V0.9.3 and beyond!

Not sure I fully understood your reasoning: you say that everything depends on the number of pixels displayed and I agree but in this case the UNITY engine is therefore not the problem.

I would say it’s mainly about what you have to fit within one frame. Doing emulation for too many components (people, raiders, animals, trees, harvestable resources and keeping the status of everything in progress as well as rendering various conditions like diseases/field bugs etc) is quite a big hog on CPU and therefore computing the state might lag behind the actual rendering of the frame. And the more people/buildings/farms you have, the more “things” you have to evaluate.

Wow, I love it <3

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Following up on this, I have the impression that the major bottleneck really is the CPU then, isn’t it?

I can’t find the beta code. Do you have it handy?

Hello dev team, I have a question that very big bug: Stuck at 90% when loading on v092 is fixed or not?

What is the code for the beta test? :wink:

See the FAQ in the Public-Test Discussion section of the forum.

How do I apply for beta code for steam?

Go down to Public-Test Discussion and read the FAQ there on how to take part in the playtest.

Yes I would say so. No idea how it’s handled by unity or the actual game code, so it’s just wild guess :slight_smile:

Did they release a new beta? I still only have the bear option under betas

Yes, the new playtest is available. You need to see the FAQ under Public-Test Discussion to find out how to download it.

ok thanks, in the past ive gotten the new betas automatically after i did it the first time thats why i was confused lol

If you’ve playtested before then it should just be a case of choosing it under betas, but if it’s not showing up for you then use the code again to trigger it.

Had to do the code again, playtest is unplayable at the moment though, well for me anyway. When you hit the bell for your towncenter they villagers just sit outside the front and get killed by raiders and wolfs lol. Already made a bug post about it though

I tried to open the playtest 4 times and it keeps crashing on startup, without creating a crash report

So I am not sure if it is just me but the map rerolls have been really bad for me. I spent almost 30 minutes trying to find one I liked. It looks like the “Deep mine” chances have been turned down. Eithat that or I’ve been super unlucky for the last tons of rerolls trying to find a good map.

Can’t say I’ve noticed. The new town I started for the latest patch I used a map seed I liked from before - 85972C66766 random medium non-Pacifist - and it has 2 deep iron and coal mines, one clay, sand and gold all in the starting area. No willow though there are some outside of the starting area, but everything else is available.

I’m still playing 9.2d(?) and it has a deep iron, deep sand, deep coal and deep stone all overlapping on the side of a large hill just south of my town. I’m trying to flatten the whole hill side just for giggles.