Trolls thread of questions

After respec to Night King things are good, Salazar got owned real good as long as one avoids that Doom Bolt.
Might be luck, but Necro/Soldier/Shammy imo get better drops early for +skills than say NB or Demo.
Adding BH early gives something to do besides CoF and that 100wp% is godly w/gear buffs/procs/ADCTH.

Some fun with BM.
STILL doing Elite, need to farm them repus to Revered though Rovers start to feel like bitches to farm, there really aren´t that many Undead locations besides SoT which kinda doesn´t give anything intresting.
Also starting to feel the lack of armor/HP.

To avoid too much reputation grind, stick with one character until you get the mandates you want. It’s the most efficient way.

Trying to figure out how to optimize my build(-in progress) with what I got before ultimate.
Think I´ll drop BS and take some RoS & CoS instead.
BS was nice, but doesn´t help (possibly) that much, might be wrong here.
Also with devotions lost the Toad and took some Hauntress instead.
The real question now is, do I need more defence and if so how to get it.
Would REALLY like some better gear starting to drop right about now.

Ain’t it nice to have options?
Did run into some nice Servitor Canopeners and now damage from Cadence is over 30k.
Seal of Night was intresting try, kinda liked that skill, but after realisation, that Vicious Spikes DO stack and +500% from 50 Cunning they had to go.
Did think about speccing to S&B, but don’t think NB is the best choice and would have to think EVERYTHING again.

Well damn, stupid axes, no love from Nidaals so they need to go.
It´s not the +%Pierce, but the AS I need from constellation.
Sort of hoping to get some good options, swords, to be used instead of bugarms ripped from dead bugs.
Also thinking about DA…Solemn Watcher might be good, but had to lose some %OA to get it.
To which Sharpshooter`s Pouch w/ 25% on Hit Flashbang could help, either -170 or -210 DA.

Oh what fun it is to fart and throw poop at the denizens of Gloomwald.
Had some fun with my old Poison-based 2H ranged character.
DoT-build is too much kiting for me liking, but effective when combined with Bloody Pox.

What is this thread? A diary?

Sort of.
Wasn´t suppoused to be, but since there´s a finite number of things to ask, thought could as well use it for something else.
There are tons of threads on forum, that have one or two posts, making yet another felt like peeing on the floor while visiting a friend.
Does anybody read this, dontknow.
Waste o servercapacity, prolly.
Helpful for someone, that would be the day.

Back to the regular program.
Made it to the Ultimate, gear still sucks.
Dear Mom, send some formulas & legendaries.

Slowly grinding through Ultimate with some better gear farmed from Crucible,
those Belgo pieces are hard to find.
Besides patch also JoV happened so the’ll be some respec…
Next time will pay more attention to resistances, that -50 IS brutal.
Also imo AoM acts might be best skipped on Elite, loot on Ultimate just feels SO MUCH better.

Holy shit, the build actually works!
Well, if one can say getting into wave 100 on Challenger is a merit.
Did try up to 120, but on wave 119 run into Fabius (that was a funny duel, BB vs BB though the focker cheated with two Blade Spirits), BUT the real fun was him teaming up with Moosie and since my toon lacks Freeze res…
Yeah, that was !FUN!.

Hoarfrost will help you a lot with Moosie. Fabius can be a dick, true enough. If you can’t tank him then hit and run is always an option. But be ready for the day when you get Fabius and the Maiden and some other boss all trying to get intimate with your inner workings.

Aaaaaand Bob´s back and level 100, yay!
Did craft a pair of new shinies (switch weapon), but wtf do these have only 30 piercing, they do seem to be meant for Pierce-build.
Did also try some Gladiator, but my dps kinda sucked, killing was waaaay too slow (remember old belgothian saying:“If you have to ask em to die, u fail in belgo.”), so didn´t try to push it past 50.
Respecing into offensive could help, but then there´s the other sayin, “Dead toon don´t dps”.
So basically I´m stuck tryin to farm some nice sets, either for JoVian NB or Belgothian one.

And now Bob takes some holiday.
Don’t wanna farm for stuff for a while, so rolled yet another toon.
This time rollin with shammy, to see how far does 2-H hybrid using mosty DS and GV take one.
Oh, and a briarthorn for aura.

It´s goddamn frustrating to do Ancient Grove-runs w/out real help for gear.
Don´t really how to get stats noticeably better w/out legendaries.
Would dropping all the WPS skills help with damage sticking the points to max Cadence?
Come to think of it, my damage is that of an S&B BM w/out shield and other stuff, so I need to facetank a too much against the bosses, that like to shred my defences so I need to be more into kiting.

And after a LOTS of farming FINALLY got the set done.

Kinda thinking I´ll switch back to the safer (less-Belgothian) setup since this one dies way too fast on Crucible due to crappy resists and low OA.
Had to sacrifice a bit too much to get the needed Spirit.

So is editing game.dll to get full reta to ranged considered as cheating?
It is prolly the safest way to farm loot for beginers in Crucible, though, at least on Aspirant and Challenger though not the fastest.
Nice part is all one really needs to get it going is a lot of Spined Carapace which is easy to get, since all one really needs is to get Respected in Homestead, prolly the easiest repu to farm.
Going by with the Squibs original (sorry Chthon!) don’t think dyin is an issue past lvl 20 if one pays even a little attention, personally went through Aspirant watching…videos…while going from 1 to 170 w/some Buffs and Vanguard.
It ain’t GDStashing, though, so I suppouse there’s RNG involved with loot.

Riddle me this…can retaliation/reflect crit or ADCTH ?
Would feel kinda silly, but then again DoT’s can…(?)

Retaliation cannot crit. But things that proc on attack (i.e., Bull’s Rush, part of CounterStrike) CAN, I believe.

So,at the current state of the game do I NEED to get FG right from the start or does FG come into play later, say after some farming etc.?