Updating Old Epics to Mythical Status

It’s still part of the engine (just like crushing blow %life reduction), just not available to the player at the moment aside from MoT on the necromancer. Adding and jacking up values to skills and items is trivial in the technical sense.

Yeah but I thought the goal was to remove that stat, I do not think devs wanna but it back :stuck_out_tongue:

Never say never. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Devs removed reflect from items and skills (unless it’s thematic like reflective heroes and Mark of Torment) after basically years of complaints that enemies could have reflect in their items due to them having a chance of getting an affix with reflect. Physical suffered the worst with the random reflect affix.

Reflect was also absolutely terrible when used by the player because its damage is based on the enemy’s damage and that damage is miniscule compared to the player’s damage.

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For me I would like to see a Mythical Aetherwoe?

Physical to Aether conversion and damage boost to both Aetherial factions.
I have the Empowered one equipped in hardcore and struggling to find anything to replace it with.
I would prefer to get a lvl 94 Mythical version .

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Do you mean something like this?

I would like to add a Mystical Flamebreaker.

Because there are few choices of shields with fire damage & Demolitionist’s skill.
Blazeguard Arbiter has no fire retaliation, Dawnshard Bulwark is elemental, and Legendary shield is nothing!

It is also good with the addition of new Legendary fire shield.:smile:


Not sure if people would agree to this but what about the explorer set?


That could be cool!

Sets usually neither have boots nor pants - with a few specific exceptions - but this one is the only one that occupies both slots.

And even if it got Empowered and Mythical treatment, what should be its highlight compared to other sets? Right now the base set offers stats, which you should have covered by the time you get to Empowered / Mythical tier items.

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It offers decent XP gain bonuses, so even if its stats were boosted to match difficulty of enemies around elite and mythical item levels, it would be a nice placeholder set until player could get Lokarr or XP pots

Well, that stat ranges far behind any constitution and light radius stats for me (I actually had to double check the Explorer’s Garment has it before replying), but to each their own, I guess. :wink:

Hold on. You consider the xp gain bonus to be less relevant than constitution bonus??? And light radius???

+1 to that one. In the same kind of idea I could see Zealots Gauntlets for generic gloves, considering that there’s no MI in this slot.

Even if it just became empowered so that the armor is increased… and maybe add more resistances… Lokar is good but after 50 it’s really a gamble… just something to fill the void from 50 to 100.

In that case it depends on if Crate wants you to utilize the item tiers below Mythical more, or if they want to enable you to unlock your final gear setup asap. Given that Legendaries start at level 50 and the v1150 changes for epic items and rare affixes, I guess it is the former. Then again you might say, you want your rare and MI items to be max tier, therefore you need to reach max level sooner than later.

I would like to see the Miasma-Set get a mythical version because then I can finally use this beloved nice set also in Ultimate/late-game, for DEE/Poison-builds.

And the small xp gain bonus, combined with potentially increased stats like higher armor and some added res, would make it at least a functional option for slightly faster leveling (not Lokarr speeds, but a little xp gain is always better than nothing if it comes in a package with protection).

Could even be used just to get to 65 or 75, where better protections may become available that trump the xp gain stat on a theoretical empowered explorers set. Id be fine with that, sometimes getting from 65 to 75 can be a real pain. But, I am sortof a noob and love to use meme builds… though, itd be great to have the empowered explorers set there as an option, in the event someone wants to use it, even if many people dont.

Now mythical, im not so sure about. I dont think it would necessarily need a mythical version.

a) Exp pot + Lokarr compared to just Exp pot is 25% increased experience rate (2,5/2)
b) Exp pot + Explorer set compared to just Exp pot is 10% increased experience rate (2,2/2)
c) Exp pot + Lokarr compared Exp pot + Explorer set is 13.6% increased experience rate (2,5/2,2)

same comparison, but also with 4% medal and dual exp rings = 6% the numbers would be

a) 2,6/2,1 -> 24% increased rate
b) 2,3/2,1 -> 9.5% increased rate
c) 2,6/2,3 -> 13% increased rate

I would not say that Lokarrs increase in exp rate 13,6% or 13% (in the two c-cases) are a noteworthy “speed”

The biggest factor for fast leveling is still exp pot and difficulty skip tokens. Lokarr set, expolorers set and Leovinus’ Rings are just icing on the cake


Guys, back on topic, please :crazy_face: