Ultimate difficulty monster health scaling should get un-nerfed in multiplayer


We need to go into black alert!

I don’t like the new star trek

ITT, people that aren’t part of the Ludicrous Speed meta.

Just an idea, how about keeping the numbers the same for ultimate MP, only replace some or most of the common mobs with champions and some champions with heroes? That could work without a significant performance hit (unless all those heroes start spamming their flashy skills all at once:rolleyes:).

Aren’t there mods that already do that? Not being snarky there, I think I remember seeing a couple mods that did exactly that.

As for Lightspeed Ultimate, well, depends who you’re playing with. I know that my friends and are often go into different directions and have to turn around and backtrack to stay together, we’re not exactly speedfarmers.

I do hope Shattered Realms will provide group challenge though, the way I understand it, groups composed of good players will be able to go deeper, whereas funky groups will go roughly as deep as solo.

Yeah I know mods can be a solution to everything. But in multiplayer it isn’t that easy (not without Steam Workshop support, ppl are lazy). There aren’t too many people playing online to begin with, mods would further divide the online playerbase. That is one of the reasons why I haven’t installed any mods yet.

It most certainly will. Even if 4 players play the most OP builds ever, there will be a point in SR where they will fail eventually, as it just gets harder and harder with each shard they conquer. Pretty much the equivalent of Diablo 3’s Greater Rifts where a well composed team of friends would go much deeper than a group of uncoordinated randoms.