Two-Hander feedback thread

As ham as you like. I have yet to find a build that focuses on Doom Bolt to be satisfactory. They’ve all been okay compared to the top builds we have.

Shadowstrike builds also spammy but is enjoyable because you don’t have to deal with no cd skills, those cut your flow too much because you dont know if it is applied, and it disrupt animation of other no cd skills.

I dont mind spammy pets either because i dont have to worry about intense time management and skills that will disrupt my damage, because my pets does it and im just the buffer.

Preciously why i wanted Scythe of tenebris to have some form of proc RR, because then i dont have to spam necrosis and solael witchflame just for pathetic -20% chaos RR while my EOR is staunted for 2 seconds.

Yeah. Of course you’re not going to get a top tier DB build.

Just like how you’re going to struggle to find a top tier storm totem build in its current state.

The reason is largely due to the fact DB doesn’t have as high a skill point investment.

Why not use ignaffar’s combustion???

attack speed too valuable on EOR builds. And that +1 inquistor is wasted. The elemental on it is not converted and all you get is again purely for that -10% rr.

Had necrosis being an aura it’d be absolutely BIS on Chaos eor build: attack speed, cast speed, convertible vit, RR.

Im currently giving up on that -10% rr and run oblivion to stack racial to make up for it. Doesnt help that the game has 118% chaos res enemies and bosses, but does not have the same for Aether, making Aether alot stronger than chaos.

Any time i see corrupted modifier i want to exit the instance.

5% AS isn’t going to outweigh 120 - 140% chaos damage, and a passive RR proc.

Necrosis doesn’t give you skill points either, so that’s irrelevant.

Consider it all scales since u trigger flame torrent faster and u have doombolt to cast i’d say its worth the investment. It might be personal preference too, since it eeks me that ignaffar’s combustion is so stacked with stuff i have to use it despite being a sentinel.

I can almost garauntee you that it doesn’t.

  1. AS is gimped on 2H’s. You get something like 70-80% of the actual AS listed. (e.g. you’ll maybe get 8% AS if you have an item giving you 10% AS when using a 2H).

  2. %damage will likewise benefit flame torrent. Assuming you have 3000% chaos damage, 120% is ~4% damage increase. Assuming that you also get the full 5% AS, and have a base of 160% AS, that’s a 3% damage increase. So…

EDIT: @sephelutis - Thought you might be interested in what I might test over the next week or so…

Kind of cheating with inquisitor, the only class with innate chaos RR, but i’ll take it if u can make it work. :rofl:

The worst u can get is probably corrupted modifier.

Why am I cheating with the inquisitor?

I mean, you can also go fire DB, which is something I’ve been meaning to try.

I feel like that would be cheating because I could just pair it with freaking pyran’s.

EDIT: For what it’s worth, I did beat naked 170 with this guy…

But I feel like that’s not DB centric enough, and it was honest to God done more out of luck than skill. Rotgheist sucks.

Meanwhile, Demo is crying in the corner :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wait, you can take Demo for chaos? That feels like cheating!

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Oof forgot about Thermite mines. Staying on the topic of twohanders its not like scythe of tenebris will go for demolist or infiltrator class since u’d miss +2 to occultist. Sometimes i wonder if the scythe should change the +2 to a class actually have chaos RR instead.

Not all items are meant to be top tiered…also, if oyu shared your GT, we might be able to give some input.

I’ve tested the weapon, it isn’t as bad as people think it might. ESPECIALLY with the changes to abomination. That’s a massive buff for spin2win chaos.

Never say no gentleman, only Crate has the power to strike the final blow. Demo route seems promising, what if Tenebris +1/+2 to demo, [edit] +2/+1 to oathkeeper [edit], change DB mod to support BWC or MT. Such as 100% physical damage converted to chaos to MT, plus -n~-n% chaos RR for 3 secs to it. Not to mention a handful of items and skill mod could convert fire to chaos.

Chaos EOR might work better with a shieldbreaker tbh.

Oops, I wanna type Oathkeeper, somehow my fingers got DBed. Guess spinning too long got my head dizzy too. I’ll change that in a sec.

Wait how do you use abomination when you want dying god and aeon’s for permascension? Abom feels way too far away.

Changes that I’d like to see to tenebris:

  1. Longer CD (+1,5s) on DB with %total damage mod and more flat RR for longer duration (matching the increased CD). This would result in more time spinning and thus more dmg.

  2. 10% chaos RR mod to guardians would also be nice. This together with conduit would match Rah’Zin’s RR. The conduit fits the build better than Rah’Zin’s imo as you want to use sash of the blood lord belt for conversion and severed faith chest for aether res, better energy regen and flat chaos.

By the means of dark magic:
Although given you are missing Kraken and other good stuff this is questionable at best. Probably better for DW.

I have a build theorycrafted with Tenebris. Will report. And i already have a PS build with Rotgheist + Death’s Reach which both suck but together kinda make some sense, already cleared under 8 mins (old laptop). Will report as well.

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rat, imp, raven… yikes. You do prove that it indeed can be done though, thx!

I’ve been playing one ever since 1.1.1 and I feel like it’s overall a little worse now than in 1.1.1 even though I’m using better devotions/gear than back then. It never was a top tier build though and general EoR nerfs hit the build a little too much on top. Sash of the Bloodlord buff was nice, the DB buff was ok. It’s actually not that great as it interrupts spinning more now, which is why I’d like Tenebris to increase its CD to 6s with more dmg.