Usernames - how did you choose yours?

My name first originated as Shaddarius, being a simple combination of Shaddar (the main antagonist in the ARPG Sacred) and -ius as an ending originating from roman names, like Brutus, Gallius and such (I was also playing Rome: Total War at that time).

For some reason I ended up liking the name of the artist Flava Flav and so Flavourius came to life (I even hated that guy after some time, but stuck with it because it rolled of pretty smooth off the tongue).

Guess I’ll throw in for fun.

Nakari has a bit of a history for me. Back in my teens, I started writing a book about a terrible self-insert character called “Nak”. He is embarrassing to think about. Nak was written to look exactly like me, but be a badass demon slayer with a much cooler, to 15 year old me, personality.

Jump forward a couple years, and he gets a name and gender change. Nak became Nakari, kept the demonslaying gig, and began life as a side-character in another rough attempt.

Around the same time, I was joining a game forum, and was using this name in game anyway, so it felt fitting.

Over the years, Nakari became a go-to name for female characters. The character herself also evolved into a slightly psychotic “manic pixie”(my wife’s description of her) that has become insanely fun to work with.

Naka has been my step into a lot of worlds, both of my own creation and many games. The name, character, and memories hold a special place in my heart.

And it’s just fun to yell out her battle cry of “I’M A VALKYRIE, BITCH!” before a big fight.

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Wittgenstein is my favorite philosopher and all-around bad ass.

I love reading about all the different ways people have come up with their usernames. :slight_smile: And even more the stories behind those choices.

When I first went online games, for Diablo 3, I tried to use Stargazer as my IGN. I love stargazing and one of my very first love with sci-fi is with Commander Stargazer of the Silver Hawks. However, the name had been already taken. So I used Astral as the substitute for Star. Thus Astralgazer was born. It is my IGN in every game afterwards (also in game related forums).

shortly after the birth of civilization some people traveled eastward out of africa. after 10s of thousands of years. they founded various civilizations that rose and fell. eventually leading to the situation in middle earth.

some people from middle earth saw a better life for themselves in the western lands of riverdale (canada) and decided to travel there

after some time they got there. one pair of these weary travelers had some children. one of them was named davood

and that davood was me.

so i didn’t even pick my name :frowning: im a filthy casual