Usernames - how did you choose yours?

‘Diseased’ to reflect the murk in my head back when I first started using this name…possibly around 1995/6. I do recall it was my online name in Quake 2 and had been using it prior to that.

Buddhist healing mantra: on corocoro sendari Matougi sowaka

Great thread, great read!

Of all the charming, interesting, and ridiculous shit that everyone has posted here, this made me laugh the most. Brilliant!

My nick “onomastikon” is just old Greek for “name”, more or less a placeholder, but I also misspelled it when registering (which I somehow had to redo like 5 times because of some weird crash) and missed the o right after the n :smiley:

It’s my name :slight_smile:

It’s the name of my toon I had created so long ago in EverQuest1.
A WoodElf Ranger, his complete name is Vifarc Cordelibre.
I didn’t want to use an english name, for I’m french and does not like fashion.
The name could be translated as Speedy-bow Free-string. I liked the humor of a fast bow which has a detached string…
But my name didn’t come being a bow user, but from being one of the best bowyer of my server, and I was very proud and serious about that.

Vifarc is my ‘roleplay’ forum avatar, I have a second name, that I use rather in wargame forums.

Jackdaws like to steal shiny things and there are plenty of shiny things in this game – though no stealing that I’m aware of.

What? You mean you’ve never gone into any of the properties in the game, broken things and taken the loot? That stuff belongs to other people, even if they are now dead. It’s stealing. :wink: Tomb robbing as well. :smiley:

Well now I feel like some sort of monster! I thought I was the good guy… I thought I was serving Humanity… I thought I was morally superior. Turns out that I’m a thieving toe rag corpse robber. :eek:

Yeap, that pretty much sums it up. :smiley: But to make you feel a bit better, don’t forget those nasties you’re fighting against have also been stealing from others: their homes, their lives. So maybe you’re not such a baddy after all.

Too late! I’m throwing my lot in with the Aetherials. I should know my place, and myself better. She said she wouldn’t forget that I helped her. She was nice… maybe they’re just misunderstood… maybe I’ve had all wrong this whole time. *Whistles to call pets.

I’ve been using “HTC” as my username for almost 28 years. Back then, there was this arcade pinball game i liked to play and i’d often put high scores in it but, unfortunately, i couldn’t put my full name’s initials since it only allowed 3 letters, so i picked 3 of them.

Since then, it’s meaning changed and i much prefer it this way now. It means, in my native language, “I Was Here Today”.

For this game, i decided to use spaces between the letters, which i don’t usually do (but it’s not the 1st time, either). If i could, i’d use “H T C” instead of “HTC” everywhere but, unfortunately, many sites don’t allow it :frowning:

You mention and what a great site it WAS
Is it gone forever?
Does anyone know was any of the info on that site preserved or has it been relocated etc?

There has been this thread on it for awhile now…

I am unsure if they managed to preserve all of it but I know there were several people in that thread that had some kinda copies of the site. Either way they banded together and made a new site…

Yes, it seems to be lost forever now. As powbam said, there’s a thread here on the forum on the site’s problems over the last few years until the owner suddenly pulled the plug in September last year.

A new forum has been formed for all versions of the game so if you want to join us you’d be very welcome. We are rebuilding old info slowly and some of it can also be found on this website:

Unforutnately I doubt we’ll manage to get everything, but a lot was collected or stored by various people when the site started having problems so much of the main info is available - build guides and general info guides, etc. And with the new AE version of the game out, people are adding new info on that. :slight_smile: We have over 100 members already which I think shows how popular the game still is.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

It’s a real shame that site is gone. I used it at different times in recent years and I always found it to be a very helpful site and community.
I wonder what happened? Maybe the owner passed away or something. It’s a pity the site could not have been passed on to new owners or managers or whatever; especially with the release of the Anniversary Edition and the new expansion rekindling interest in the game.

ps - I joined the new TQ forum

I asked myself if vegeta and nappa fused together what would they be called and vegpa didn’t have a nice ring to it

No, nothing like that. I guess, and it’s only a guess, that there was some internal crisis at the company who owns the site back in May 2016. The site was down for several weeks then, but eventually they did bring it back again. Father Squid was in talks with them about buying it, but they didn’t really seem that interested. Things sort of settled down, but the site would go out for anything from a few hours to a few days after that and was also subjected to a phishing attempt which meant some browsers wouldn’t allow you to go to the site anymore. It got worse and worse for access in July/August last year and then suddenly in September it was gone again. I can only guess that they decided that it wasn’t worth the expense of keeping the site running any longer. There were a small core of us “regulars” who used it, but not many new members joining and unfortunately all the trouble with the site happened around the same time as the AE version came out so that didn’t help getting new people joining in. They did renew the domain when it came up for renewal in December, though why they bothered I don’t know if they’re not going to use it. :confused:

It was a shame they didn’t cut their losses and sell the domain and database to Father Squid when he tried to buy them. All they have now is a useless database and a domain name not doing anything for them because I doubt anyone else wants to revive it, except the game’s fans. Weird.

And glad to hear you’ve joined us on the new forum. Enjoy your visits. :slight_smile:

Thanks for filling me in medea fleecestealer

I have to say all that is very weird. Very poor business decisions by the sound of it. They let it go right at the time the game was having a resurgence.

Yes, really no sense in any of it. When the site went down the first time and then reappeared after some weeks, Father Squid said they apologised for the way it happened. And then they went and did exactly the same thing again. They never responded to any of my e-mails asking what was going on either. Not a very good way to treat your customers - because that’s what we were, even if we weren’t earning them much money.

Multiple reasons.

Former is one of my favorite companions in a Fallout game. Latter I share a birthday with.