[Trickster] The Bleeding Heart

That devotion bleed damage is applied only to weapon damage though; sure it’s not the majority of the bleed damage but it’s a significant amount which then scales multiplicatively with your highest %weapon damage skill. A bleed trickster whose highest weapon-damage skill is 16/16 Savagery (150% wpn dmg) will have a weapon-based bleed that is exactly half that of a trickster with 16/16 ShadowStrike (300%) or 7/8 Execution (303%).

It’s one of the few ways to have damage scale reasonably well once you already have +1000%-1500% damage.

That said, the difference between 8/8 Execution and 15/8 Execution is only 42% wpn dmg, which means adding those 7 points only increases the weapon bleed by 13.3%.

I was just pointing out that you need at least one skill in that 300% range. Trying to get by without Execution or Shadowstrike would severely gimp your weapon bleed.

the quick easily accessable bleeds which the core of this build works off of i would agree with you Mammoth. But I think for the highest single target you have to go for the %wep dmg skills to make the truely crazy bleed ticks. Over all the build works better with the high AOE skills and bleeds. Blind Fury is crazy good for this build. Like howl of mog is crazy good for this build on single target. But i desperately miss blind fury.

Highest weapon bleed I have myself is 42/sec on bloodsong. Then there is 5/sec in Mogdrogen and 15/sec in maxed howl. More with savagery charges. There is 5% chance on bloodbathed links but well, 5%. And I do have 8/8 execution. Shadow strike is all nice - when you have 16 points to put there.

I am personally not hell bent on getting highest damage possible, and would rather be upset if I can’t survive something. Thus 2/3 points in physique and 1300 armor with 98% absorption.

@ Cryodacry;

Have you ever given any thought to the idea of a 2H trickster bleed spec? I tried it for a while after I got my first Guillotine, it’s certainly viable, there were just too many bleed skills with dual-wield requirements to justify it. Not to mention faster Savagery stacks & two weapon enhancements.

The build is a bit batshit crazy, but it looks something like this (with +4 skills);


You get the flat 10% total damage & 10% phys resist from Savagery with a 2H. You get a much MUCH higher damage output on Phantasmal Blades (since it’s MH weapon only). A 2Her opens up The Kraken for a cheap and easy +130% total dmg, +15% crit dmg, +20% atk spd (while also filling a chunk of the Giant’s Blood requirement). And what stood out the most to me was how Feral Hunger is no joke. It allowed me to play in a way that attacking was best for survivability (until bosses of course)… a single Feral Hunger proc would return 25%+ of my entire healthbar.

If it weren’t for the dual-wield requirements on Relics and Direwolf Crest I might’ve stuck with a 2Her.

Queens Executioner Is a Warder version… and far better for bleeds. Cadance is Ment for Dot damage. Not to mention the cleave portion of cadance has the strongest dot in the game. I’ve gotten him up to 62 waiting on a friend. He’s already very strong. The Complimenting amount of physical damage he does is very worth while.

Very fun char to play but yes he is built around the Guiliteen. I personally am not worried about the phys resist though as i believe he’ll have close to 24k hp when i am done with him.

So I am trying this build as my 2nd char. My first was a summoner which rocks for everything but nemesis killing. I had heard this is a good build for Fabius farming.

I have read through this thread and you have agreed that your goal was max tick dmg and that the build could be way tankier.

Can you provide some build changes if we are trying to keep this build but make it tankier. I believe that slow and steady is better than a riskier quick kill given that death = mobs gets life back. I am a little gun shy after my awesome summoner got eaten by Fabius the minute he agrod on me.

I did see your recommendation of 35/36/15 on attribute distribution. I did not see anything about a different skill or devo selection though.

Thx for the advice.

really it’s just more HP… the more HP you can get the tankier the build will be. Butcher of Burrwitch is an amazing amount of healing.

Thanks for the fast response. I already have the butcher and that is one of the reasons I liked this build.

No skill changes or devo changes?

I have been following your skill/devo paths and this build has been solid. I just had to move over some funds to put heal pots and I am fighting mobs 10 levels higher than me already.

Honestly i don’t think i would change the devo… skill changes … not really there. It’s just HP … Devo … it’s really important to keep the high bleeds. I am playing around a with a Howl of Mogdren Devo build for this. It’s quite a bit higher single target dps and better resists but man does it not have AOE. Blind fury is Amazing.

Regarding Blade Spirit, should I be keeping it active during fights? I don’t see anything involving complication in usage of the skill. Keep it active and refresh every time it’s off cooldown during a fight, primarily involving mobs. Is it worth to use during a boss fight?

this is really depending on your Devotoin loadout. Right now i am using BS for my Falcon Swoop Application. So i cast BS every time it’s up due to the Wep damage comp of the skill. BS has an amazing Proc rate for damage skills in the game.

As for the Bleed damage. You generally hit close to 400 % duration so that 2s bleed turns into a 8s bleed so as long as you are hitting the button ever 20s you will generally have 100% bleed up time.

how do you get oleron now since it requires 20purp? Ive been fiddling abit but I dont seem to find a good devo setup… hmm :smiley:

edit: Nm figured it out :smiley:

Hey all or directly Cryodacry,

I followed you leveling Path and now I’m Level 20 in Act 2, but my Clearspeed is so damn slow, cause I have to hammer on every small Enemy multiple Times, till he dies. Is this normal and why you say “I found the build to take a bit to get to level 30” in your Guide?

It feels too slow, compared to my other Characters, but I have to say, I haven’t played a Dual-Blade-Nightblade before. Maybe it is generally hard to level in the Range of 20 to 30 (40).

Not much fun at this Point…

Levelling shaman is quite simple, pick the biggest damage 2h weapon available get falcon and primal strike work your way to kraken and wendigo totem. You can level up easily till you are comfortable to switch to desired build

Yea, I latter leveled pure shaman. The path i took was actually the long way around. Ironicly if you do shaman with Dev swarm at 16/16 and put rend on it… you can use that all the way to Ultimate where it still rips everything apart.

Edit: when i get some time i’ll gladly go through this and adjust it. I’ve made some changes that have made HUGE gains in the performance of the build.

That would be awesome and much appreciated. Just started leveling a char with this build in mind. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to this too. Pretty fun build, man!

I can start you guy’s off with a couple of the changes…

Grim Calc I am up to 190,000 on the dummies. Still quite a bit room to improve. Still havn’t gotten my Vile blood shoulders … =(

First, Rend on Devoiring Swarm. ( this is truly amazing )
Secondly, Falcon Swoop on Blade Spirit.
Third, Howl of Mog on Savagery

It really has an amazing amound of ST and AOE… I will admit i kind of wish i didn’t go full bore DPS on the build and put more points into Phys but meh … it’s still fun having Nemsis dieing before you can get the full bleed stack on them.

Thank you Cryodacry!

Thx for your Help. No it works really well:)

Another question, regarding the Gamedesign: How does the +Bleed-DMG from Wendigo Totem work? Is it necessary to cast the Totem first, and the +% then counts for every Attack I cast after the Totem or does it work on DMG, which is already on the Enemy? E.g.: I cast Devouring Swarm with Rend on Enemy, then the Rend activates and after that, I place the Totem.