Trolls thread of questions

Yeah, but they come either through Mastery or Constellation so there isn’t “free for all”-option.
Crate does EVERYTHING for reason, though, so havin a potion for that kinda makes Healing Pools less useful.

Riddle me this…
As far as my poisonous backstabber goes havin some issues, mainly do I gain anything by adding DW into mix that is ABB+LA+SS?
Was drooling after Nidalls Hidden Hand with Execution with either Whirling Death or Shears.
DW to get something nice besides Plaguebearer’s Spellblades rr shred.
Do I end up losing dps and how does the Spellblades rr debuff refresh?
Does it start from first tick meaning I never get the full benefit from fifth tick?

Going dual wield (usuallly) gives more dps at the cost of defensive stats. Hidden hand is a dps increase since it converts a non trivial amount of pierce to acid and adds more acid and poison on top of every wps hit. It’s also one of the easiest skills to overcap, I once had I think +16 from gear or something like it and that was before vine rings existed.

The rr from a spellblade refreshes every time you land a hit with that hand, as long as you keep attacking it should never run out.

Havin just one difficulty is looking ever more tempting and since I´m badly lacking some reputation I kinda need to grind through all acts to get Revered with em all, rather like it so before Ultimate.

At least the reputation grind is a one time thing, mandates are the best.

Goddammit, Mog’s Love Shack proved to be my undoing again.
Got greedy and tried to land “one more blow” and got nuked.
Speaking of Mog kinda wondering wether it he/she/some hentai tentaclemonster ADMIRING the flora and fauna of Cairn.
Wondering how many offsprings of this ADMIRATION run loose in Cairn…
Dude never denies he/she/hentai wouldn’t LOVE the nature the way they did in Cyanide & Happines "I love noodles.
No beastmen, though.

Out from the gutter that is Mog fanfic and into the fire.
Don`t really now if adding BS helps with my dps since it has so much bleed.
But it´s nice to have friends, even though one of em is a shadow and the other mindless swarm of blades.
Just using the mouse starts to get a bit boring.

Me thinks poor Harvey needs moar love.
Could we get a set (like with Lokh) inc. Soiled Trousers, Cauldron of Excitement and some other pieces called Harvey´s Rags that would allow to summon Timmy the Stabbing Doll by farming him?
Again here, wondering should I farm for Reavers now or be happy with what I got.
At Elite havin a 12%Crit/90% thp against Alkamos makes me doubt my OA/DA a bit.

Well fuk, run into Kuba, got wrecked which was kinda fun, since so far the challenge has been missing.
Havin a bad rig that likes to crash doesn´t help though.
Wondering what the heck was it that got me killed, bleeding or that damn charge?

RP time!
Sort of, since don’t really know how GD would let me roll an immortal samurai.
Beign a samurai would need to wield a sword and prolly Blade Arc would be most fitting way to go.
Kinda would like to go NB, but the “immortal” part hints more towards shammy NB mostly gaining besides the lovely dw a chance to dodge through Shadowstep, but that ain’t really immortal, now is it?
No, shitload healtregen & physical res is more like it, so with heavy hearth need to pick shammy.
The real issue is do blades have anything worth taking for BA?
Pitmasters Axes are nice and early, but axes are for barbarian though IB DID have baddie wielding one…
Suggestions anyone?
(And no, the hero DOESN’T get to throw bees at his foes which hurts bleed warder a lot)

Due to popular demand (no, not really) decided to give “modding” a go, in english created two folders under the “mods”, Ultimate Pain Edition and UPE v2.
v1 with all formulas & mandates, v2 w/ just the formulas.
Kinda curious to find out how fast do you gain repu w/out farming.
Also, it seems, I have a thing for PAIN.

Man does the early game SUCK with my skeletons.
Never really paied much attention to the number of damage auras/aoe effects the game throws at you untill your skellies start dropping.
Can’t really figure out a way to deal with Salazar pre-Warden, Vit/Chaos resist simply doesn’t seem to exist pre-20 in loots.
Oh well, respec and nuke and then respec back.

I find that mystifying. I’ve taken a number of Necros and smashed my way thru everything A1 has to offer. Gutworm and Salazar, Hallowed Hill. Everything. With no twinks. On Vet.

Just max the base skill then it’s first modifier and you should easily be able to crush Salazar by level 17/18. If you find resists, cool, unnecessary at this stage tho, honestly. Regardless, I find Vit/Chaos resist on items literally all the time from drops pre-20. Kill his Harbinger ASAP! Bind the pet move command to your mouse and keep them out of his Sigil. Raise them as necessary, run circles around him as necessary, pot as necessary, until he falls. Do NOT stray too far from Salazar or he will Doom Bolt you. Done and easy.

Furthermore, you can take that basic methodology and apply it to literally any mastery for dealing with Salazar with slight adjustments depending on whether you are ranged or melee. All masteries can do this and I’ve proven and done it time and again.

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Yeah well that was kinda my own mistake of trying with feeble skellies.
The general rule o thumb “Two to mastery, one to skills” led to way too puny skellies.
Also mixing some offence into mix in form of BH didn’t really help.

If playing a petmancer then always max pets’ base skill asap.

Indeed. With early skellie necro you can get away with doing 2 into the skill, 1 mastery, or even just pump all points in to Raise Skeleton straight away and then rush up to Undead Legion. Your call. They will do all the heavy lifting for you in early game. No problem.

Pure necro dealt with Mad Queen the other day.

Did have a death because it’s been a while since I tried to fight her (forgot how to open the damn door :o) so didn’t run around as much as I should have. But pets did most of the work while I threw Bone Harvest and Ravenous Earth at her. I maxed base skill, then Undead Legion, then Will of the Crypt.

Mate, Necro skelle demolish veteran:)

Well, ttbt never really liked pet-builds.
Stupid things just running into damagefloors or AoE gettin nuked, gearing & devos limited and then there’s the part of not havin an aggro-gauge of any sorts.
Biggest though is the feelin of not contributing into fight much besides dropping some CoF now and then.
Skellie-o-manzer (Night King) does have a lot more to do than the Lazy Pokemon I did finish Act 4 once.
Havin a Fallout kinda “Man, gun and a dog”-build could be cool.
Don’t really now if there is a way to make a Hellhound & rifle to work.