Upcoming Changes to the Shattered Realm (v1.1.9.0)

No actually it will; you guys think that all of your builds are top-tier/bullet-proof ones and everyone can do high SR or fast CR as you do with those. No, most of you are playing with your chars like you’re in a e-sport tournament. By the hands of majority of players; mid-tier builds and on-edge builds/some glass-cannons will definitely be affected by this change and I think this is a good thing. Now no one will able to seperate those 2 bosses in the middle and so surely a few boss combos will kick some glass even in farming range. So this change will definitely increase the SR challenge for everyone.

Those faction-geared builds maybe can’t farm that range anymore. Meme builds won’t able to do 65-66 probably. The update will reveal the good builds among others even in farming range. Top tiers go further as they should do and probably have to stop somewhere between 95-110 due to getting destroyed by the duo. Yeah surely hit&runs, retaliations won’t be affected but they’re already strong? Nothing changed on the matter of diversity. Some builds already are going corner to corner/dodging everything till they kill all enemies and they’ll just keep doing it.

Is this letting fun go away? I don’t think so, I’m sure there will be pilots and performances that will surprise us all after the update. You want 1v1 fight matter right? Well, you’ll still get that thrill 2 times in every boss room :upside_down_face:


Since nobody has yet to ask the question, I’m going to do the honors:

Is the 1-2-1 in the SR65-75 range going to be 1 Purple Boss + 2 Nemeses + 1 Purple Boss (Blech)?
Or will it 1 Vanilla Nemesis then 2 Purple Bosses + 1 Harder Nemesis?

Having to handle 2 Nemeses is much, much more difficult than 2 Purple bosses, but the Purple bosses have interesting enough mechanics that fighting 2 at once would be similar to a hard Nemesis battle. That way, you don’t instantly cream the purple bosses, but their damage is lesser than Nemeses to a point where you don’t feel like you’re creamed the second 2 fast Nemeses gang up on you (Iron Maiden + Reaper hit hard no matter what your build is like).

I propose that to be the method, and then we figure out if certain combos like the Map Protector bosses + Dreven Cole trio become a cluster… of 6 bosses to fight at once. Or something like Sentinel + the Wave 154 Chthonic Boss (blanking on the name for now) for maximum enemy shards.


Yes! However, personally no res shred basilisk and mad queen at the same time…hate that combo, especially when Val teleports me into all the garbage.

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What does this even mean?

And how does this make any sense?

When I’m fighting two enemies at once it is imperative that I know both of their skillsets to survive, which raises the skill ceiling of players pushing higher shards.


Mad Queen should be in the nemesis class in SR. She is more difficult than any other nemesis. Gargabol should be there as well.

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I’m sure someone can whip up a 1v1 mod simulator with SR scaling bonuses if that’s your jam. I can see the fun in that but that was pretty clearly never the intention of SR mode.

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I know all about that. Ever since the release of crucible 170 back in AoM there has always been complaints about how casters (especially arcanist) are just better compared to everyone else. From being able to bypass DA during the DA meta, to spellbinders having both the best offensive and defensive skills in one build, to spite getting the first ever sub 4 cruci clear, to vit builds getting endless lifesteal. Retal is less severe since it had its lows after the first round of nerfs.

For me there are some ways to alleviate that problem (not totally solve. As you said, it’s almost impossible to solve it without some magic):

  • First is to make SR boss rooms full aggro. This will nerf ALL BUILDS (relative to what will happen in 1.9 as per Zantai’s OP). But then the ceiling of what our goals would be in terms of SR levels would also become lower. Still, casters and retal will be able to bypass that level more easily but the number of those builds that will be able to do that won’t be high due to all the gangbang that will happen.

  • Second would be allowing 1v1v1v1. Essentially the current SR without the camera abuse. This buffs ALL BUILDS (again, relative to what’s in the OP) and stuff like melee will be able to reach very high shards since melee is very good at 1v1. Casters and retal still have an easier time clearing high shards especially if you fuck up the aggro but the disparity isn’t very high.

  • Now the third is what Crate is going for. The middle ground. You can still potentially reach whatever shards are being reached today, but the gap between melee and casters/retal will be wider e.g. you have to build melee in a specific way to handle the 1v2 while casters and retal just build normally (tbf normal retal is tanky by default so this mostly applies to casters).

I’m not saying that the incoming changes will be bad for the game cause the ultimate decider for that is the future numbers and feedback. What I’m saying is that going for full aggro on SR is personally more fun for me due to reasons already stated (among others that aren’t). Pretty sure @AlkamosHater feels the same too tho his fun is in the opposite side of mine. Arguing about how this incoming change will be good or not won’t do anything to change the perception of what people enjoy.


Can we have Crucible update ? (the end waves are not challenging anymore). Would be nice if there are some new waves (180-190). Also Crucible doesnt have any specific enemies, meanwhile SR has a lots.
Btw Avenger set could have some reflected dmg reduction, as I accidentally hit a retal hero mob and got one shot with 20,5k hp.

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Why not 1-1-2 ? I think it’s more fun for the hard one to come last.
1-2-1 means that the last “1 Boss” is stronger than the “2 Bosses”, I think.
(like 1 normal boss -> 2 normal bosses -> 1 special boss)

It’s funny to see how forum warriors are trying to teach @AlkamosHater play SR :rofl:



I find it equally funny that small groups of individuals claim to be top tier when there is no sanctioned body (i.e Crate) to declare them as such.

If only this game had some way to mod things to maintain “everyone’s” vision of what the game should be…Man wouldn’t that be something…


I like the proposed changes but I can also see what’s the concern of @AlkamosHater

To me new changes will need some ground rules in order to not create SR chaos in Bosses that will be paired should be 2x purple ones and not Nemesis or Nemesis+purple in higher shards.

Also crucial thing is to try not discriminate melee builds in the shards. Retal builds are very strong in SR naturally, classical tanks are impervious up until they can take all hits, after that period or if they don’t have enough damage they simply stop at high shard with no chance of beating it. Pets are also good in SR since they have high single target damage, can build for defense without much sacrifice and if you are skilled enough you can avoid damage. For skillful players kiting DoT casters also could be deep climbers.

But melee is little bit different. With lots of defense you can still achieve decent results but it’s the archetype, alongside channeling skill/spamming spells caster that is the most prone against multiple Nemeses in boss shard. So I would like to see some suggestions in that area.


Shattered Gargabol + Shattered Sentinel :scorv:

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Uh oh… nope? :crossed_fingers:

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Gargaban it’s pretty nasty on it’s own, it’s like fighting 2x Nemeses at same time.

But that’s why I am saying things should be thought well and discussed, maybe doing some feedback as well.


Easy-breezy, reduce purple bosses scaling by 50% above SR80
Done, I sent you an invoice for payment

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Only after 80? That’s too “elitist” :wink:

We need an “ultimate” solution. How about monster scaling as whole.

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Easy-breezy №2
Move all shattered bosses to SR80+ and reduce their scaling.
Reduce scaling of Sentinel, Gargabol, Mad Queen, Crimson Sister, Slathsar, Korvaak and Marcell below 80
Waiting for payment

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it is funny to see elitists teach Zantai how the game should be played :slight_smile:


What? Good for you if they’re not challenging. Even if :crate: adds wave 190 soon somebody will find a way to beat it in 6 minutes and say: “Meh, what a joke.”