Unable To Play With Non-Expansion Players Feedback

your right, that is what it boils down to, however people have been having problems with that, remember you can’t just ‘disable’ them as it should be, you need to uninstall and redownload them, that’s the problem (EDIT) the tools linked above seem to fix this aspect of the problem.

it’s cool that allzome humans made some cool tools to cover the problems the devs made, i like that :slight_smile:

doesn’t seem to solve all the problems for example:
“If you only disabled Forgotten Gods and later load a dedicated Ashes-of-Malmouth char into Forgotten Gods, then you can only use this char in Forgotten Gods from that point.”

“More in-depth features are being worked on (saves/stash/mods management and other related tasks)”

stuff that should be part of the game, its like saying anybody who buys the Loyalist Item Pack must play with other Loyalist Item Pack owners, its dumb.