I now have everything (with the exception of the relic) set up. Still my resist are far from yours (I’m still couple of Augment from being 100% done). I know the pants if I get the one you are running would give me about 55% Aether resist but right now I’m sitting at 2% (which mean it wouldn’t even max). I’m also missing 13% on each Elemental to only max it (bring it up to 82).
I’m now thinking is there no resist penalty in Crucible so your screen is taken from there? I’m not sure how overcapped you are but if you don’t have the -50% penalty on that screen that Ultimate is giving it would explain some stuff.
If you apply the 50% penalty are you lacking some resist? If so from where would you drop some Offensive Power to actually cover for them? I’m thinking of dropping the Augment on the Amulet (20% damage, 2% OA/DA) for the 12% Elemental Resist 180HP reduced damage from Beast) which would bring my Elemental Resist over 80. It would leave only Aether Resist below the 80% bar (and damn I REALLY need to get farming on the Solael legguard if I want to find one just like yours so I bring it up from 2% to something near 60%)
Well I guess I may have overseen it there. With a cool mind and after checking everything this is were I’m sitting so unless you tell me most of your resist are overcapped by much I’m only a couples of points behind nearly everywhere.
Everything is nearly identical. I don’t have those Leg (and they cost me in Bleeding and Aether resist)
You have. I have
82 81
82 81
82 81 (would be +49% if I had 2xConduit+Shell)
88 88 (+31%)
83 83 (+9%)
76 40 (add 30 from Solael it bring it to 70)
80 80 (+11%)
80 9 (add 57 from Solael it bring it to 66 still missing 15%)
63 59
86 86 (+21%).
Are they overcapped at least similar to yours? I have couple of open spot to try to help me with the Aether Resist while I keep farming.
A) Both Kymon’s Conduit (Helm + Belt) + Rigid Shell (Belt Component) which all serve to massively overcap Lightning Resist. Will have to look what are the best option on those.
B) Amulet Component will be an Aether Soul instead of the Focusing Prism. I will be losing 5% Critical Damage remaining stat are useless.
I’ll wear the Arcane Harmony Legging (think I have one) won’t hurt my Elemental Resist will drop some HP but will bring some more Aether Resist and DA to the table.
Thanks for the build now will be going out testing the damage it produces!!
I try to use the least green items as possible for my guide to be more reachable for a majority of people.
If you have some great green boots, dont hesitate to use them.
For this build I have all but the medal, pants, and the golemborn boots. I see your reply about what to substitute for the legs slot, but what could I use in the meantime for boots and medal until I get those?
The only Nature’s Bounty legs I’ve found so far are “Vigorous” with mainly health and %hp stats on them.
2 questions
Is the devotion list in order to take and could you explain which one to reclaim to have a better understanding?
Is this build base on a 1 handed weapon + shield
Sorry if that sound like a noob question but that what I’m .
Have to say I love this build. I’ve tried several from the compendium and elsewhere. This one is super fun. Wish I could get those pants to drop, then I’d be all set.