Tyranical demands!

Filthy peasants don’t do what I demand of them.
When this lowlife who’s milking dumb cows in his full operation farm doesn’t care about his other dumb cows eating my crops I use my god powers to send him literally close enough to smell the cow’s intestines yet he idles and walks away like a proper pleb.

Can he not just take the damn cow off of the farm land? Bastard’s living out of the market zone so he’s not even paying taxes. I’d hang him but I can’t.

Absolute mayhem I tell you!

On the other hand I appreciate everyone walking around like it’s Tuesday when there’s their neighbor bleeding to death on the sidewalk. I sometimes send idling laborers to watch his soul slowly leave his limp pale body. Nice touch.

did you build a fence around your pasture so that the cows don’t leave their designated grazing area? The fence is specific to keeping animals out.

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I built a fence around the farm, it’s only partial but goes a long way before you’d be able to get from pastures to it.

Building a fence around the whole pasture sounds intelligent but then nobody dies of hunger.
Thanks for the tip.

Cows go through gates.

So what I have noticed is that you have to have the fence fully enclose the grazing area and you can have a gate as well and they won’t leave. the key is to have the fence around the entire grazing area otherwise the cows will walk out the gate to graze on the rest of the area they are allowed to graze on.

They will, but if the grazing area is completely inside the fence line I have not seen them walk through the gate. It seems only if the grazing area is outside the gate/fence line that they will leave.

None of the above advice is actualy true.

Nothing helps and the workers don’t care either.

Can any devs shine light on this? Is this an intentional functionality?

Your goats and chickens have clear access to your fields for free food right here. Your fences have to go around the building too, not just their grazing area.

Ok I am just stupid.

It works in the new city.

I am not 100% sure this is not cheesing since raiders go only for buildings that hold treasure.