So i completed the shrine of mogdrogen quest as normal; gathered all the components, cleansed the shrine and talked to the avatar. I got the quest complete UI with the exp and devo point, then closed the game shortly after because i had something to do.
On reopening the session the quest is still in my logbook, but the quest items are gone. When i backtrack back to the shrine, mogdrogens avatar isnt there (i obv didnt fight him yet) and the shrine says it has already been cleansed.
So you completed the quest, you got the quest completion pop-up, then you exited the game as normal? But upon loading the next time, the quest was back in your quest tracker?
That is all sorts of bizarre as it seems like some aspects of your character saved but others rolled back. Makes me wonder if the error occurred on the hard drive or when trying to sync Steam’s cloud.
If you upload your save, I can restore your quest progress for that quest. You will need to reset and re-upload your cloud saves after though if you want to continue using that service.
See attached. If you want to keep using cloud saves though, you will need to download them locally, wipe cloud saves, then toggle them off and back on to re-upload your local data.