Usernames - how did you choose yours?

Just a classic case of I was 11 playing everquest and made up a name and have been using it ever since :slight_smile:

I was lazy and stole our dogs nickname and stuck with it mostly ever since. :smiley:

Side note: Our dogs real name was Wanka (meaningless generic german name for dog, we have those lot ;)). So when my mom signed up on ebay with the username wanka.wanka and started buying stuff on she got some surprised Responses from sellers. :smiley:

I am big fan of Johan Elmander who was the footbal player of Galatasaray SK and ’ Ulu ’ means ’ Great’ in Turkish

Throughout my 20’s, I was in a dance crew: Stray Katz.

My dance alias was Horrorshow (from A Clockwork Orange).

(I’m the one wearing the white cap)

I think I first started using LqdHorror when I signed up for Xbox Live…

I pretty much always pick my names based on something in my field of study (cancer biology). Cereblon is a cool protein.

Anyone who knows Skyrim knows my username. Also anyone who knows Norse Mythology should know what it is. It just was the easiest one to remember.

I’m pretty sneaky and i like to talk----Is bubbling a crime for a parrot?

Sneak Attack!

Because after 1.09 my Nova-Sorc was broken.

Yeah, and my name is Dave.


when i was younger (about 14 years old) i thought it was cool to change your steam name all the time.
then i growed older and i stopped that and named myself Peet. The “P33t”-spelling was made, because “Peet” was already in use most time.
and i’m from Germany, so my english is not the best :slight_smile:

I love all the different ways people have chosen their usernames. What a variety. :slight_smile:

I was playing Guild Wars, Lotro and Rift years ago and I’ve kept my username ever since. Its me as much as my real name lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, same here. :smiley:

For this forum I wanted to choose something related to Titan Quest. And since the hunting mastery was my favorite… :smiley:

I used that nick for another gaming forum, about 12 years ago or so I played a lot of D2 then; and the forum changed my life in unpredictable and positive way, so now I have a great sentiment for the user name. Comes from she + lion (leo, actually, astrollogically, but sheleo sounds so odd to me); so that I don’t have to type lioness; but you’re supposed to pronounce it as “hellion” but with sh sound, first syllable stressed. So when I say it, nobody actually can guess what it comes from. Well, one person did once - then - and that person is now my husband :smiley: And he is a gamer too, no surprise there! :wink:

Absolute goldmine of a thread - shame I didn’t see it earlier. Also nice to see that other people have problems coming up with names too…

For me, I usually just choose a few random words and put them together - I’m known as “Spin a Leek!” in a couple of places (naturally referencing Leekspin), and Flying Potato was also so random and hopefully original that I thought why not.

Similar for me shelion. If anyone had told me back in 2007 that buying Titan Quest Gold edition on the offchance would lead me here to eventually become a playtester and recently a moderator for the forum I’d never have believed it! :eek: :smiley:

Huge highlander fan, got into the tv series in the 90’s then into the movies but Duncan is always my version of the Highlander over Conner.

I chose mine because I love the duality. Sir Spanksalot.

Either I’m the one doing the spanking, or am the one getting spanked.

I had a different nicknames in the past like Gamesmaster than i changed it to Games. Sometimes i used Raceteefje but now i just use this one which is based on my real name which is Maurice. :smiley:

I just want to light someone’s nuts on fire.