V0.9.3 and beyond!

Well since you requested updates about how the update is doing, im suprised to say i got 63-66 fps with 200 villagers, i definitely saw a boost but its not that big i used to be at low 50s before the update with the same amount of villagers and max zoom out highest settings , for some reason the first 69 seconds after i open the game i get a big boost of 100 fps but the moment i move the camera it goes down to the 60s again. I got a 4090 i9 14900 32 RAM 2.0ghz with a 4k monitor hoping for more performance patches

A post was split to a new topic: Strange raider behaviour

Playing the version 0.9.3 i found a disturbing issue:
At year 60, with 600 citizens in my village, my game freezes and I can do nothing but close the game via Task Manager. Any ways to fix it?

I would like to say that this change must be underrated, but it works and shines when population and city sizes rises. After playtesting I find this is as a really great change

Do you know if they fixed the playtest glitches where wolf dens are not spawning? And the one where your villagers wont go into the town center when you hit the bell>?

Try it and see. I usually play Pacifist so don’t see those very often.