Unable to Work Explanation

It would be good if there was some tidbit of explanation as to why a given villager is unable to work.

It’s generally derivable, but it still takes a bit to go “why are they… – oh, it’s probably that”. The reasons, as far as I can tell, range quite a bit:

  • building doesn’t have the resources to do its production
  • build site doesn’t have the resources to build it
  • there’s nothing to do (general laborers)
  • work radius is empty (damn foragers)
  • villager is incapacitated in some way (sick, etc.)
  • lack of tools?

I support this proposal

I completely agree.
It’s frustrating when you have a Work Camp surrounded by resources with heathy worker Wandering - Unable to work

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I get this SO often and I begin to wonder if I didn’t do something right. theres enough food, and shelter and clothes so I have NO clue why they can’t work

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