Ultimate warden krieg dev trophy!1!!

I thought I’d share this bit of GD-related awesomeness with you all… As many know, we surpassed one million sales a while back. Well, the team met up for dinner and drinks the other week and I was very surprised to be presented with a mysterious plastic container. Naturally I assumed it was a bomb but then I thought that probably didn’t make sense since they were all sitting so close and seemed eager for me to open it. Opening it and, after carefully unwrapping the contents, I was incredibly surprised and honored to find a specially commissioned statue of Warden Krieg, to commemorate the success of GD.

I took a few pics of this terrifyingly awesome trophy, to share with you all! I also included a picture of the rather unfortunate note that came with it, stapled to a trashbag… lol…

Why you might ask? Ah well… tis an unfortunate tale indeed. You see, the day before we met up for the celebratory dinner, where the team presented me with this fine statue, a couple of us were discussing the Boxed copy extras that we were going to have made. Some of the initial ideas included things that basically had no practical use and were purely collectibles. I was making an argument that I thought it would be cooler to have items people would actually want to use, so they weren’t just something that sat around on a shelf until forgotten… Well, actually, I said exactly this:

Medierra 5:13:28 PM
I’ve never cared about collectible shit at all but even I feel like it would be cool to have a GD bottle opener - or really any game themed bottle opener, whereas, if it’s some statue or bobble or whatever, it’s probably going to end up either in the garbage or in some box, never to see the light of day again, moved from house to house until I die and my kids finally throw it away

Medierra 5:14:22 PM
or if you’re into collectible shit, it might end up on a display shelf until you finally have more shit than you can display and put some of it in a box to eventually be thrown out by your kids after you die.

Zantai 5:15:47 PM
fair enough

Zantai played it cool in chat but apparently I managed to unknowingly crush everyone’s dreams just as they were about to present me with this GD statue, that was months in the making and, I’ve heard, was not “cheap”. Oof…

So yeah, I felt incredibly honored but also like a total ass after they gave it to me, which maybe was a win-win for Zantai. Really though, this isn’t just some collectible for a random game, it’s an amazing dev trophy, from an incredibly team, representing one if the greatest achievements of my life and I’ll always treasure it… until I die and my kids throw it away. Fortunately though, there’s a trash bag included!

Warden seems to be oozing with excitement.

I’d wager he will not be soon forgotten. :stuck_out_tongue:

/ jjjj _
/ タ {!!! _ ヽ、
,/ ノ ~ 、 \ You are strongヽ. ∧_∧ , ‐' ノ but now
ヽ(´・ω・`)" .ノ/ I will demonstrate `、ヽ. `Y" r ’ my true
i. 、 ¥ ノ poweeeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!
、. -‐´;`ー イ

Amazing stuff!

Awesome , thx for sharing. The note is just epic.

Cool. Looks like they hired Gwar to make this. Which would be gnarly actually.

All I can keep thinking is that this is a near identical conversation to one you would/have had with “unlimited stash” fanatics :slight_smile:

That thing looks utter badass!!!

still currently in the art stage but hopefully to get it sometime for my own and maybe for the devs if they are interested

my own 3d printed Grim Dawn character model :smiley:

OT: this item looks sick!! how much i want it!!

That’s a very nice statue, but I’d have said the same stuff as you if I received a collectible. Just go hug your people and tell them thanks for everything in a heartfelt tone while soaking the statue in alcohol and burning it in front of them

Whoa… that’s amazing! Crate Team is best Team!!! :smiley:

Great gift, great message and a thoughtful trash bag for you… Very amusing!

Congrats again on 1 million units sold. :cool:

This thing is executed beautifully. If you could use that word to describe Krieg…
I’ve always been an admirer of this kind of relationship between colleagues :slight_smile:

That is simply awesome Medierra!!!

I have said many times, i really wish Crate would sell a Grim Dawn figurine.:stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a fantastic statue. Well done, team, and congratulations on hitting that sweet milestone! However…

This is hilarious.

Thoughts and prayers.

When you press his belly does it makes a “aaah I’ve been expecting you, human” sound?

That’s really very cool indeed, nice one. :smiley:

…though the rest of that story was awkward as all hell. :eek:

Zantai has shown us all he can play the long game!

Nicely done and grats! You deserve it!

Best line of the game.

Ouch :undecided:

Aah, you haven’t been expecting this, have you now?

Kamil: Open it.
Arthur: Opens Box. I wasn’t expecting you.

No scathing Zantai post? How surprising :wink:

Really cool statue with some great detailing, I especially like the crossbow that has been the bane of many of my early characters when it came to charging in at the wrong time and getting quarreled to death. Warden Krieg’s voice lines have always stood out to me lol.