Trolls thread of questions

That high? I have never reached those numbers in all of my characters! The highest I ever achieve is with my Death Knight: 2800 OA and 2500 DA. Are those numbers achievable with only permanent buffs on? Or only with all proc buffs on?

Dear diary, for leveling soldier is stupidly OP due to Guardmans set.
That besides inner WH40/Death Guard fun wishes sword & boom would be a thing if for nothing, but RP reasons.
Oh and fire/burn to acid/poison would be nice, vomiting ones foes to death sounds fun with converted Devil’s Breath.
Final rant goes to leveling…Imo havin %damage before level 50 is wasted, havin flat damage would help leveling more.

Oh Mighty Horn, how OP are thou.
Taking a break from Shinobi and havin some fun with Horn Of Gandarr.
No idea how far this build will take me, prolly through veteran since Ive got the feeling, that no matter what one pulls from ones ar...special place if you mix it with soldier it will carry you through. Not that I have anything against "noob choice". Well since the whole build is stupid and a byproduct of way too many beers theres no reason not to give it a go.

What you have up there is a brutal heavy metal bass player.
Tremendous riffs to knock you back (Forcewave)
High notes to shatter ones head (HoG)
Some soothing slower tunes (Harp)
General BS (Murmur)
And finally, stage dive (Blitz)
Oh I bet this one makes it into Ultimate.

Yet another, this time Blitzkrieg Bob.
[i]Bob was always fast, as fast as an assassin needed to be. Sadly for poor Bob he wasnt fast enough to avoid the Aetherials after the Dawn. Luckily Bob was saved from the noose by a lucky bullet and discovered, that now he was even faster.[/i] Another one from the bottomless bit of crazy ideas, havent really Theorycrafted a bit, just adding skills as I go with the rough idea of havin as much movement as possible.
The damage is nice, but way too diverse to take poor Bob past veteran Log.
With Twin Omens and some Haunted Steel Bob´s gonna suck big time.

Did think a moment about Spectral Strike for Alkamos scythe, but would have lost either Chaos Strike OR Haunted Steel, so need to give it some thought.
Know it´s bit silly to ask, but any ideas?

Well poor Bob got the “Superfluff treatment” and is at the moment farming some rep for DG inside Four Hills to get up,to Honoured.
I think I will try to grind the faction rep up to Honoured for all the factions during Veteran to get access for the level 50 faction gear if not for other reason than FINALLY getting something done instead of “Yet-Another-Toon”-syndrome kicking in.

Wondering if this is enough or should I farm some more of dem Derms…
Well I DO need more rep for the Homestead.
Speaking of rep Black Legion might be a bitch to grind up to Honored during Veteran but I REALLY want that +50% rep.

Just realized i had to swap weapons. Those slicers are OP at your level. Keep advancing the campaign

It’s not, act 6 is a legion standing pinata, you’ll get there pretty quickly.

Oh, good to know.
Now I don`t feel so bad for taking me time with the Boyz in Act 2 to farm DC up to Honoured.
Final Statistics:
OA 100/15,9%
DA 88,8%
Against the VagFace, that is.
Now some quick BoC run to get Annie her bauble and then to AoM.

Well by the Cthons Everbleeding Arse that wasn’t fun.
!FUN! it was to waste two keys to get Annies bauble.
Well even with 60+ res in Chaos and Vitality the bastards with Life Reduction oslt proved too hard to deal with when coming with friends to ride some SnuSnu Train with ya.
Annoying for melee builds that is, but not as bad as shit on the floor effects.

Speaking of Bleeding I would like it if the game would have a Universal DoT Remover aka Tampax.
Also just my thought, but does sticking a candle to you sword and calling it anti-cthonian make much sense?
Yeah, it comes from silly gothic images (and WHFB/40k), but I would still prefer runes even though everyone and their pets got one.

Should be kicking Ulgrims ass out from hell right about now - second time.
First time ended with the loonie kicking MY ass.
Have to say that gearing as far as weapons go is a bit boooring, it would be nice to have something coming even close dem Derms.
Stored for next few levels are Sharpshooters Pouch and Empowered Warmasters Pride for the lack of anything better.
Damage is still there, but the toons a bit squishy.

And yet another pointless grimcalc link.

Starting to worry a bit about my level and I yet to do so much in Veteran, Annies wants me to go Valbury and AoM is yet to be done.
Well he did clear Veteran, but now I´m starting to think that a shield would make my life a lot easier.

Besides the regular program, kinda puzzled with the way my rig is functioning.
If I run the game with Chrome & Stash running the memory needed by the game keeps on growing until it crashes.
I do get it, that programs running background take some memory, but it SHOULDN´T affect the game, right?!

How many times must a toon farm Royal Hiv(e), before it can find a nice pair…?
F´king many.
For a change in pace some time with poison stabbing NB because anything, but DW NB just ain´t fun.

Does laughing my ass off while watching enemy I just infected with Running Aids speed past it buddies also infecting em?
Yup, going straight into Hell.

Instead of leveling my toon as a NB first decided to give the Satanist a go first.
So far it´s been good.

Well back to farming dem Derms.
Did pick Spider to make insects explode better, but boy is getting anything with Sinister hard, sort of makes one wanna do some Crafting with the Stash to save some time…
How fun would it be to find out BiS ain’t dem Derms.
Did give some try for Acid/Poison DW NB, but spamming SS&ABB-combo makes one wish, that game could feature chain attack-feature…

You don’t need sinister on derp slicer. N?adaan makes it 100% pierce ratio cause they have 50%. 50% x2 with nadaan.

Piercing, heartpiercing, relentless, anything with flat phys dmg too cause it gets converted

I believe the game does have a skill for just that “nullification” iirc