Ultimate Sentinel -- OMFGG!

Yea 12k is a nice spot in the late game which can be difficult to achieve depending on your build and chosen masteries.

After reading this thread I theory crafted a summon build that manages to have pretty good defensive stats though I’m not sure how it would be offensive/damage wise. I was mainly going for a pet build but unknowingly ended up with +2200% chaos damage which is a plus.

That’s cool, and some nice loot too. It’s good to see those items as it offers some hope for me yet! The Feindflesh Grieves have always had a lure for my build but I’ve only got the standards at 5000abs and haven’t really given them a fair crack at the whip yet. I’m now at the Coven so I might switch out the Rifthound boots and take the loss on skill points. Thanks for that, it was encouraging.

Eh, I’ve invested a fair amount of time in GD that I just use GD Stash to craft the items that I want once I get to the end game.

Fiendflesh Grieves or Mantle might be useful but being stuck with 6k hp just perplexes me lol. Guess that’s Arcanist for you.

Yep, a Warlock Pet Build… not my finest moment! I still think I can make a Warlock work but I’ll be dropping the pets next time around. Fire/Chaos and a really big stick ought to do it!

Part of the reason you have such low HP, is you don’t have any +HP/HP% devotions. There are a number of them, and it might be worth investing in some, but you’ll also need to get a couple +HP items as well.

I’m going to leave him as is; if only to find out how far he can go. I’m confident I’ll get into Malmouth but I do have concerns about the bridge guardian and Valaxteria – she was tough on Elite. Also phase one of Marcell was tough for him on Elite and that may be his limit. I’ll know in a day or two.

Your advice is sound and appreciated though. I’ll certainly be taking all of this on board for my next toon.

Honestly you have several issues

1)Your HP is terrible for Ultimate. You need double that as a bare minimum.

2)Pet build require very specific gear stacking pet OA primarily. Even then I doubt a hell hound alone will ever give you enough DPS

  1. GET MIRROR ASAP. It’s the most usefull skill in the arcanist tree.

  2. Your OA is borderline acceptable but your DA is very low. You want at least 2.5k more is better.

  3. I would respec and go with an Aether build rather than Vitality. That’s easiest to gear. Focus on maxing AAR and Devestation. Occultist just doesn’t have enough raw DPS vitality skills onit’s own except if you really have top level items.

Alternativelly go the poison route and max out DEE and that skill tree

  1. max maiven’s sphere as well
  1. Yes. I agree but I can’t do much about it with the gear and components/augments that I have. It’s where it’s at until circumstance changes that.

  2. Hellhound, Raven, Stormhound, Salazar’s Harbinger, 3x Rifthound and Revenant of Og’napesh. Total of 8 availabe pets. Probably not the maximum a Warlock could achieve but it is the maximum this one can at the moment.

  3. No. I’m going to do it without it. And I by and large have. I’ve been informed that Sentinel is simply difficult for pet builds.

  4. I may change some constellations to add some more DA, but it will no longer be because of the Sentinel, rather, just good advice in general.

  5. No, I’m not doing that either. This is the build that I’ve constructed and I can learn more about the game from his weaknesses than I think I can by following a pre-built toon.

I appreciate your time, and reply, but I’ve made this particular bed and I intend to lay in it. I’ve decided that even though this toon has a few hundred hours under his belt, I’m still a noob at the game and can learn a considerable amount from staying the course until I either complete the content or come upon an insurmountable barrier. I am grateful for your suggestions though.

Your DA and health are ridiculous. Do you know how many reduction to health enemies are in AoM? The sentinel is extremely easy with a balanced build but he is taking 35% off your health in a single attack and he’s reducing your damage by 75% for 3 seconds on certain attacks. Good luck with the bridge guardian, I think you are going to get smoked because with your DA that low he is going to destroy you with crits and shotgun your pets. I’ve run up against him with higher DA and phys resist builds and he has one shot some of them. Your pet damage is extremely weak. No resists on them is going to mean they will get shotgunned by anything that even looks at them funny. Low armour and low absorption means your armour is going to be aluminium foil against any enemy. I’m pretty sure I know how you got to sentinel but I bet it was tedious. Did you fight Queeny? Why are you using the blight relic?

I’ve already completed AoM on Veteran and Elite with that build. Yes, the Guardian quickly dispatches minions but he’s like a Darlek when it comes to stairs and he won’t go far from the gate. You can exploit those two facts. But I am concerned about our next meeting. I got to Sentinel the same way as everyone else did, but if your implication is that the toon died a lot on that specific section of the game, then no… no he didn’t. He didn’t die at all going through east marsh --even when he bumped into the Troll King – or through the hidden section to get to the temple nor in the temple itself. Then he died over and over and over and over… to the Sentinel himself.

No, I’ve not met Queeny yet, but I’m no completionist so it’ll happen when it happens. This isn’t a HC toon, and given that this is my first toon and my first progression to Ultimate, it would constitute an unreasonable expectation to suggest that the toon ought to be able to achieve a 0 death play through. My understanding is that HC players tend to have great gear at each stage of their toons character development and have a pre-planned skill progression to go with it – and I can’t see it being achievable from day one with anyone’s first toon. I’d call BS on anyone that claimed that.


Reagrding the use of a trancendent. I mostly took it for the +1 to all skills in Occultist and the attack speed but having used it extensively I’m quite impressed by these too:
20% Chance of Confuse target for 2.5 Seconds
33% Chance for target to Fumble Attacks For 2 Seconds
33% Chance of Impaired Aim to target For 2 Seconds

Your gearing level is just very, very low to attempt something like The Sentinel right now. If you keep pushing an endgame Boss like that with very poor gear (not your fault though as it’s your first character) then you’re just going to get really frustrated. Keep farming in other areas and building up better gear. I had to do that with a Warder, when I came back to The Sentinel later on he was much easier to handle.

Yep, I fully agree with your post. Jackdaw has been punching above his weight. Things are beginning to get better with regards to gear, thanks to a few Nemessis take-downs that dropped both useful gear and reset potions. This has enabled me to go a little farther than tinkering around the edges of the build. I’ve rebuilt him with a two-phase strategy to any engagement that has removed a few of the pets while allowing me to switch weapon sets to finish of the remaining targets – usually the toughest ones.

That provides the following build: Jackdaw

As is usually the case when trying to balance something in an unforgiving environment, I’ve gained in some areas and lost in others. My resists are now weaker, and without the ability to improve them at the moment, but my OA/DA are stronger and my Constellations much stronger. I now have to grind some areas to bring the constellations’ levels up a bit more before I can continue on.

Still no joy on this bastard! I would really like to see his healing columns be made destructible, and I’d really like him to have a limit of one active at any given time. Trying to fight that guy when there are three, and I’m fairly sure there were four on one run, of those things active is a waste of time.

This is the build that he is currently training on: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62a6p4OV

With that I can stand face to face for 20 or so seconds --or until he pulls one of his stunts – but I’m barely scratching him. The pet build achieved more damage but the fights were all over in under 30 seconds. I can now stretch the fight out a bit longer but this is still looking like an exercise in futility.

Not sure why you would go Occultist/Arcanist pet build unless you have a specific hybrid build in mind that has some proof of actually working.

The first link on page one has no health because of Arcanist Mastery in general having less health + no much investment into the mastery itself. Going for the hybrid build is also a detriment except for some cases as is shown in a few pet builds that are floating around in the forum.

Second build I’m wondering why you even want to go for pets when you have like 200% pet damage at level 98. Health is still not that great even nearing 10k health and your Offensive/Defensive stats are low if your character is trying to do any damage. So you pretty much have a pet running around doing tickle damage and your character throwing snowballs at a boss who is smacking you in the face dealing critical hit damage and then healing for free a few seconds after he throws down his crystal of awesomeness.

As I’m not really sure what kind of build you are leaning towards (pet? caster? melee?) I can’t really help you with your character. Perhaps there is a build in the forums you can check out? In any case I think you might have to make some major changes in order for the rest of the game to be easier.

I know, I’ve made lots of mistakes with the build. As a consequence, and a painful learning experience, the build has morphed several times. I’ve essentially been forced to alter the build because I also cannot get past Ultimate Ekket’Zul and therefore cannot progress in the content either. Some of this is my fault and some is simply a gear issue. Anyway, I’ve made progress on The Sentinel and took him to below half health this evening: I now know I can take him at some point. When? I don’t know. Maybe with a few more drops or several more attempts. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This is the build that took him to sub 50% hp: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNk3pzRN
And now with the Abomination proc actually applied correctly: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPmvbXN :rolleyes:

Still getting sick to death of his stunts though. Scenario below a case in point. I really wish those sigils were actually damaging the crystals!

It’s still, frankly, flabbergasting to see him burn through 18k of hit points in under 5 seconds? SuperWut!

Finally the bane of my play through is down. And good riddance to him as well.

He was a damn sight easier with this build too: Jackdaw

I’m sure this has been posted at least once by now but, if you’re having trouble with his crystals, all you have to do is lure him into corners and then relocate as soon as he summons one. By the third or fourth you can go return to the first spot. He gave me a lot of trouble the first time on Ultimate because I didn’t even pay attention to the crystals on Vet/Elite but moving around more was the trick. He’ll almost always charge you as soon as there’s some distance.

My main issue was that I wasn’t outputting enough damage which meant that even while kiting him around he’d get enough heal off of the two or three crystals that were down. I’d repeatedly get him down to sub 50% only for luck or error to throw the whole fight. Once my damage was sorted out all that practice made short work of him.

Now, I’ve just met the Archmage in the Fleshworks and he’s one-shotting the crap out of me… out of the frying pan and into the pot!

For real fun, wait until he spawns with gear that reflects your damage.

It was painful, but I go him in the end with my acid+poison witch hunter.

I can’t wait! :rolleyes: Hopefully it’ll stay on the right side of frustrating. Some of these fights are sailing a bit close to being plain old punishing. Sylvarria … yeah, I’d like to slow-bleed the arse that came up with that fight :smiley: