UPDATED [] Chaos PyRambo - Now with no M.I's! (180k sheet DPS before *all* procs)

At least the rings have the decency to work with any ability instead of just one. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried Abominable Might on my own Darkblaze, and yeah, Hungering Void was just more comfortable all round, not to mention all the other goodies in that corner of the devotion tree. I was surprised by how reliably Void Rounds triggered AM, though. I’ve not tried having both on the same character, but I imagine it would be pretty fun in the right environment.

Regardless, spikenik, my good sir, we’ve done it with our beloved pyro. SR+ babyyyyyy


Hurrah! :smiley: Good job indeed.

i’ll always stick with Wretched Desires tho cus it’s ~thematic~ :stuck_out_tongue:

Question is to what best to bind Eye?

Eldritch Fire to Void Rounds and Eye to Fire Strike?

Whats most effective?

No. I’ll always bind RR to my primary attack because I want to apply it instantly.

Guardian’s gaze is fine if bound to something like CoF since you can hit a group of enemies instantly, multiplying the odds of it proccing by the number of enemies affected.

I was wrong. Aeon’s does not reset ghoul.

My life has been a lie!!!

of course Aeon resets ghoul.

Strange. I could’ve sworn it doesn’t. I tested it in game yesterday by letting mobs hit me.

I might’ve miscounted the seconds though. Are you sure about this john?

I used Aeon’s hourglass twice, and I’m completely sure that there less than 24.6 sec between 1.13 and 1.29

^Are you absolutely sure about this? :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. Thanks for clarifying this John. <3

Bosses die immediately when he comes into chunk due to Spanks presence aura :stuck_out_tongue:

So the right cdr pic looks like this:

Sorry, no. I don’t enjoy recording SR runs because my recording UI blocks 70% of the minimap, which in turn means I can’t see where things are, or who I’d be fighting.

What I do is to immediately blink as far back as I can once the boss chunk starts, and slowly inch my way round the sides to aggro nems 1 at a time, ideally reeling in the weaker ones first.

I’ll then play leapfrog with the nem by blinking ONLY left/right on the back most side of the map to prevent more aggro.

I also try and breakdown my thought process in this guide - http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82596

It’s at the bottom of the OP.

i. @ Spanks aura - Zantai please nerf. :stuck_out_tongue:
ii. Thanks for correcting the chart korsar. Is there a place we should reupload this to?

Couple things I did differently now that I have my pyro lvled:

  • I took hawk, scarab, and the last point of revenant over viper and wretch. OA bonus is same (3%), but I get 15% stun res, 8% crit, and a proc that lets my minions melee aggro while I shoot from afar.

  • I take doombolt to reset aeon’s.

  • If you use the new voidrend talons gloves plus double voidheart you can cap possession without having to resort to malmouth void pauldrons. This also allows you to use Korvaak relic which gives some much needed trap/slow res, minus a cool looking proc. Another downside is you lose some poison/vit res (have to be very careful to keep BoD up).

My current setup (still using entropic coil so possession not capped, I lose 1% absorb for roughly the same DPS): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2dd96Q2

No bueno IMO.

Compare the damage difference from 22/12 solael’s and 18/12 solael’s.

Wretch is amazing because all that acid damage is also converted to chaos.

You don’t need DB to reset aeon’s when you’ve got unleash chaos - imo that’s a waste of a skill point.

You’re undervaluing the DPS from chaos surge. You need to multiply it by 2 because it boomerangs back.

You can also swap out scholar’s light for hawk. I kept scholar’s light only because for the energy/elemental resist.

Didn’t want to have to swap out an enchanted earth for spellscorched when doing deep SR runs.

Last but not least - look at the increase in flat damage from 21/12 posession, and 22/12 possession.

EDIT:: In your set up, I think you’ve lost about 60 flat chaos damage.

I’m 100% certain my itemization is perfect.

2nd EDIT: Why are you worried about slow res? You’ve got like 70% slow res.

Unleash chaos gives <100% proc rate for aeons, making it less reliable than doombolt, which adds a nice bit of DPS by itself (gets + from SF chest).

Wretch adds only a small amount of flat damage, I find the defensive bonuses from scarab more valuable.

Capped possession dmg is nice, but again I think I’d rather have higher overcapped resists from a nemesis shoulder, especially for SR.

But I will definitely try Eldritch Pact/chaos surge, once I farm the mats to craft that :slight_smile:

EDIT: I was more worried about the trap res.

  1. Unleash chaos is basically a 100% chance to proc because the AoE is like warcry, and every enemy hit has 85% (iirc) chance to proc it. It’s very very reliable.

  2. Wretch adds 10 flat chaos damage, but sure - if you like scarab, but all means test it out.

  3. It’s not just capped possession - it’s capped possession AND capped solael’s. IMO, having more HP or resists isn’t going to help much. The bulk of your defence is going to come from ghoul and blastshield. There’s no way in hell you’re going to be able to facetank anything without them. This means that you want to focus on stacking as much damage as you can to eliminate this threat during your ‘god mode.’

If you really want better overcap res, just swap out enchanted earth with spellscorched plating. I don’t have to do it because the elemental resist on eldritch pact for me rolled ~7% higher than average.

Overcaps aside, I would argue that your low DA + HP pool is a bigger problem. You might get one-shotted even before blastshield procs.

Judging by sheet 2 data on GT alone, your spec’s dps is 10% lower than mine, while having better overcaps.

IMO, the only important overcaps are elemental, aether, and acid. Regardless, test the spec.

Who knows? Maybe I’m wrong.

I’ve also just noticed you taking symbol of solael - I’ve tested this exhaustively: Using that component results in a DPS loss because of the constant interruptions to attack flow needed to cast it, the loss of 5% attack speed, and one of the best WPS in the game.

Also, why are you taking the searing strike transmutor for FS???

Darkblaze pyro being one of my fav builds - after playing some SRs 65-66 i have to say build is frustratingly squishy - really the epitome of glass cannon which seems not to have a place in deep SR.

You can get insta killed in too many situations - you can very rarely even face 2 nemesis at once in a boss chunk.

The only option is to slowly pull 1 by 1 the bosses - but that feels really like an exploit and doesnt bring much satisfaction for beating the shard.

Guardian gaze doesnt seem to help much against bosses as well, even though i binded it to Pox for more procs - the dmg you get is just too big (and that is with 2.2k armor).

Why would you EVER take fevered rage???

1 pointer to proc Eye more consistently.

Anyway doesnt help - also whenever Grava spawns you are toast and need to reset the game.

Fuck really wanted to like SR but as-is you either play Warlord or pets or you can give up.
The amount of Physical damage and inability to maneveur is removing the possibility for other type of builds to enjoy it :frowning:

Fevered rage is what’s getting you killed.

Fuck really wanted to like SR but as-is you either play Warlord or pets or you can give up.

^And this is FAR from the truth. I can’t comment about pets, I’ll agree that you have the highest chance for deep shard runs with warlords because they trivialise the game.

Doing SR 75 with a warlord is like making mike tyson fight a cripple.

Plenty of builds have hit deep shards without using warlords/pets.

I’ll also admit that this is one of the most inconsistent builds to do SR with, and also one of the most difficult ones to do it with.

I can consistently hit SR 73 without deaths, after which point it becomes a huge gamble.

So don’t give up! Worst case scenario - use this spec to flashfarm crucible (which is actually what it excels at), and farm the items you need for another spec. :slight_smile:

EDIT: This is currently my favorite spec to do deep SR with - http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83239