Updating Old Epics to Mythical Status

Besides the already selected Soothsayer and Will of Fate here are some more Epics that’d like to propose -

Stake Thrower -

Could be wrong here but I think the granted skill is one of the rare instances of Bleed & Pierce in a single item.
Weapon stats are also not too shabby either. It gives the right bonuses which if buffed to Mythical levels can enable creation of some decent Pierce\Bleed Hybrids.

The Scarlett Marksman

The granted skill is pretty decent but could use some buffs. The weapon itself is the perfect alternative to Gutripper.
A Mythical variant will contribute to creation of new Bleed Ranged builds adding to build diversity.

Gunslinger’s Jacket

Used to be a build enabler back in Vanilla. Was useful on builds where ranged dual wielding needed to be enabled w/o sacrificing the medal\weapon slot.
Surprised to see it has no alternative, imo it should be given a Mythical variant due to its build enabling capabilities.


This weapon’s base weapon damage needs to be tweaked. The Physical Damage and Armor Piercing should be removed leaving only Elemental.
This is a neat conversion weapon that can be used to create some decent builds. Making a Mythical variant of it makes sense to me.

Warhammer of Heavenly Judgement

A fan favorite :stuck_out_tongue:
Has arguably one of the best granted skills in the entire game. Give us a Mythical variant already!! :smiley:


Gunslinger’s Jacket would be really cool. Enables ranged DW, very important.

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This item appears to be the only Lightning/Aether damage increasing one-handed weapon that gives +1 to all for Arcanist and Shaman (Druid). There’s two other items that do give +1 to all for Druid in a one-handed slot (Mythical Warpfire and Stormlauncher of Ultos), but these items are Fire/Aether and Lightning/Cold, respectively. It feels like this item fits a good niche for a Lightning/Aether caster stat-stick of an item without encouraging one damage type over the other.

Mutagenic Sigil

Another great epic item that hasn’t held up well from classic due to the nature of the expansions and the Empowered/Mythical variants other items received. If memory serves me, this ring was one of, if not the only, ring to boost Reckless Power from the base game. This ring always felt special to me because of that. Perhaps a Mythical variant of this ring could confer a special skill modifier to…Reckless Power (perhaps some potent Aether RR at a detriment to defensive ability? To really drive home the skill’s name.)


My birthday gift early this year! thank you!

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On topic of Mythical Marauder, I don’t think it particularly needs inquisitor bonuses, given how there are already two epic purifier sets (One pierce, the other one fire), and even without heavy inquisitor bonuses, purifier could just use a sorc set and do better. (See: Frame Killer and the ugdenbog arcaneweaver)

Nightblade bonuses would be more thematical for it.


Marauder’s set should be for Sorcerers primarily. Anything else is optional. Bonuses for nightblade would have to be for Veil of Shadow or bonus damage to Pneumatic Burst. I would however like to mainly see conversion for Brimstone - chaos to cold (or global conversion). That is the most important thing. Imagine Brimstone remade to ice spikes :slight_smile:

That would be a skill modifier to a “skill modifier” (secondary effect)

OK. Then just convert chaos brimstone to cold. Doesn’t matter how.

But that wouldn’t affect brimstone.

It does. Brimstone is not a secondary modifier like explosive strike.

That’s great! My bad.

I thing that similar conversion is on Nex and Ortus. But I would love to see ice spikes on Brimstone.

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The epic i have been wanting a mythical version out of the most is Fanatic Overcoat. More generic chest armors are welcome.


The one idea that came to mind the minute I read the post, @Volek put it up and i’m happy that it’s not just me that thinks this would be a good idea!

Thank you from me as well. It was on the backburner of my mind along with all the other hp regen stuff back when hp regen was super shit in the majority of cases (where now it’s super great in a variety of cases <3).

Excited, regardless of how good the set pieces end up as mythicals.

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Essence of Beronath and Marrow Band.

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imagine mythical essence of beronath with the stats of old empowered :zantai:

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You mean % damage reflection? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

We need more items with % damage reflection. I remember your old build based on reflection mechanic - it was nice!

Let’s make reflection great again! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

wasn’t reflection damage removed from the game entirely?