Ultimate Sentinel -- OMFGG!

I can certainly get that up to 80% as it was there before I re-specked him for the umpteenth time. I’ve switched out some gear so it now looks like this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RZRRL54Z

But that’s all I’ve gathered in my 2.6(ish) runs. I need to put the constellations back to what I had altered them to, but I was getting the hump so went back to my original constellations. At some point I’ll not have the mats to be monkeying around in there for much longer.

OK, here’s the plan. Take a walk, have some dinner, take a shower, watch some vids and let my subconscious go to work on this barrier. I’ll then come back sit down and take a long hard look at what I can feasibly do with this build and if it’s still a no go I’ll just aim to complete the base content and start a new toon, as I’m not going into Malmouth having just had this experience. AoM was rough going on Elite so I’m guessing this guys will get eaten for breakfast over there!

Oh, the first time seing eh.
Sentinel does acid and poison, you need these at 80% as well as some physical res and armor. You always need armor in Grim Dawn even as the most pathetic caster. You should learn what armor absorption means.


His crystals grant him high regen and flat acid/poison damage too I think, so you shouldn’t let him near them, as you never should let anyone use such temporary/terrain buff against you.

To comfortably deal with that one you need overcapped poison resistance (40%) so 120% total, but certainly get it at least capped asap. Occultists have blood of Dreeg that even comes with physical resist and OA on top, stats most people would want regardless

I’m not keen on mirror but I see your point about elemental balance and % to crit for the pets. I can work on their OA/DA too later on this evening.

As a gaming philosophy aside, shouldn’t any class be able to complete the game at any level without being forced into a select few viable builds? That would suggest to me that the issue is with the masteries?

Just learn to use mirror and nullification as an arcanist, set a hotkey to both that you would always use again, these are the arcanist main skills whatever you do with the mastery

All these suggestions have nothing to do with selecting one of a few builds. You have an extremely weak build atm, in part due to gear, and we are suggesting what ever we can to give you a fighting chance. None of these suggestions are of a typical build, they are just logical ways to fix the problems you are having.

Anyway, Mirror of Eroectes is very good, but you do have to be able to survive more than 1 hit without it. Your sturdiness is just too weak right now.

I’d suggest you simply put the Sentinel on hold. Go farm for better gear. Don’t ignore green drops. Look for drops with high HP/DA/OA/resists. Even if those items aren’t good for this character, they might be for others. As a rule, most my builds will reserve the boots, pants, and shoulders for stat items. Those slots don’t typically have great offensive options, and are excellent spots buff up your stats. The belt and medal aren’t bad either, as you can craft items for those with big stats.

When you get better gear, you’ll find he isn’t so bad at all.

I’ve been using null since day one (seriously underestimated skill from what I’ve read here). My keyboard layout is good, no issues there. Here’s the little s*!t after 18 seconds:
As can be seen, there’s very little damage. Even after he’d reduced my team to me and the raven.

I don’t want to tank him, but if I don’t get in there it’s just a farce with me running around in circles until he eventually downs me. This guy’ll be the death of me for realz!

Heh is that a deathmarked sword the sentinel is using? Looks suspiciously like it.

It was just an aside, not an accusation. But when you look into the end game builds in that forum section they tend to be highly focused, and that lead me to those thoughts.

I’ve been looking at my Fiendflesh grieves with the 5000 dmg abs but at 50% chance I have the same basic statistical issue you mention with MoE. I’m wearing them in that shot above, but I never got to 20 seconds wearing those either.

I think you’re right here. I’m gear and stat limited and it ain’t helping matters one little bit.

I hope so too. I’m going to make that so and so pay in the long run. Heck once I hit the stat bar I’m might just kill him a hundred times out of sheer revenge!

Oh, might not be the best pick against a newb, but an ok one, with the proc

If you say so? I’m the mark though. I’m sure about that at the moment.

  • edit

That gave me an idea though. I have Death Omen with ADCTH and 20% health reduction on taking a hit. Jackdaw can take one hit but two is just plain dreaming. That’d give me that small window to put some damage in if all the stars are aligned and I have anybody with me at that moment in time. What do you think?

It’s not

It’s actually an exalted cutlass

Well this BS ain’t helping either:

[SPOILER]Level 5 Hero Boss Resistences
500% Disruption
500% Confusion
500% Fear
500% Convert
100% Freeze
110% Stun
500% Taunt
100% Petrify
100% Sleep
500% Knockdown
150% Trap
90% Slow
500% Mana Burn
500% Mana Burn Ratio
96% Reduction to Current Health
85% Life Leech
85% Mana Leech
50% Reflection

That and three Life drinkers and between 3-5 heroes, repeatedly spawning, as well as the Sentinel. FFS Crate give a guy a chance!



Here’s the Grimtools page of The Sentinel.

Oh, you’re a pet build. He can mind control your pets for 3 seconds, turning them against you.

*Checks Sentinel’s health pool… face palms!
A Warlock is probably the last Mastery that should be in there with him, but there I am.

Thanks for all the input guys but I’m going to wrap this up and move on in the story. The one good thing that has come out of my pissing in the wind is that the area farms pretty well! I managed a few nice drops at least.

“Jackdaw turns, forlorn, depleted and defeated. The path ahead bleak, the path behind wrought by pain and sufferance.”.

So I’m still salty about this guy, more so now that Log is down easy but this guy tore me to pieces. Also why is Valdaran classed as more powerful?

Valdaran is a nemesis monster. A stronger monster than a regular boss.

Thanks 01, but would he also outrank Marcell?

Anyone with such low health will find certain parts of the game difficult if not impossible.

Pet builds can rely on summons to a certain extent but after that you’ll have enemies that will have no issue in focusing you down with or without pets nearby taunting them.

I agree that my health is low compared to the 12k builds out there, but that’s the maximum I can squeeze out with the gear I have whilst maintaining damage output and resistances at a safe level. All bar 8 points --I really wanted Salazar’s Harbinger, but I dropped the level 94v with 394 cunning-- have gone into physic too. So short of new gear or components, his health is what it is – I have 4 more lvls to gain but that’ll net me less than 100hp.

He’ll go down in the end; I put his name on my list so he’s dead but isn’t aware of it yet:)