Fire! Lightning! Stormheart! (18sec Shar’Zul kill, no potions)
The Pros:
Insane DPS
Perma 100% crit demage
Great AOE
Very tanky (1400 Armor with 100% absorb, 2050 DA, 1400 Regen)
The Cons:
Needs very specific gear
How it works
The main idea of this build is to combine the +crit demage from stormcallers pact and explosive strike with the demage and OA potential of the demolitionist class. In order to make this work and to get the most out of our lighnting demage, we need static strike at ultimate level. With our DPS in champion mode, we dont rely on offensive devotions and can tank up!
But we aren’t limited to Boss killing, we got so many procs going that our clearspeed is really high.
Everything in this build is self found and there maybe some better options (Justicar Rings etc.) but in it’s current stage there are maybe 2 encounters in the game which actually make me sip a potion (Not Fabius or Log).
Procs active, note that you can add 250 OA since everything we hit will be flashbanged (thats a word now!)
[COLOR=“RoyalBlue”]Grimcalc Raw
Grimcalc Bonus
STORMHEART!!! (haunted steel, blessed steal)
Mask of Infernal Truth (Sanctified Bone)
Great item all around and we need plus skill.
Empowered Essence of Benorath (Attoned Loadstone)
Boring I know, but attack speed and plus 1 skill is just too good for this build
Empowered Fanatics Overcoat (Sanctified Bone)
There is probably someting better, but the stats are nice and the proc is good.
Wraithborne Legwraps (Scaled Hide)
There is probably something better, but the resists fit and I dig the 7% OA
Ulzuins Pyroclasm (Proc goes off on CD with flashbang and vines alone)
Need the plus skill for static strike
Ulzuins Torment
Great Stats, Plus 1 for Demo
Direwolf Crest (Attuned Loadstone)
Absolute best in slot! I love it!
Stormtitan Treads (Mark of Mogdrogon)
Very good health and armor, soso proc, 10% Movespeed so we are capped on Runspeed)
Grasp of unchained might (Concencrated Wrappings)
We need AS and the proc is really nice for this build
Divinesteel Shoulderguard (Scaled Hide)
Good Armor, OK demage but we can make use of the bonus skills, good retaliation skill (20% for 8000 over 2 seconds)
Still cant find anything legendary worthwhile, Justicar Rings seem good though. If you have them.
The Green (70 OA, 40 DA 47% Bonus Regen and some resists)
The Yellow (100 OA , 108 DA)
I don’t want to go into the super obvious (Heart of the wild etc.) just some things worth pointing out.
Static Strike
The bread and butter of this build. Needs to be on ultimate level for that 75%
Forget Fire Strike and Explosive Strike, the DPS increase is marginal. Brimstone is the only skill, that significantly contributes to our DPS. Keep as high as possible.
With all the plus skills this turns into a 1 point wonder: With just 1 skill point spent on every capstone, we use it for trash clear and it’s low CD knockdown for crowd control.
Blackwater Cocktail
With the transmuter this reduces incomming physical demage by 25%.
Great against bosses and tightly packed mobs. AOE is actually larger then it l looks. Once your used to it, this is a great skill!
Thermite Mines
With just 6 Points invested, this reduces fire and lightning resists by -40%.
The skill has no cooldown and the animation is super fast. On big enemys and mobs it’s no problem placing the mines. If you fight Fabius for example, move urself into a position where he has to stand on them. This skill needs some getting used to, but once you master it, it will be a great investment.
Combined with Flame Touched this increases our OA by over 450. Great control, use it EVERY TIME.
Blast Shield
No secret here, really starts to shine when overleveled.
Grasping Vines
Great Skill, doesn’t need high level to be effective. This makes all our procs go crazy and heavily contributes to crowd control.
Devotions (Update: Added Widow and removed Spear of heavens)
Nothing too special here. I tried one more node in Obelsik for the additional DA which brought me to 2150 but I didn’t feel a difference and put it back in spear for the 100% lighnting node. One note on Dryad: This skill is crazy good and I have it bound to firestrike. It can proc every 4 seconds which would make it an ok heal allready, but it allows me to facetank Log without a single potion with -20 poison resist. It basically enables you to skip on poison and bleed resist and cap armor absorbtion. With these constellations and items we can achieve regen of over 1400.
Log Kill
Note that I play a little lazy here and I dont have any plus demage to humans, but it still works out just fine
Bastion of Chaos with 18 Sec Shar’Zul kill
Note that my computer is going Commodore on me while recording, which makes it much harder to play.
Interesting parts: 4:50 two legendary Drops; 12:50 Shar’Zul kill
Thx Crate for this great game and to all the nice people in this forum who inspired this build!!!
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