Usernames - how did you choose yours?

I was always really bad at names and never had one favorite. My names usually come out by smashing the keyboard, miss-pronouncing words (on purpose) or just typing them in the wrong order (e.g. Gasmor or Patoto [potato]). If I completely don’t know how to call myself, I end up using a programming term like USER_NAME_01 or some other stupid thing.

Korsar is modified “Corsair”, because


I don´t believe you. :rolleyes:

I grew up playing the Fatal Fury games. The only one I played competitively was Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 mostly using a mame emulator and hamachi (that’s how we did it back then).

Duck King was my favourite character. I liked the design, his stage theme and the way his baby chick would try to emulate his attacks lol.

I wasn’t impressed with MotW however. Still a good game but one could hardly call it a fatal fury game.

I’ve had the nickname Donzilla since high school, I wanted to be all snazzy when I created my XBL account, and added Savage to it. It’s my go to nom de guerre for any online gaming account.

I have a list of names memorised and I go through them by category in a specific order whenever I need a username.

My name is Derrick. I played in a lot of bands, and went by “D-Rock”, which I shortened to Drok. Playing in Goth/Industrial bands, people initially would take me waaaaaaaay too seriously. I mean, Drok sounds like one of those stage names for a guy who eats cold raw venison and has more piercings on his face than an entire class of debutantes has in their ears. Someone who actually knew me told me I should DJ under the name “D Rockalypse Now”. I told him I’d only spin industrial remakes of Caribbean wedding music under the name “D Rockalypso”, and so started going by…


bonus points if you can find pics of me from my band d00d days…

In 2005 I wanted to make my character in WoW with my Username I had in every forum to that day, Speren (an elven paladin from Shadowrun).

Somebody else took that name.

So I took out a D&D-Sourcebook with elven names (and syllables), put in some useless “h”…and there it is: Rhylthar!

“Jabarto” was the name of a Khajiit character I made in Oblivion back in the day. It was unique enough that I never needed to come up with another name for anything else, so it kinda stuck.

I go by “Baadargo” on a couple of sites, or on MMO’s where I need a name for a second character, etc. It’s a misspelling of “Badaargo”, an NPC in Morrowind. I also have a Planetside 2 character named “Barmanu”, after the boss in Titan Quest.

Back during the American Revolutionary War, General George Washington had an assistant. This assistant did much more than just take notes for General Washington. He was a courier, a bodyguard, henchman, bookkeeper, nostalgiaist, and general Badass.

I don’t know that guy’s name, unfortunately, so I just used my own + the year I graduated from college to come up with my nickname.

I like Iron Maiden (the band, not the nemesis :p) and I also like Castlevania Symphony of the Night. A lot.

That’s it.

Back before I gave up on MMORPG games I had a very difficult time with naming characters. For a long time I just used the name of an indie flick a friend of mine was in (Cafe Purgatory) but when I got around to creating a second character, everything I tried was taken, until I randomly entered Thaelyn at character creation. I liked the sound of it and use it quite frequently (or some variations thereof… I have Laeothyn in some places, Khaelyn in others, etc…) I even find Thaelyn taken in some places now, though.


Mostly psychedelic kraut stoner rock these days. Lots of Colour Haze.

I’ve seen colour haze live here in rome yrs ago they played @ a festival called " stoned hand of doom". Now nobody organize stuff like that here anymore :angry:


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I swear I still play FF7 lol. Can’t tell you why, I just love it.

Two bands that I love since my teenager years are Iron Maiden and Symphony X.

in mIRC I used Bruce cause of the singer as a nickname, so I just add sx here

Was tough growing up being the only Iron Maiden fan among Metallica fans at the time
I always hummed ''Blood Brothers" every time people started singing “Nothing Else Matters”
Just to clarify I actually like Metallica but prefer Iron Maiden

To the original topic, I have an habit of using names of characters from the game whose forum I’m joining.
I used to use a single “Internet name” everywher which I picked when I first started exploring the internet but few years ago I dropped that idea

Strukto because I crave structure and like to construct, the K somehow felt cooler than the C

No life in wife