

Do you have cloud saving disabled in GD’s settings as just turning it off in Steam if still enabled in GD “could / maybe” result in the saves being placed in the Steam folder location instead of the GD local saves location?

The way the saves location work in GD for Steam cloud is strange as Crate are worried about saves overwriting in the wrong way, hence this odd behaviour.

Normally any game that has the option of cloud saves, keeps the saves in their normal place and simply allows Steam to copy the saves to the Steam cloud saves folders keeping the cloud current with your saves. Hence you never have to look in 2 different places to find your Cloud vs local saves as they are all the same current save in both folders.

Crate decided though to keep them completely separate and hence you have the option in GD’s settings to enable or not and it’s that bit of Crate code that moves where GD looks for it’s save games and results in the 2 different sets of saves.

Hope this helps a bit,

So - I have bought today a game and succesfully transfer all data to new version - thx all for suggestions :wink:
Legal game has a lot new oppotunities - multip[layer game for example - few minuts ago some player helped me with slay very tough boss for my 70 lvl warden…
Thx again :slight_smile:

Pretty boldsy to tell us that you played on an illegal copy on the official crate-Grim Dawn forum :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, it is and it does happen. But the OP did say they wanted to buy a legit copy which they’ve now done. So all good as far as I’m concerned. People who come here with illegitimate copies expecting help, but with no intention of buying the game get a different response as jiaco made clear a little while ago.

Fair enough. But what if I told my local electronics store that I stole a TV from them and came back with questions like “I intend to buy the TV at some point, I just could not afford it at the time being. But now I was wondering if I buy the TV, will I be able to keep my channel shortcuts on the remote?”

it’s not like Crate team is filthy rich…

No, they’re not, but if someone wants to pirate there’s not much they can do about it. All we can do here at the forum is encourage people with such copies to buy legit - or don’t come here looking for advice/help.

Or just hate on them. :slight_smile:

Which would likely lead to yet another s**tfest thread. Nope, just make it clear they’re not welcome here without a legit copy or report the post to a moderator to deal with.