Usernames - how did you choose yours?

A bit of whimsy/nonsense/nothing in particular since it’s Christmas. How did you choose your username?

I came to gaming late. Didn’t get my own PC until 1992-3 when we moved to a place big enough to put a second one in. My very first game was Stronghold and I moved on to city builders like Zeus, Emperor, Anno 1503/1701, Port Royale and Children of the Nile. Did occasionally think an RPG might be interesting, but that was about it. Then I saw Two Worlds in our local computer shop and bought it. And I enjoyed it a lot. I wanted more so when we planned a 2007 trip back to my home state in the US to see the relatives I made a list of a few I wanted to buy while I was there. I bought Morrowind and Oblivion and one or two others I can’t remember the names of now - and picked up Titan Quest as an afterthought since it was sitting on the shop shelf in front of me. Tried the ones I had on my list and didn’t really get into them, but TQ - something about it made me want to play it. But I wasn’t good at it so I went to the Iron Lore website to see if there was a forum or other info that would help me be a better player of the game only to find the company had closed down. So I did what everyone else does on the net - I googled and came up with And what a gold mine of information and helpful advice I found there. I wanted to join in the discussions so needed to choose a username for my very first forum. And I wanted one that tied in with the game itself to keep the theme going.

Now I have a sort of love/hate relationship with the film “Jason and the Argonauts” (that’s another story), but was thinking of characters from the film that might provide a name and up popped Medea - she who helped Jason steal the Golden Fleece. So Medea Fleecestealer I became and have been ever since. :slight_smile:

So what’s the story behind your username?

Lunaire - Couldn’t get Lunar or Moon on forums/games, so went with this.

Noxlynn(one of the other two names I use) is a combination of an old guilds initials(we needed 3 minimum, so NOx) and my middle name.

All in all nothing too fancy.

It’s supposed to be actualpanda but I fucked up.

Back in the dark days - when the last of the dinosaurs did roam the earth - there was something new emerging. MMORPG they called them, part computer game, part social interaction, and part addiction. I was there at the birth of one such MMO, Everquest it was.

But what to call myself in this new world, these brave new digital frontiers? I, being new to persistant online games hadn’t the foggiest… So I did cast the bones and let the gods (random name generator) decide, and hence Silben was born. Silben Gravedancer, gnome necromancer of Bertoxxulous

(not me, but my identical twin)

I feel for you. Mine was supposed to be Lok’tar Ogar but I fucked up as well.

I just paid a tribute to one of the best movie ever made

I’ve always read it as actualpanda. I guess my brain auto corrected it but now that you pointed it out… it bugs me lol

I shit you not, I didn’t realize that until a few months later when I had to login on another computer.

Too lazy to rewite this stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

For a long time, I used the moniker Evil_Jim because I kind of liked the characters from Earthworm Jim and Mechquest (back when I used to play free web games like this or Runescape years and years ago).

The name corrupted into Evil_Baka because I’m known among my friends for coming up with crazy or dumb ideas and around the same time I started to become a fan of the Touhou Project (mainly the music/fighting games/manga, I’m god awful at the shooters) and I used Cirno for my avatar for places like Steam or Skype, and I’ve been rolling with it ever since :stuck_out_tongue: I guess it fits me well.

(anyone else love the fact that they drew frikken eyebrows on his mask? lawl)

Authentic autism.

Simple, clean, oldschool.

Partially because I like smoking good stuff from time to time, and partially because it is one of my fav. music genres (coming second after southern metal):

Then we have much to talk : Desert, psych, southern, sludge, doom, drone. You name it.

Live slow, die old

Other aliases of mine are Rayd and Samael, and combinations of these three (e.g., Samael_Ceno is my current Runescape handle).

Rayd - Chose this to register on pcpartpicker, when I was building a computer for myself and some of my friends. Back then, it was in reference to RAID configurations, but I liked it for the MMO/RPG sort of connotations as well (e.g., going on raids with friends).

Samael - Samael’s an archangel in Judaism (I’m agnostic), one of my favorite characters in the Darksiders series, and is not far off from my real name of Samuel. adoomgod, my partner in crime modding, has his alias as a demonic reverse-portmanteau of his actual name too, so I felt Samael was especially fitting likewise.

My youngest brother and i were watching some show, and the comedian said orange in some fake accent and it sounded like arnge. We kept saying arnge all week long and then it became my name. :stuck_out_tongue:

MTG was game of my childhood and this one was my first bought rare card ever.

Sadly with a typo… :confused: Or it was taken… i don’t remember exacly.

Love all these. Interesting to see how many different ways people come up with names.

Yeah, keep it going, wasn’t that amused in a while.

Prince because…

Xavier is just happens to be the name of my bloody school!